
Glycine and Persen, the choice of drug

Choosing from these drugs should be based on prevailing conditions, personal preferences, individual effects on the body, choosing the best option for yourself.

There are situations when the nervous system fails, the stress rolls over, you can’t cope with it on your own. People of any gender or age are faced with nervous breakdowns, they can be caused by problems with work, study, sometimes insignificant everyday failures are brought out of balance.

If you do not weaken the state of nervous tension in time, you can get health problems. It is better to take auxiliary drugs in a timely manner, such as Glycine, Persen, after having previously studied their properties.

The main characteristics of glycine

It is made in Russia, produced in the form of small white tablets for resorption under the tongue. The active substance is the amino acid glycine. It normalizes the metabolism, improves the metabolism of the brain, as a result of which increased efficiency, mood rises. It can be prescribed after strokes and as a prevention of nervous system disorders in children of any age.


Key Features of Persen

Originally from Slovenia, it happens in capsules, tablets of a dark brown color. Among the active ingredients: Valerian extract, lemon balm, peppermint. The tool has a calming and antispasmodic effects, it is used for nervous excitability, prolonged insomnia. Among the restrictions on the use: allergic reactions, childhood, pregnancy, lactation, biliary tract disease.


General qualities

Being used to adjust the nervous state, medicines have some similarities, in particular:

  • The drugs are freely available, purchased without a doctor’s prescription.
  • According to the results of the application, a slight sedative effect is observed , anxiety, a sense of anxiety are reduced.
  • It can be used as a preventive measure during stressful periods, instability of the nervous system, and problematic life situations.
  • They are suitable for normalizing sleep, improve its quality, reduce the number of nighttime waking up, it is advisable to take them half an hour before the expected retirement.
  • They are used for mood decline, a feeling of anger, irritability.
  • The composition does not contain synthetic active substances, which minimizes possible complications and side effects on the body.
Comparison and how do they differ

Despite the similarities, tablets cannot be called interchangeable.

  1. First of all, the composition of drugs, the principle of influence is different. Persen is a herbal remedy that acts on the body due to the soothing qualities of a combination of herbs. Glycine – an amino acid that is produced directly by the human body, is found in the muscle, connective tissue, has a positive effect on the central nervous system. She is rich in some foods: fish, spinach, legumes, pumpkin.
  2. Herbs often cause allergic reactions, skin itching, difficulty breathing due to the high content of essential oils, in the amino acid manifestations of intolerance and rash are extremely unlikely.
  3. Children’s age up to 12 years is a strict contraindication for the use of Persen, Glycine is allowed for children from an early age, it is successfully used by neurologists, pediatricians, psychologists at the appropriate age, weight of the baby dosage.
  4. Persen is allowed to pregnant and lactating women only in extreme cases, as prescribed by a doctor, another medicine has no restrictions on taking.
  5. Glycine has a wider scope : due to an increase in the amino acid level in the body, it becomes possible to correct the activity of the nervous system, together with other drugs to treat mental illnesses, and to correct antisocial behavior caused by mental disorders. Persen, on the other hand, has a sedative property, without actively affecting the functioning of the brain.
  6. A sedative has a number of contraindications : gallstone disease, fructose intolerance, hypotension, lactase deficiency. Amino acid does not produce side effects.
Selection recommendations

Having studied the above characteristics of drugs, having familiarized yourself with the instructions, it is easier to make a choice in a specific situation.

Glycine is preferred in the following circumstances:

  • Since the drug raises the brain’s working capacity, improves adaptation, you can start taking it, with the upcoming transition to a new job, increase the number of work responsibilities, emerging stress.
  • Infants are prescribed Glycine with frequent nightly waking ups, restless behavior, signs of mental retardation. In this case, the drug must be given strictly according to the dosage prescribed by the pediatrician.
  • Adolescents with signs of deviant behavior also receive amino acid supplements as recommendations.
  • With a decrease in mental disability as a result of damage to the central nervous system, brain, and memory impairment, the level of amino acids must be raised.
  • To minimize the effects of ischemic stroke, as support for the central nervous system.
  • There are known cases of the appointment of glycine in the treatment of alcohol dependence, the dosage should be determined by a specialist.

Persen is suitable when:

  1. Stress is accompanied by headaches, pain in the muscles, thanks to the antispasmodic effect, the medicine brings relief.
  2. Nervousness, fatigue, and irritability often occur, leading to nervous exhaustion, drowsiness, and lethargy.
  3. Doctors often recommend taking herbal preparations when canceling potent psychotropic drugs that are addictive, for smoother replacement, less stress for the body.
  4. There is a tendency, the need to deal with panic attacks – uncontrolled panic attacks, accompanied by increased sweating, dizziness, shortness of breath.

Also, both drugs help to restore a good sleep, during which strength will be restored. With depression, nervous tension, the effect of the medications in question is approximately the same.

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