
Mildronate at the Olympics: do we need the curler doping

Samples Alexander Krushelnytskoho, which is paired with the Anastasia Bryzgalova won bronze at the Olympics in Pyeongchang, was discovered Meldonium – drug, from January 2016 introduced by WADA in the prohibited list. Now Krushelnitska threatens disqualification, and in addition he was deprived of an Olympic bronze.

The representatives of Russian delegation consider the obtained results strange. It is known that before Mildronate (Meldonium) was in the forbidden list, krushelnitsky took him until January of 2016 that you can use it quite legally.

Analysis of doping tests the athlete indicates a single use of Meldonium, which surprisingly enough – usually taking the course, and a single application does not make sense. Dmitry Svishchev, the head of the Russian Curling Federation, appealed to the Russian doctors to find out whether it is possible in urine samples the presence of traces of the drug, which krushelnitsky took two years ago.

The athlete denies taking the drug and suggests that Meldonium he could have. He does not exclude that it was one of the members of the team that failed to qualify and did not go to the Olympics. Krushelnitsky suggests that this might occur during sports camps in Japan, which took place before the Olympics.

The athletes involved in Curling, skeptical about the fact that Mildronate may affect the results in this sport. Madeleine DuPont (Madeleine Dupont) from Denmark asks: “This is ridiculous! Why there needs doping?” Agree with her Victoria Moses, skip of the Olympic athletes from Russia: “the Curling doping is not needed, we before the Olympics was glad that Curling is devoid of scandals.

Our sport is not about doping at us “faster, higher, stronger”, we need to be precise. I can’t even imagine what drugs and which can be use in Curling”.

About “Grindeks” actively talking after the announcement of Russian tennis star Maria Sharapova, in the samples which at the time of the Australian Open 2016 was discovered the drug. She admitted she had used it for 10 years. Developed in Latvia in the 1970-ies the drug is now produced by a pharmaceutical company Grindeх. Medicine intended for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and is prescribed, for example, patients with chronic heart failure.

In addition, intake of Mildronate is recommended for reduced efficiency caused by emotional and physical stress. Athletes are taking medicine for increasing stamina and in order to adapt to a stressful situation during the competition. The usual course of Meldonium is 4-6 weeks. However, representatives of the manufacturer deny that Mildronate can somehow improve the results of athletes.

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