
Naughty child how to tell the child “no”

Parents often arises the difficulty, when the word “no” to their child just doesn’t understand. Hearing “no” a child can throw a tantrum that does not help any of the exhortations and entreaties, thereby testing the patience of parents to the limit.

And now mom or dad can already feel that the only solution in this situation is to yield to his whims. And reluctantly, at that time, you say to the child “Yes” is a firm “no”.

Is it possible to change this sad pattern of behavior your toddler? How do you tell your naughty child “no”? To answer these questions, first, parents need to understand why it’s worth to tell the child the word “no” and how important it is for children of all ages to hear from parents the word “no”.


1.Parents need to know that the refusal of the child does not mean cruelty.

Maybe now some parents will argue. They say that the child is better to convince, to explain to him the situation and this will enable you to negotiate with him. These parents fear that refusal may offend the child that he will be unhappy.

As usual, first the word “no” children perceive hostility. But in doing so, you will help them learn an important truth: that in real life, not everything is permitted to man. And when you go on about the child, first, undermine your credibility, and secondly, the child learns to manipulate you, and every time caprinica, to succeed. Over time, children lose respect for parents who are not able to be firm.

2.Parents need to know that telling children “no”, they prepare them for the difficulties in adolescence and in adult life.

Thanks to the parental “no”, children will learn something to deny yourself. Having learned this important lesson, children in adolescence are less susceptible to pressure others to drug use and entry into premarital sex.

The firm position of parents will prepare children to adult life. After all for anybody not the secret that adults don’t always get what you want. But if we accustom our children to the thought that they were everything in life to be handed on a silver platter, we are very hurt.


1.Do not forget your goal.

Undoubtedly, all parents want their kids to grow up fit for life, emotionally Mature and happy people. But if you indulge all the desires of your child, then let it. If a child treat children, then later they will become ungrateful. So to tell the child “no” is an integral part of education, which comes to him only for the good. Love children but do not spoil them.

2.Be strong.

Do not allow your child to be on a par with you. Do not discuss with him your answer, if you expect his approval. But at the same time, children should learn what is good and what is bad, so talk with your child. Just do not argue with him endlessly and explain why you said no. The longer you lead such a debate, the more in doubt about the hardness of your decision. Remember that children should obey their parents, not parents of the children.

3.Let your “no” means “no.”

If you told a child “no”, you have to stick to his word, even when he’s testing your resolve their begging and whining. Don’t listen to his whims and whining. You can say to him: “I Want to get you that gig – please just do it in my room, and I don’t want to listen. And when the rest will come.” First to show such toughness won’t be easy, and even more to accept her child. But as soon as the child will understand that you are determined not to change his word, he will cease to protest.

4.Please use good judgment.

Never tell your child “no” only to show parental authority. If the request of the child sensible, it is possible to do it. But never agree to do it under the pressure of the tantrums and whims.

Why, the children say “no”? All parents want to see their child happy and cheerful. However, if your child has for you is not angry, not upset and not experiencing frustration, you should think about whether you raise him? As your child learns to handle disappointment and frustration in life if he never tried to do this? As he learns self-discipline, if the parents will not help him in this? You will be able to teach these important lessons to your children if you learn to say “no”to them.

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