
Dentist, signs of a bad specialist

“We do whitening and put veneers,” is the first phrase that should alert you at the dentist’s appointment. A competent doctor will never conduct aesthetic procedures until he is convinced of the health of his teeth and the correct operation of the maxillofacial apparatus.

The consequences of poor-quality treatment can be dire: from deep caries to tooth loss due to infection. here he knows what to look for when meeting a new specialist.

If after this phrase the doctor does not give you a mirror and does not show foci of caries or tartar deposits, get up from your chair and leave. An experienced specialist who is not trying to lure you with money for an unnecessary procedure will definitely tell you the treatment plan and show what problems you have.

“Oh, how everything is running!”

Especially be careful with the upper jaw, because without special equipment it will not work to examine it yourself – do not hesitate to ask for a mirror. Before starting treatment, take an x-ray of the jaw – it will show caries and the degree of its depth, so that you will be sure of the correctness of the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

“We grind our teeth and put veneers – why braces?”

Every dentist knows that healthy and strong teeth are valued much more than polymer material with a limited lifespan. Before deciding on aesthetic dentistry, consult with an orthodontist – the opinion of one therapist is not enough to conduct such a serious procedure. The fact is that with crowded teeth and other defects, the bite changes. If you do not fix it, but just mask it with veneers, in old age you will find unpleasant problems with the maxillofacial apparatus, which will be too late to solve.

“Sit in a chair, we will do whitening…”

No self-respecting dentist will put a patient in a chair without prior preparation. For uniform whitening, you need to pre-cure all your teeth, do a two-stage brushing with ultrasound and a special powder, apply a mineralized gel for about a week to strengthen the enamel – imagine how many steps? If you regularly visit a doctor, the training will be limited only to the last point, but the rest should go through all the stages. Otherwise, you are guaranteed tooth sensitivity, stains on enamel and bleeding gums.

“Let’s do all 10 teeth at a time!”

No one argues that the dentist is able to carry out this procedure. However, where to find an experienced doctor who has about 10 hours per patient? You need to make an appointment with a trusted specialist for at least a week, and sometimes two, before the holidays or his vacation. And none of the dentists will sacrifice a client base in the era of high competition of clinics, denying others treatment because of your need.

“You must not eat and drink for 2 hours”

Manufacturers of modern materials for fillings polymerizing in an ultraviolet lamp do not set time limits after the procedure. Your doctor may advise you to wait until the “freeze” comes off so that you do not accidentally injure your cheek with a bite while eating. But asking you not to eat so that the seal is settled is an indicator of the doctor’s outdated ideas about dental technology or working on low-quality materials.

One thought on “Dentist, signs of a bad specialist

  1. The fact is that with crowded teeth and other defects, the bite changes. If you do not fix it, but just mask it with veneers, in old age you will find unpleasant problems with the maxillofacial apparatus, which will be too late to solve.

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