
Rules for kids

Children are disobedient and self-willed, their behavior have to constantly monitor, learn to act correctly in different situations, and the rules help to simplify this process.

Affirmations for children is a set of rules with a socially desired coloration.

Next, you will learn about the rules that will help to form a child’s understanding of the limits of acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

Children in formulating the rules, try to stick to two provisions:

  1. Avoid drinking the particles. The child will be easier to understand you if the request is clearly expressed: “to Communicate only with people you know” and not, “do Not enter into contact with strangers”.
  2. Children rules must be formulated in the present tense, since children live in the here and now.

You can ask the child to draw these rules, to decorate and add interesting illustrations, and then hang them in a prominent place. In addition, you can buy special books that will help to fix in the memory of the child the basic rules of conduct.

Table manners

The child should be able to follow the basic rules of table manners. This will be especially true when the baby will be in the dining room of the kindergarten, and parents are not around.

In order to feel comfortable at the table, train him to eat different food (cereal, casseroles, vegetables). The child will have more experience and it will be easier to eat on their own. Sometimes, it is quite problematic to fulfill, because children can be hard to avoid eating certain dishes. Try combining unusual ingredients with familiar and favorite dishes.

The child should adhere to the General rules of behavior at the table. Briefly enumerate some: wash hands before eating; do not talk with your mouth full don’t play at the table; to eat everything in the plate etc.

Remember, the most successfully accustomed to those rules, which should the parents, and the plausible behavior of adults, the easier it is to adapt to certain standards to the preschooler. Requirements to the kid should be uniform to all members of the family and not depend on any factors, such as moods.

The child is closely monitoring the behavior of parents, even if they do not always notice. This is not surprising because they are a kind of bridge that opens to him the breadth and specificity of an uncharted world of human relations.

It is important at an early age to lay the crumbs of cultural and hygienic skills. Why is it so necessary?

  1. 1. This will help the child to feel in the children’s team more confident, and learn to take care of your health since childhood.
  2. 2. Daily performing the same actions have a positive impact on the improvement of manual skills. Movements will become more precise and coordinated.
  3. 3. The use of different Cutlery items expands the boundaries of perception and interaction with the surrounding world. The kid gets an idea of the possibilities of their application, features and properties.
  4. 4. Help him learn to monitor and take care of them: wash your face, brush your teeth and be pleasant. The child will feel independent, because it will be subject to a few simple actions. This has a positive impact on the development of attention, will, etc.

Rules of cleanliness: it is necessary to eat only in the kitchen; after a dream about making the bed; time to put away your toys; you must leave things in their places; do not walk through the rooms in street shoes.

Interaction with others

Kids need to learn not only simple rules of behavior at the table, but to be able to build constructive relationships with others. Therefore, the child should learn at the initial stage the rules of etiquette.

Your child was given a delicious candy, and you’re waiting for the baby to say the words of gratitude, but he did not even think? If family members are not used to thank each other for services rendered, the child naturally learns, because he has no example to follow. Don’t forget to use in daily life: “thank you“, “good morning“, “please“, “sweet dreams“, etc.

Rules of interaction with others, the child should: be able to recognize the desires and needs of others; not to raise the tone; not to interrupt the other person; to respect his personal space, etc. Preschooler is to teach respect, to relate to adults and the elderly; to care for them, sympathize. However, do not forget to respect the child and Express their love for him.

TV and children

Watching TV is a very broad topic. In General, it can be noted that a child under the age of 2 years should be carried out before its screen no more than 10 minutes. If you follow this rule, the kid will get used to the fact that I can’t watch TV and it will be easier to switch to another occupation.

TV expands understanding of the world crumbs, allows you to mentally take the place of the protagonist, but it is important to carefully approach the choice of programs. It is advisable to stay with your child while watching cartoon or exciting gear. He will understand that adults share his passion. In addition, parents will be able to answer appeared preschooler questions therefore, in order to have time for clarification it is better to watch a program record.

Discuss interesting, informative highlights, practice the received information (invoice, letter) and don’t forget about the other Hobbies.

So, the rules help to form a child’s understanding of the limits of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. They answer the question, what to do in certain situations, simplifying his life and not putting it daily before a meaningless choice. Consequently, facilitated the process of education. They form a way of life and help to develop the baby a stable system of moral norms and values.

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