
Teething in infants

The beginnings of the first teeth in a child develop even in the womb of the mother. On average, the age at which the first teeth begin to appear in infants is four to ten months.

But we must not forget that each child is all individually and does not sound the alarm if the baby is four months old and his teeth are not going to appear. If the teeth began to erupt late in mothers and fathers in childhood, then their baby is likely to expect the same.

It also happens that the first teeth in babies are cut out at birth. But this is usually a rarity.

The appearance of the first teeth in a child can also depend on the climate in which it lives, for example, the hotter the climate, the more they erupt. Before the execution of one year, he should have at least one tooth.

Otherwise, it will be a sign of hypothyroidism or rickets. Before the child reaches the age of three, he should already have all the milk teeth, but by the age of six they should be replaced by permanent ones. But again, everything is purely individual, and parents should not worry if there are deviations from the norm.

The first tooth in the baby

In a baby, one tooth may appear, as well as several at once. Before the first appears on the surface of the gums, a thin line of white is visible. For him to go outside, he needs to go through the bone tissue and mucous membrane. It is not recommended to take measures to more quickly break through the gums. No need to scratch the gum of a child with a piece of sugar or a cracker, so you can damage it and cause an infection.

The first tooth erupts in the lower gum, this is the so-called incisor, it is located in the center on the left or right. After the lower, the upper appear in the center of the gum. Next is the turn of the lateral incisors and fangs. Lastly, molars are cut.

The first erupted tooth in the baby must be cleaned, first just with a baby brush without using toothpaste. Thus, the mother will clean the tooth, and massage the gums. When the baby turns 4-5 years old, he will already be able to independently cope with hygiene procedures. To use toothpaste for brushing your teeth, you can start from 3 years

According to tradition, it is customary for a baby to give a small silver spoon. Since silver has healing properties, it is not in vain that even the blessing of water in Orthodox churches is carried out using silver. The spoon itself, which the child will keep constantly in the mouth at the moment of teething of the first teeth, will disinfect the oral cavity, since silver has healing properties.

Symptoms and signs of teething in infants

Before the first incisor begins to appear in the crumbs, the mother may notice the following symptoms: gum swelling, excessive profuse salivation, or sap. Also, the baby’s cheeks may turn red, and he may not consciously rub his ear with a pen, precisely from the side on which he should have his first tooth. Since the baby experiences pain in the gum region, he can restlessly sleep at night, his appetite may worsen, he will be more irritable and nervous. These symptoms may appear a month before the onset of teething.

Another sign of teething in infants may be that the baby often holds fingers in his mouth and constantly nibbles. If he is breastfeeding, then one of the signs of teething will be a bite of his mother’s nipple.

Doctors quite admit that teething time in infants may coincide with the time when the child is most susceptible to various infections. Parents should not be attributed each time to a runny nose and high body temperature for dental symptoms in infants.

An increase in body temperature, as a sign of teething in an infant, is explained by the fact that the release of biologically active substances appears in the zone of tooth growth. At the same time, body temperature cannot exceed 39 degrees Celsius. The duration of the temperature increase is no more than two days. To alleviate the condition of the child, you can use children’s panadol or paracetamol. But it is best to consult a doctor before using any medications. If the body temperature exceeds 39 degrees and lasts more than two days, then you need to call an ambulance.

The appearance of diarrhea, while teething in infants, can be the result of increased salivation. In this case, diarrhea is infrequent, about 2-3 times a day, passes in one to two days, there is no blood and mucus in its composition. If it is frequent and lasts more than three days, and mucus and blood are observed in its composition, then this may be a sign of intestinal infection. Then the baby needs to be shown to the doctor.

During the eruption of the first incisors, the child may have a slight runny nose, while the mucus is transparent, without pus. And, as a rule, such a runny nose goes away in one, two days. In this case, periodic washing of the nose with saline will be useful.

When teething, a wet cough may occur, which occurs due to accumulation of saliva in the throat. Coughing occurs when lying down and rarely occurs. Treatment in this case is not required.

How can I help the baby?

If the gums are very painful for the crumbs, then the mother can lubricate them with a special gel, which is sold in the pharmacy. It is applied to the surface of the gums several times a day, since it contains an antiseptic, thus, it is possible to relieve pain for a while. But it should be remembered that it is impossible to rub such a gel before feeding.

In such a difficult period for the child and parents, it is necessary to distract the child with activities or games, often hold him in his arms and put it on his chest. At such a time, the baby will constantly want to scratch something on the gums, for this you can buy special rubber toys designed for such cases, the so-called teething. It is also worth considering that this kind of toys for kids can burst, so it’s better not to take those that have water inside. If mom is against the baby constantly nibbling something, then she can give the baby a bottle of clean water. If you decide to give the child a cracker or bagel, then she needs to be very careful and make sure that he does not choke on crumbs.

If you hold a cold object or finger on the gum surface, this can temporarily relieve its painful condition. Using a dummy can also relieve pain.

You can also resort to the help of folk remedies, for example, to lubricate the crumb gums with honey, valerian or chamomile infusion. And tea, which contains chamomile, has an anti-inflammatory effect. You can also add chamomile to juices, right in the bottle with which the baby will drink.

What else you need to know

Firstly, give your child a drink of water, the more often, the better, because due to increased salivation, a large amount of fluid can leave the body.

Secondly, if the baby’s teeth are cut during the period when you need to get the next vaccination in the clinic, then you should wait a while with the vaccination, since the immunity of the crumbs is very weak in this difficult period for him and the vaccination can adversely affect his general condition health.

Thirdly, you can diversify the menu during this period, for example, give the crumbs more mashed write, purees, only occasionally offering solid food so that it can scratch its teeth. At each feeding, you can give him a piece of chopped cucumber, carrot, or apple, but it depends on age. Chewing vegetables or fruits will contribute to good circulation of the gums. Moreover, the ability to chew will only contribute to improving the central nervous system and diction of the child.

Fourthly, it is necessary to give vitamin D and more to walk with the baby in the sun. But of course, not under the scorching sun, observe the mode of finding, the time periods from 8 to 11 hours and from 17 to 21 hours are considered safe periods.

Causes of Teething Disorders

For example, if a mother had early toxicosis during pregnancy, or she had to endure severe stress. It can also affect the baby and the transfer during pregnancy of pneumonia or ARI, as well as torch infections, such as rubella or toxoplasmosis.

Violations in the normal development of teeth in a child can be due to prematurity or postponement, as well as with sepsis of newborns, rhesus conflicts or convulsive conditions. Children who are breast-fed are prone to disturbances in the normal formation of teeth. This is another reason why it is better for the baby to breastfeed for at least six months. Of course, as far as possible, because at present not every young mother has indications for breastfeeding.

Teething and related problems will not pass by a single child, it just happens to someone almost without problems, and someone suffers very much, but in any case it is stress for a small organism. Parents are required maximum attention and care during this difficult period for the baby. It is worth stocking up with patience and love for the little one, and try to ease his suffering as much as possible, following the tips listed above.

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