
Postpartum Exercises

It is known that in the postpartum period, the body recovers from the previous stress. In addition, mothers want to get the physical form in which they were before pregnancy as soon as possible.

To fulfill this desire, you must follow certain recommendations. And postpartum exercise is one such recommendation.

Of course, physical exercise is very useful for the body, but we must not forget about the revision of the system and diet. During pregnancy and after childbirth, weight, as a rule, increases slightly, because the body needs a large amount of nutrients to provide energy not only to the mother, but also to the fetus.

Classes in the first weeks

One can ask a question: is there any need to take any active steps to restore the body as soon as possible after childbirth? So, the answer to this question is unequivocal – it is necessary, even necessary.

The reasons why doctors recommend performing simple physical exercises after childbirth:

  • in the brain, the production of hormones responsible for well-being and mood increases;
  • body weight is normalized, and the figure acquires contours characteristic of the period of pregnancy;
  • prevention of pain, rapid fatigue;
  • increase in vitality.

In addition, systematic physical education after childbirth helps to alleviate the symptoms of postpartum depression.

As can be seen from all of the above, postpartum exercises are of great importance in restoring the body.

The figure after childbirth

When should you take the so-called physiotherapy? It is recommended to begin the exercise already in the hospital. If childbirth took place without complications, then you can start the load already a day after the birth of the baby.

Exercise is recommended several times a day. However, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor about this. If, when performing certain movements, you feel uncomfortable sensations, then you should stop performing the movements and call a doctor.

Begin with short (approximately five-minute) classes. Practice in this mode until you are ready to perform more complex movements.

Exercise after cesarean section

You need to start with simple exercises that will help to restore, as well as strengthen the abdominal muscles after surgery. Perhaps while you are engaged in physical activity, you can pull a seam, but note that there should be no pain.

After cesarean section, your fatigue may increase, but this is quite natural, since you have undergone surgery.

Prohibited Exercises

Doctors do not recommend swimming earlier than seven days after cessation of vaginal discharge. If you have been stitched or had a cesarean section, then the exercise should begin after being examined by a doctor six weeks after delivery. In addition, for several weeks it is not recommended to engage in the knee-elbow position, because there is a likelihood of developing an air embolism (the formation of air bubbles at the place of attachment of the placenta). You do not need to practice fitness if less than six weeks have passed from the moment of birth.

Where to start?

The most important movements after childbirth (in the first few days) are exercises that affect the muscles of the pelvic floor (they are also called Kegel exercises), so it is recommended to start their implementation as soon as possible. They accelerate the restoration of the vagina and perineum. Blood circulation in this area improves, swelling and hematomas pass faster. When performing Kegel exercises, there is practically no risk of seam divergence.

Exercises for the lower abdominal muscles

The lower abdominal muscle is also called transverse. It, together with the muscles of the pelvic floor, stabilizes (supports) the pelvis and back. With the strengthening of these muscle groups, the former physical form returns, the stomach becomes flat.

Perform the exercise lying on your side or on your back. Inhale and then exhale tighten your pelvic floor muscles. Imagine that you are trying to delay the urination process.

When the muscles are contracted, you need to draw the navel in and up so that there is a feeling of tension in the lower abdominal muscle. In this position, you need to stay for 10 seconds, while not holding your breath, and then slowly relax the muscles. Repeat the exercise several times (5-30). Here, the lower abdominal and pelvic floor muscles work simultaneously. According to the assurances of the American expert in the field of gynecology Kegel, this exercise is an effective prevention of urinary incontinence.

Pelvic tilt

This exercise is very useful because it involves the muscles of the back and abdomen. The movement can be performed while lying, sitting or on a gymnastic ball.

Exercises for the muscles of the upper back and neck

Since at the initial stage of development of the baby, parents have to spend a long time in a bent position, exercises for the neck and back are important.

Exercise : you need to sit up straight, arms crossed on your chest, turn left, then right. Repeat the movement 10 times on each side.

Another movement : performed from a sitting position, hands connected at the back of the neck. Torso turns to the sides.

Stand facing the wall, legs should be spread apart and slightly bent at the knee joints. Hands should rest with palms against the wall, forearms – pressed against the wall. We strain the abdominal muscles, as if reducing the right elbow to the left knee and vice versa. This exercise involves the muscles of the back and abdomen.

At the same time, tilting and turning the head are the main exercises for the neck.


Classes with this type of physical activity should be postponed for at least six weeks after childbirth. Fitness is good for your health, but you need to exercise it carefully in the postpartum period, especially if you have had a cesarean section. This applies, first of all, to work with lifting weights.

Fitball Exercises

Fitball is a gymnastic ball that has many positive properties. Simple exercises on the fitball after childbirth perfectly cheer up and do not require much effort. You must sit on the ball and perform springy movements as quickly as possible. Then you can complicate the task: alternate springing movements with pulling the knees to the chest.

Lie on your fitball with your stomach, raise your legs slightly above the floor, start walking on your hands so that the gymnastic ball rolls over the body from the lower legs to the chest. You can place the ball under the shoulder blades, starting with doing pelvic lifting. In general, there are a large number of exercise options using fitball. So monotonous workouts do not exactly threaten you.

Recommendations for postpartum exercises
  • Rising from a prone position, first you need to roll over on your side, and only then stand up.
  • Most of the time it is recommended to lie on your stomach, as this helps to reduce the smooth muscles of the uterus: thus, the outflow of postpartum secretions is facilitated.
  • Try to walk more: walking speeds up recovery processes.
  • Perform the exercises regularly, several times a day.
  • Movements need to be done smoothly.
  • Classrooms should be well ventilated, the air temperature in them should be at least 18 degrees.
  • Perform exercises after childbirth only in comfortable clothing.
  • Training is recommended after breastfeeding.

It is not necessary to perform exactly the exercises that are indicated in this article. They are indicative, they can be modified, make some kind of their own movements, experiment. For example, Kegel exercises can be performed in various versions. By diversifying your workouts, you will get more pleasure from them.

Thus, physical exercise after childbirth is an excellent tool that promotes the fastest regeneration of the body. Before physical education, you should consult a doctor. In addition, it is important to conduct self-control. You will be pleasantly surprised how quickly the exercises will help you get in tone, improve your mood, and prepare your body for further work.

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