
Why we cry on movies and what’s the point

Not necessarily “Titanic”, “Hachiko” or “Big fish”, but, for example, “the Avengers: infinity War”, which left fans in limbo. Anyway, sometimes movies make us cry.

And while men can do so, brush away from her cheek a tear, women’s films can make you cry with such force that they will need time to at least to calm down a little before stepping out of the dark hall of the cinema. How this catharsis is good for us? It turns out that very.

“In the world of psychotherapy, we believe that the release of emotions in any way possible is a very good thing. Because suppression of emotions can lead to serious problems if you do it all the time, says Refinery29 therapist Aburden Derhalli, Lena (Lena Aburdene Derhally).

Sometimes tears during a movie, especially if it’s not drama, but something less emotional in itself, suggests that some emotions were in the us too long. And when they had the opportunity to escape, they immediately did it.”

The expert adds that movies, books and music, in this sense, turn into a excellent home therapy. Well-known cases when a person brings himself to such a degree of emotional stress that eventually the tantrum will provoke something very very strange – a comment to a task at the meeting or dropped on the floor the handle. If you know that hoard emotions in the same way, but don’t want something like that happened to you at work or in another malopodhodyaschimi place, keep in mind that movies (especially with the corresponding plot) can help.

The truth is, tears will not just give you a sense of relief, but represent very real emotional discharge. In particular, from a physiological point of view. Lena Aburdene, Derhalli explains that crying releases toxins (which reduce stress), endorphins (hormones that make us feel happy) and oxytocin (the hormone responsible for creating feelings of attachment). While crying during a movie is especially good, because you are so emotionally connected to what is happening on the screen, not actually experiencing anything like this in real life.

Additional bonuses? The study, in 2015, published in Cerebrum, showed tears during films gradually increase our ability to empathize with others.

“I know that people who are not so much crying in real life, sometimes cry at movies. And then you wonder how can “a movie” to provoke sobs, says Derhalli. But the secret is that the films can relate to those feelings which we generally do not have access. For example, if there’s a death or loss, and we experienced something similar one day, the story on the screen unconsciously associated with the real, almost forgotten story, evoking an emotional response”.

It may not seem like a good idea, but some of us really helpful to watch movies to “cry”. This, as you probably guessed, is about those who every day and in every situation keep your emotions under control.

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