
The types of mixed gastritis

There are several types of mixed gastritis. Each of them requires an individual approach and special treatment appointed strictly professional.

In the practice of the gastroenterologist is that the patient complains of a lump symptoms of different types of the same inflammatory disease of the stomach.

In this case, the diagnosis – gastritis in a mixed form. The presence of several types of diseases can be detected in both adults and children.

The classification depends on the signs and symptoms of each type of disease and degree of their manifestation:

  1. 1. Mixed surface – one of the most common forms of the disease. You may receive an adult and child. Occurs inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach. If untreated, this type of moves in any other form.
  2. 2. Mixed atrophic – appearing because of pathological changes inside the body, reduction of secretory glands. This causes formation of more serious complications, which are quite hard to cure even in hospitals.
  3. 3. Mixed chronic – develops in a patient due to the lack of timely treatment of any form of inflammation, appearing earlier. Quite long, sometimes persisting for life type of disease. Particularly unpleasant for children, because its symptoms are seasonal in nature. Additionally, the pathology will progress, disrupting the gastrointestinal tract.

Mostly the disease begins to progress in cases if the patient is lightly treated earlier signs and symptoms of gastric diseases.

It is possible to identify several key reasons:

  • the activity of the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori, causing inflammation in the stomach of an adult or child;
  • the impact of chemical substances on mucous membranes of the body;
  • burns;
  • prolonged unsupervised use of certain medications;
  • failure to comply with the diet. The menu, teeming with harmful, fatty, spicy foods;
  • alcohol consumption, tobacco Smoking;
  • neurosis, stress.
The symptoms of the disease

1. In the initial stage of any gastritis manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • belching;
  • the occurrence of periodic pains in the stomach;
  • feeling of heaviness and tightness in the epigastrium;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sour belching hyperacidity gastritis and flatulence when hypoacid form.

If you do not heal the inflammation of the stomach wall at the initial stage, the appearance of further symptoms will depend on what shape moved gastritis in the absence of timely treatment:

  • In colds will prevail serious signs of tissue damage (erosion). The disease can easily become chronic if left untreated.
  • In hemorrhagic form of the disease observed damage to blood vessels of internal organs and blood in the stomach contents.
  • Hypertrophic gastritis characterized by a marked thickening of the wall of the damaged body, the appearance of malignant neoplasms.

2. In the acute stage, the disease manifests itself by such symptoms:

  • Pain in the stomach.
  • Violations of the digestive process.
  • Diarrhea or conversely, constipation.
  • Weakness, lethargy.
  • Weight loss.

Often the symptoms are felt immediately after ingestion.


Before prescribe treatment, the physician needs to make an accurate diagnosis, find out whether the patient is suffering from a mixed form.

To assess signs of inflammation are the following studies:

  1. 1. The examination of the patient, listening to the complaints.
  2. 2. Endoscopic diagnosis, in which are established the localization and degree of inflammation.
  3. 3. Laboratory tests (urine, blood, feces, stomach contents, biopsy results).
  4. 4. Ultrasound, x-ray diffraction study.
  5. 5. Measurement of acidity.
  6. 6. An analysis of the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter.


A feature of the treatment of the mixed gastritis is not only its complexity, but also strict specificity. In order to cure this form of inflammation of the stomach, the doctor needs to pick up drugs, taking into account peculiarities of the disease. Also the necessary tools for a speedy recovery are diet and adherence to diet.

For the treatment of gastritis depending on the type and severity of the occurrence of prescribed medicines of such groups as:

  1. 1. Antibiotics (Klacid, Klabax). Used to eliminate the main causes of inflammation – the bacteria Helicobacter.
  2. 2. Antispasmodics (no-Spa, Buscopan). They are necessary in order to stop the abnormal contraction of the stomach and spastic nature to relieve the patient from the pain they provoke.
  3. 3. Drugs that regulate the secretory function of (R, Venter). Reduce emissions of hydrochloric acid, irritant to inflammation and erosions.
  4. 4. Antacids (Rennie, Gastal). Reduce the activity of gastric juice, turning it into a neutral substance, and normalize the acidity inside the body.

5. Enveloping means (Maalox, Almagel). Cover the inflamed walls of the stomach a viscous protective layer, reducing the negative impact of internal environment on the affected areas.

6. Enzymes (Mezim, Festal). Restore digestion and absorption, normalize the enzyme balance in the body.

7. Astringents (De-Nol, Vikair). They are used to treat erosion and as quickly as possible to heal wounds in the stomach cavity resulting from inflammation.

Treatment of exacerbations the mixed form is strictly in the hospital lasts about 2 weeks. At this time, the doctor controls the diet, intake of required medications. The patient often prescribe bed rest. His condition carefully monitored, noting any improvement.


It must be observed not only during the acute phase, but also during periods of remission. It includes a specific set of food, which has a positive impact on the recovery of the stomach, does not harm the patient body and contains a complex of nutrients.

It is necessary to completely abandon the products, negatively acting on the gastrointestinal tract, such as:

  • too cold or hot food;
  • salty and spicy dishes;
  • roasted and smoked products;
  • semi-finished products and fast food;
  • sweets with lots of chocolate and sugar;
  • hard buns and bread made with white flour;
  • all kinds of sauces;
  • alcohol;
  • bean;
  • coffee.

Allowed to receive the following food:

  • lean meat;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • cereal porridge cooked in milk or water;
  • boiled eggs;
  • non-acidic vegetables and fruits;
  • not irritating the stomach berries, compotes and fruit drinks from them, kissels;
  • mild unsweetened teas, including herbal (chamomile, sage);
  • of lean fish.

That the stomach was not overloaded, the food must be fractional, small portions, at least 5-6 times a day. You should avoid the “hunger pains”.


In order to avoid this disease, you need to fulfill few simple but effective rules:

  1. 1. closely monitor the condition of the body, in time to see a doctor, not to be taken lightly by chronic diseases;
  2. 2. to observe the regime of work and rest, avoid excessive loads and stresses;
  3. 3. to monitor menus and food process;
  4. 4. avoid harmful habits;
  5. 5. to devote time to physical activity and personal hygiene.

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