

Baby’s visual perception are particularly susceptible to the damaging effects low-quality graphics and animations.

There is a risk of disruption and inhibition of mental development of the child as a result of hits of such films.

Harmful effects of cartoons it is possible to avoid, carefully choosing the repertoire for the small audience in the light of its interest and educational value to watching the film.


The head of the coordination and analytical Department of the Moscow city Center of psychological and pedagogical expertise of games and toys and education, educational psychologist Natalia Matushkina believes that watching any cartoon, even the good and kind, does not benefit children under the age of three. “Watching cartoons with the children of early age (under two years) may cause irreversible changes of the psyche. At this age the content of the cartoon child is not perceived“, she said. Children up to three years instead of watching cartoons have to play with real objects, to study their properties, said the psychologist.

It is advisable for parents to be present when viewing a children’s cartoon to give explanations, discuss the main character, ask the child leading questions and, of course, to limit the time of viewing.

In some modern cartoons, there is a rapid change of scenes, because of this, the child doesn’t memorise the story and can not retell the content. These cartoons are usually not informative for the child and is not recommended for viewing. “In fact, most of the animated TV series that shoot abroad and brought to us, they are for preschoolers categorically not suitable due to the fact that there is a rapid change of events. These include spider Man, Ben Ten and Winx and so on,” – said the expert.

My mother recommends that parents, when selecting cartoons for your kids in the first place to pay attention to good old, classic cartoons and older children, she said, like adventure cartoons.

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