
Median disc herniation of the spine

The median spinal disk herniation is a pathological condition in which there is protrusion of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc and loss of sequestration along the vertebra.

That is, the hernia is a defect which is due to the fall of internal fragments of the nucleus pulposus. While purposee kernel is corrupted and fragments are beyond their physiological boundaries.

When the kernel falls outside its own boundaries, it moves into the spinal canal. Where peredelyvayut nerve roots and the spinal cord is pinched. Often is the posterior median hernia.

Today herniated discs are very common, particularly susceptible men of the middle age group. This is because the man in this period is in the Prime of life and physical activity at maximum. And cartilage and bone are already weakened due to the fact that the body changes under the influence of a variety of reasons. But, of course, suffer the strain and enough young people who do not pay enough attention to the different displacement, abuse and overload.

In the intervertebral disc can occur hernial defeat:

  • in the center (dorsal);
  • right-hand (palpation the patient feels pain on the right side);
  • levostoronnee (palpation the pain is localized on the left).

Medial hernia of the spine occurs quite often among people with different age and gender, so as to provoke this deformation can variety of illnesses.

The main reasons are:

  • Genetic predisposition due to which there is a congenital pathology of connective structures of the spine.
  • Osteochondrosis, which takes place over a long period of time. This pathology provokes trophic disorders of the intervertebral discs.
  • Various diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Violated the metabolic processes in the body.
  • Obesity.
  • A sedentary lifestyle.
  • Injuries of the spine.

In fact, a sedentary lifestyle leads to such problems as obesity, and the metabolic process localization of the intervertebral structures. Also it reduces the tonus of the muscular system of the back also can aggravate the situation.

One of the main causes herniation of the medial type is the regular carrying of heavy loads, which triggers a chronic overload of the back.


The main symptoms of median hernia are:

  • Intense pain localized in the region of a hernia.
  • Can still manifest the pain of migratory nature, localized in the lumbar spine, pelvis and legs.
  • Numbness of the extremities, with tingling is felt.
  • Violated the tactile sensation.
  • Difficulty urinating.

There are also disorders of the reproductive system. In men, there may be violation of potency, and in women decreases the tone of the vagina.

But there are certain characteristics that are specific to localization of the hernia. Dorsal hernia showing symptoms of greater intensity.


In this region hernias happen most often, as it is more prone to injury. Rear median herniated disc l4-l5, in addition to the main symptoms may appear crunch, leg pain. The pain is not strong.

If developed, the median-paramadina herniated disc l4, the symptoms are more pronounced and fraught with dangerous complications. As this occurs the compression of the nerve roots. When the medial disc herniation l4-l5 develops a stenosis of the spinal canal and occurs paraparesis. If not timely treatment, there will be a complete immobility, and hence the disability of the patient. These consequences shows the dorsal medial hernia.


In this localization often observed median disc herniation l5-s1. That is, the protrusion structures of the disk is localized on the level of the first sacral and fifth lumbar segments of the spine. This area of the spine is the most mobile and it accounts for a large load.

Median-paramadina a herniated disc l5-s1 exhibits characteristic symptoms. This is a manifestation of pain with coughing and sneezing, pain in the lower extremities extends even to the toes. Pain occurs in the hip joint and gluteal region. Namely the patient painful to sit.

Dorsal medial herniated disc l5-s1 is quite a serious condition, as it is by displacement of the nerve root is destroyed the ponytail and compresses the spinal cord, which in itself provokes serious condition and symptoms.


Medial herniation in the cervical spine shows specific symptoms that are similar with dystonia.


  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • disturbed coordination;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • noises in the ears;
  • paraparesis of the upper limbs.

In the neck most commonly affects the intervertebral disc between segments C5-C6. This is explained by the fact that these segments account for the largest load. Herniated disc C5 quite a serious setback, as the triggers debilitating condition.


When the median hernia of the spine is in the thoracic spine, the symptoms such that people with complaints come to different doctors, not only to vertebrology. As this is manifested arrhythmia, shortness of breath, intercostal neuralgia. As well as dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.


Treatment of this lesion consists in the relief of pain and stop inflammation. During exacerbation of the hernia, the patient shows a bed rest for several days. This is important, as not moving, the person prevents any further displacement of the structures. There is no pressure on the segments and, respectively, pain subside.

Drug therapy includes:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Analgesics.
  • The muscle relaxants.
  • Chondroprotectors.

If analgesics are not effective, there shall be novocaine blockade. In addition to medical therapy to treat disease using physiotherapy, chiropractic and massage.

If this treatment does not give positive results or the disease is diagnosed at a late stage, the use of surgical treatment. This used techniques such as microdiscectomy and nucleoplasty. It is a minimally invasive methods that allow you to correct the pathology.

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