
What you need to know the person who decided on a plastic surgery

There are disadvantages of appearance that prevent a person from being in harmony with himself. They do not threaten life and health, but self-esteem is influenced. For example, how many do not engage in the gym and do not eat cabbage – the breast will not increase.

And the nose will not diminish, and the eyelids will not rise, and the bags under the eyes will not be lost, though drink water for the night, though do not drink.

In a word, conservative methods, how much effort you put, these indicators can not be changed. And I want to change so much! A visit to a plastic surgeon is a solution.

No matter how tempting the advertisement of the operation, be aware: this is a surgical intervention with all the preceding and consequent consequences.

  1. 1. Surgeons-plastics work only with healthy people who have reached the age of 18 (exception – the correction of the ears, which children do before school).
  2. 2. Any surgery is preceded by a conversation with a doctor. If a specialist sees that you do not know what you want and feels that you will not be satisfied with any result, he has the right to refuse.
  3. 3. The risk and likelihood of side effects are always there. Especially when it comes to a person who is literally peppered with nerve endings and gland ducts. Of course, the expert’s hands will reduce them to a minimum. But do not believe in the promise of absolutely safe operations. A professional surgeon will never subscribe to this.
  4. 4. Before any surgery, you need to undergo a medical examination. If there is a plastic surgery of the breast, you need to visit a mammologist – his conclusion is decisive. Before plastic eyelids, it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist.
  5. 5. You must sign a legally approved informed consent to the operation, as well as a contract with the clinic. If you are refused such papers, look for another.
  6. 6. Plastic surgery is done only in clinics and nowhere else. The institution must have the appropriate license, be staffed with a full staff of doctors, have wards. If you accidentally get an ad for a beauty salon where breast prosthetics are made, you can call law enforcement.
  7. 7. Contraindications to plastic surgery are common: acute diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases, pregnancy, etc. In addition, you will not be placed under the knife at the beginning of the cycle, until the end of the bleeding (or, at least, in the first three days).
  8. 8. For a certain period before the operation, it is necessary to refrain from taking blood thinning medications (primarily aspirin), to give up smoking.
  9. 9. Operations are performed under local or general anesthesia. At least a day you should be in the hospital under the supervision of specialists. Exception – plastic surgery of the auricles, which is carried out on an outpatient basis.
  10. 10. Be ready for the inevitable companions of any surgical intervention: bruises, edema, possible densities, fever, pain in the operated area, general weakness and to the fact that you will not see the final result until a few months. First time (about a month), it will be hidden under bandages and compression linen.
  11. 11. The rehabilitation period ranges from a week to six months. All this time, it is necessary to strictly follow the prescriptions of the doctor and take for granted the restrictions, in particular, on exercise and diet, especially water-salt regime.
  12. 12. To reduce rehabilitation, you will be offered to undergo a course of physiotherapeutic procedures and use the means to accelerate the resorption of bruises, reduce swelling and healing of sutures. Do not give up on them.
  13. 13. Return to normal life can be an average of 10-15 days after surgery. The head is covered with a hat or a handkerchief, traces on the face are masked by tonal means, eyes will be protected by dark glasses, the body will cover special linen. However, especially it is not necessary to hide – on the people who made plastic now few people point a finger.
  14. 14. The result depends on many factors (age, genetic characteristics and associated care procedures and naturally from the operation itself).
  15. 15. About scars. Much is clear even before the operation. If the scar is very noticeable and crosses out the purpose of the intervention, it is best not to do the operation at all. Ideally, the scar eventually turns from red to white and becomes a thin thread or disappears altogether.

Do not ascribe aesthetic surgery to omnipotence. It improves what is given by nature, but does not change beyond recognition. Moreover, really good plastic is invisible to others. Only bad results are visible.

Plastic can not :

  • return the skin of a 40-year-old woman to the skin of a 20-year-old woman – she does not take care of you competently, consistently and continuously;
  • cure for obesity and any other real disease;
  • make a large foot small and a narrow pelvis – wide;
  • fix the wide bone to thin;
  • change the face oval and completely reshape the incision of the eyes, for example, turn a Mongoloid into a European;
  • as a rule, correct pathologies, serious congenital deformities, etc. This is the sphere of reconstructive surgery, it is handled by other specialists in other medical institutions, and the age of the patient is of no fundamental importance;
  • to teach you how to smile, how to disguise the truthful nastiness that has reflected on your tightened face to those around you.

Plastic surgeons call the most grateful patients who go to a specialist, firmly knowing that they are not comfortable, and realizing how realistic this irritating factor is to eliminate.

When choosing a doctor, trust your inner feelings: it is important that you can rely on this person, believe him.

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