
Are you making the same mistake every single year?

Many Americans do not realize how much a yearly doctor visit can improve health and save money in the long run. According to analysis of a Center for Disease Control and Prevention survey, about 23% of Americans do not have a primary care physician or health care provider. But acquiring and using your personal doctor can be extremely valuable to your overall health for numerous reasons.

When was the last time you saw a primary care physician for a check-up?

Primary care provides a place for people to go for their general health issues. Patients can expect, in most cases, that their problems will be solved without referral. If a referral is needed, your general physician can guide you to a trusted specialist.

Dr. Diana Zamojski, a family medicine doctor with Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, Ill., says “Building a relationship with your primary care physician allows patients to not only have a guide through the health system, but also allows them to be part of the decision making that goes into their care.”

In addition to allowing for patients to build a trusting relationship with their physician, utilizing a primary care doctor can also provide more frequent opportunities for disease prevention and the advocacy of health. A yearly check-up can aide in detecting health problems that could develop into more serious issues. Primary care physicians can treat more than you may think; they can also treat various chronic conditions such as arthritis and diabetes.

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