
Salts of oxalates in the urine during pregnancy

Regular research urine during pregnancy is necessary for timely diagnosis and treatment of pathologies. One of the disturbing symptoms that reveal the results of laboratory tests oxalates in the urine during pregnancy.

This condition requires the detection of the causes of changes in the composition of the urine to prevent calcium deficiency in the body of the mother.

Oxalate is a slightly soluble inorganic compounds of oxalic acid. It is a natural component of the human body, which is formed during chemical reactions.

Distinctive features of oxalates

Many foods of plant origin contain oxalic acid in varying concentrations. The Union is actively involved in the metabolism and then excreted by the urinary system along with the secondary urine. Calcium salt of oxalic acid can only come with the development of any pathology.

Oxaluria is formed before pregnancy or can develop during pregnancy under the influence of negative factors. It is important to establish the possible disease for the correction of calcium, a trace mineral involved in bone formation of the embryo.

Oxalates are classified as follows:

  1. Organic. Connections come into the body of a pregnant woman together with fresh fruits and vegetables that make up the increased need for calcium, magnesium, iron and vitamins. In this case, the oxalates do not participate in metabolism and evenly excreted in the urine.
  2. Inorganic. Chemical substances are contained in large amounts of food, subjected to heat treatment: marinades, smoked meat and fish, salted mushrooms. Biologically active substances, able to prevent the accumulation of oxalates in such foods are not available. Salt of oxalic acid is able to linger in the tissues and organs.

When carrying a child significantly increases the load on the entire urinary system female. Growing uterus puts pressure on the urethra and bladder, kidneys filter the increased blood volume. Matters and hormonal changes women because of the increased production of progesterone and estrogen. Under the influence of negative factors on the inside of the cups and pelvis can accumulate oxalates.

So look oxalates in the urine of pregnant women

Why is the level of oxalates in the urine

High level of cations of calcium in the urine is not always a sign of pathology. For example, there is a hereditary predisposition. If the mother during pregnancy regularly diagnosed a significant concentration of oxalate, so 50% chance daughter while carrying a child will face the same problem. It makes sense to conceive to consult on the matter with a gynecologist with the purpose of preventive measures.

Morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy occurs on the background of disorders of the entire digestive system. Woman suffers from excruciating nausea and vomiting. These symptoms can cause severe dehydration, disruption of water-salt balance. Lack of fluid adversely affects the functional activity of the urinary system.

Mothers want their baby to be born healthy. Therefore, neglect medical recommendations and accept the high amount of synthetic vitamins and minerals.

Typically, these complexes contain a lot of ascorbic acid, an overdose of which provokes serious complications:

  1. Increases the permeability of large and small vessels.
  2. Violated the metabolic processes.

Vitamin C increases the rate of a chemical reaction, the end product which becomes oxalates. Women should only eat special vitamin complexes for pregnancy in accordance with the attached abstract and under the supervision of a physician. The place of residence of the mother is also important. The high content of crystals is diagnosed in women who drink water with excessive concentration of calcium.

Lower back pain caused by oxalates in the urine

The danger of oxalates in the urine

The increase in the content of oxalates in the urine of pregnant women requires further diagnostic measures to identify the cause of pathology. This condition has to be adjusted to prevent dangerous consequences.

The absence of medical intervention can cause the following complications:

  1. The ability of oxalates to accumulate in the cups and pelvis leads to deformation of nephrons and decreased ability to filter the blood. Its composition varies, upset metabolic processes. Necessary for the formation of the fetus nutrients come in a small amount, causing the development of congenital anomalies. Putting off the inside of the renal tissue, oxalates contribute to the formation of calculi – may cause acute or chronic renal failure in a pregnant woman.
  2. Formed large crystals are often the cause of clogging of the renal vessels or ureters. Voiding leads to stasis of urine, which is a favorable environment for pathogenic microorganisms. The probability of formation of foci of inflammation, development of infectious diseases.
  3. In the absence of drug therapy kidney stones or bladder become larger, prevent the functional activity of the organs of the excretory system. The state of pregnancy is a contraindication for the destruction of concretions by using pharmacological drugs, so they are removed surgical methods.

Ultrasound will help to determine the cause of the appearance of oxalates in the urine in pregnant women

Possible complications for mother and child can be prevented with timely treatment. But sometimes the level of oxalate increased on the background of already existing pathologies.

Such diseases were diagnosed in women before conception or developed while carrying the baby:

  1. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, influencing the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  2. Crohn’s disease, which contributes to dehydration.
  3. Ulcerative colitis etiology causing malabsorption of nutrients.
  4. Pathology of the endocrine system.
  5. Severe depression, emotional instability.

Oxalates in the urine of a pregnant woman can appear under the influence of endo – or exotoxins. Chemical compounds, substandard food, poisonous plants always cause intoxication. The main symptoms of such toxicity to be diarrhea and vomiting, leading out of the body considerable amounts of liquid.

In the urine of the pregnant women do not contain oxalate, you should include in your diet fresh vegetables

Symptoms and treatment

The total clinical picture with the appearance of oxalates does not exist due to the multitude of precipitating such a state of factors.

Because violations of the composition of the urine often causes diseases of the urinary system, you should contact your gynecologist after the occurrence of the following signs:

  1. Painful spasms during urination, changes in color and smell of urine.
  2. Headaches.
  3. Insomnia, weakness, apathy.
  4. Pain in the abdomen and lower back.

Pregnant women diagnosed using ultrasound. Such a study is absolutely safe for mom and baby.

Upon detection of inflammatory abnormalities of the genitourinary system doctor given oral antibiotics. Doses are selected based on the status of women and pregnancy. Practiced the use of modern antimicrobial drugs with minimal side effects.

To eliminate the threat of dehydration you need to increase the amount of water to 2-2. 5 l Also will need to adjust the diet: to increase the amount of fresh fruits, vegetables, coarse fiber. Fatty, fried meats, nourishing soups, tea, coffee should be completely excluded.

Oxalates in the urine during pregnancy do not always cause disease. But this condition makes a woman noticeably nervous when conducting further research. Therefore, before conception and in the early stages of carrying a child, you should consult your doctor for the prevention of crystal formation.

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