
5 facts about metabolism

Moreover, the metabolic rate may be different in people of the same complexion. Even with twins, with equal physical exertion and the same diet, the bodies behave differently. Why this happens, science does not yet know. One thing is clear: when you want to lose weight, do not compare yourself with others. Each of us is physically and truly special and unique.

It is generally accepted that thin people weigh less because their metabolism is faster and they consume more energy than full ones. It is a myth. Energy consumption directly depends on the volume of the body. Metabolism occurs in every cell, and this process requires “fuel”. So the larger the person, the more energy he will consume.

Metabolism is a metabolic process. It occurs in the body constantly: some structures are destroyed (catabolism), some are built (anabolism). Weight gain (energy storage, construction of fat cells and their filling) and weight loss (energy expenditure, destruction of adipose tissue and excretion of decay products) are also tied to metabolism. The faster it is and, therefore, the more energy intensive, the faster the loss of excess weight occurs.

Most of the energy is spent at rest – this is the so-called basic metabolism, which accounts for about 60% of energy costs. The rest of the body allows for physical activity and assimilation of food. In general, so. But the devil is known to be in the details. Consider these five if you decide to manipulate the metabolism.

Most calories are not “burned” during exercise. How much time can be spent in the hall? Let it be training three times a week for two hours – warm-up, strength, plus cardio. It turns out only six hours a week, in which there are 168. Not so much to make a real revolution in energy exchange.

The body consumes the most energy at rest. Therefore, all the activities with the aim of “accelerating metabolism” are aimed at increasing this basic indicator, that is, making the body burn more calories, relatively speaking, lying on the couch. The best way to do this is to gain muscle mass, because it requires high maintenance costs. So, at six o’clock in the gym you need to give it 200% so that they work for you when you get home and lie down on the sofa to relax after a workout.

Losing weight on the principle of “10 kg in 5 days” is evil. It slows down the metabolism and makes the body stock up even more as soon as you return to your usual regimen. Here’s how it works. Let’s agree that the basic metabolism is 1200 kcal. If you consume so much per day, nothing will happen to the body – this is the calorie content of the diet, which provides a “zero”.

To lose weight, the menu is cut down to 500 kcal and go on a diet of 700 kcal per day. An organism, accustomed to receiving 1200 kcal, is horrified by such changes, begins to think that the nuclear winter has come outside, and how long it will last is completely incomprehensible.

To survive, he begins to save. And now the person who ate one and a half lettuce without dressing gets tired already by dinner, instead of taking a walk home from the office, takes the bus on foot, and on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, when he has fitness, he prefers to lie on the couch, because he is already on a diet. The body rejoices: energy is saved, the chances of surviving a nuclear winter have increased. And remembers that he has fewer calories. For example, not 1200, but 1000.

Meanwhile, the kilograms are lost, you can return to normal mode. The menu is 1200 kcal and… Suddenly a profit of 200 kcal, which the body no longer needs! The difference goes to fat. And turning everything back is almost impossible. The only joy is that maintaining a tough diet is not so easy, and violations make the process easier. However, taking risks is still not worth it. It is better to tune in to a long, but soft transition to proper nutrition, which can be adhered to for life.

The popular formula in articles about products – “accelerates metabolism” – in fact, are just pleasant words to the eye in which hope awakens. Let’s be honest: everyone who dreams of losing weight secretly believes in a magic pill that will squeeze him into his favorite jeans once and for all. And I’m ready to see her in a grapefruit diet, a glass of water with lemon juice in the morning, green tea in a cup and capsules, and the like superfoods like goji berries. Even if all this really affects the metabolic rate, it is certainly not so essential to solve the problem of kilograms accumulated over the years.

To lose weight, you need to spend more energy than to consume. There are two ways to achieve this: cut the calorie content of the food to a critical minimum (which is dangerous for health and useless in the future, see the previous section) or spend the difference that threatens to settle on the waist, squats and lunges. There is no magic pill. Alas. And you can drink green tea just like that. It is healthy and tasty.

Calorie consumption is affected not only by physical activity, but also by sleep mode and lifestyle, or rather, the psychological background. So, scientists note that a lack of night sleep can increase the risk of developing insulin resistance. And this is the risk of getting diabetes and related diseases and conditions, including gaining excess weight. In addition, with a lack of sleep, people tend to want more junk food, which has a lot of calories and few nutrients.

Stress is controlled by a special hormone, cortisol. Its danger to weight is that it contributes to the accumulation of excess fat on the abdomen (receptors sensitive to cortisol, by the way, are located just in the waist area). The layer in this zone not only adds size, but is also especially hazardous to health. This type of fat is more associated with heart disease, diabetes and other troubles. Therefore, if you want to be beautiful and healthy, sleep more at night and be happy – literally, so that without stress. Less cortisol, more dopamine.

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