
Methyluracil ointment and Levomekol, drug choice

Both drugs are domestically produced and are distinguished by low cost prices. Despite the common component in the composition, treatment should be selected based on the individual characteristics of the body and existing diseases, with the obligatory consultation of a doctor.

Even a small microtrauma requires treatment that helps tissues regenerate quickly. Pharmacologists offer a large list of topical agents.

Considering the most popular, consumers sometimes wonder which one is better (more effective).

Methyluracil Ointment

This tool helps to accelerate the recovery of damaged tissues. Contributes to this active ingredient, which gave the name of the ointment. Among the auxiliary elements are lanolin, purified white soft paraffin and water. Such a small composition almost eliminates possible allergic reactions, which can already be called a plus of the drug.

Methyluracil Ointment

The ointment has a yellowish pleasant shade and a characteristic smell, which gives the remedy lanolin. The ointment is applied externally twice a day and causes a slight local burning sensation of a short-term nature. It is combined with other dermatological agents and has no contraindications for childhood.


In this preparation, there are 2 active substances, and the main one is methyluracil, supplemented with antibacterial active chloramphenicol. This provides an enhanced effect of the product on a skin problem. Additional substances are a whole set of polyethylene oxides that help the drug evenly distributed in the tissues.


The ointment is produced in the form of a dense white (sometimes with a yellow tint) consistency. A number of pharmaceutical companies offer consumers a water-soluble hydrophobic substance that contains the same healing composition. Both forms, upon contact with the body, change hue and density, becoming fluid.

What is common and excellent

Some consider Levomekol to be an analogue of Methyluracil ointment. In fact, this is not so – just the main ingredient of the second drug is present in the first, occupying almost half of its composition.

Both drugs belong to the same pharmacological group of topical drugs that eliminate identical dermatological problems.

Comparative Features
Options Methyluracil Levomekol
Release form In aluminum tubes of 15 or 25 g 40 g aluminum tubes

Volumetric glass containers of dark color for use in hospitals

Application Area On the skin and mucous membranes Only on the skin – poisoning can cause poisoning
Duration of osmotic activity 12 hours, therefore, it is recommended to apply at least 2 times a day 24 hours, which in most cases allows you to use the ointment once a day
Independent application Allowed For complex diseases, not recommended due to possible side effects.
Penetration into the bloodstream In small doses, it does not penetrate intact tissues, accumulating on the surface of the skin. With prolonged use it is possible, but in large doses it sometimes causes a change in the composition of the blood (peripheral) Penetrating into the dermis, does not enter the bloodstream, therefore, does not cause an overdose

Both drugs belong to the group of drugs that promote wound healing. Acting anti-inflammatory, ointments increase the immunity of the dermis, accelerate regenerative and metabolic processes.

What’s better

Methyluracil and Levomekol are almost identical in purpose and use due to the common component included in the composition. They give a good quick effect in external therapy. They are used in similar areas of medicine, but they are not considered interchangeable.

Range of use of drugs:

Field of medicine Methyluracil Levomekol
Pediatrics Safety and effectiveness for children have not been formally established. Therefore, in the treatment of wounds, injuries, burns, etc. used after an allergic reaction test According to the instructions, the ointment is recommended from 3 years of age, but in some cases (with an individual approach) it is used to heal umbilical wounds in newborns
Surgery Impose as an antiseptic on postoperative sutures; as anti-inflammatory – for fresh scars, burns, boils With abscesses, restoration of the skin (sutures)
Dermatology It gives a good result in the treatment of long non-healing wounds, photodermatitis, bedsores. For the treatment of injuries, burns, purulent processes
Gynecology After cesarean section and other gynecological operations. With thrush – as part of a comprehensive treatment The ointment is recommended in the postpartum period for the treatment of sutures.
Dentistry It gives a good result in the treatment of stomatitis and other inflammations of the oral cavity. In the prevention of inflammation and as an anesthetic after implantation or tooth extraction, but with caution
Proctology Assign for any inflammatory rectal problems Promotes the treatment of hemorrhoids
Cosmetology Accelerates tissue regeneration of problematic skin. Prevents wrinkles Helps get rid of acne and other facial inflammations
During pregnancy For the treatment of colpitis, vaginitis (in intravaginal use); prevention of skin stretch marks on the abdomen (as a prophylactic) With skin inflammation, genital infections, hemorrhoids, ENT diseases

Both drugs can cause an allergic reaction of local manifestation – redness, itching or burning of the skin, urticaria, dermatitis. In the treatment of pregnant women and children, most doctors prefer Methyluracil, as a less harmful substance with a simple composition.

If contraindications are taken into account, it is allowed to replace one drug with another, excluding Levomekol for psoriasis and fungal skin lesions, and Methyluracil for leukemia and malignant neoplasms. In this case, ointments are not allowed for use if the patient suffers from hypersensitivity.

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