
Kefir – benefits and harms of

Among all dairy products separate place replaces fermented baked milk – a delicate, dense, characteristic cream color, with lemon flavor and sweet aftertaste. Cook it baked in a stone oven with cream of milk, which is then added starter.

Before, it was just sour cream or podcase milk. Today, instead they use Lactobacillus acidophilus and their analogues, and stone wood burning stoves have replaced industrial appliances. But still, the cheese stays delicious and healthy fermented milk drink, known since childhood.

This is a great alternative to sweetened yogurt beverages and yogurt, especially if you cook the cheese yourself. It can be given to young children, to diversify the menu, is very useful for those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

It is believed that he invented. in the XVI – XVII century, in those places where today is located the Central part of Ukraine, but cook it everywhere: in Russia, Estonia and even in the Caucasus. Names of course are different, the only constant is the method of cooking diet and at the same time nutritional product.

The composition and caloric content

Fermented baked milk is prepared from whole milk, because it is also rich in calcium, as well as the original product. One serving (250 ml) contains 25% of the daily value of this trace mineral and 20% of the daily value of phosphorus. In addition, the glass of fermented baked milk fragrant is:

The yogurt has lactic acid, which means it stimulates the digestive tract and causes the appetite. The product is recommended to give in the morning, small children and recovering patients.

In comparison with kefir, fermented baked milk more nutritious by adding cream – 100 ml of product contains about 67 calories. But that’s not much compared to other foods, so fermented baked milk used in the dietary menu – the drink could replace a meal.

Useful properties

This product is primarily useful for those who struggle with obesity and just the extra folds at the waist and hips. On the one hand, fermented baked milk you can drink after a hearty meal at the festive table, it will accelerate the digestion of foods and prevent undesirable consequences. On the other hand, it is quite nutritious in itself, and with a minimum of calories can replace a full meal.

The yogurt has probiotics, which normalize the microflora of the intestine and help cleanse it of toxins. Also, this drink include the diet of hypertensive, diabetics and people with high cholesterol.

Harm and contraindications

Perhaps the greater harm fermented baked milk may cause, if you buy a stale product and drink it. Therefore always pay attention to the date of manufacture and packing. If it is swollen, then buy this. not worth it, even if the expiry date is still far. This means that it was improperly stored or transported.

You can’t drink the product of warm milk for those who have a congenital intolerance to dairy products. In patients suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer with high acidity, fermented baked milk can cause an attack exacerbation.

How to make fermented baked milk at home?

Surely you wondered how to prepare this excellent in all respects the product yourself, especially if you are going to treat them to a little kid.

It’s very simple, though will take some time.

  1. Need to buy a quality home milk that the package will not work. Milk should not be collected the cream – thick rich foam on top.
  2. The milk must be boil in a fireproof saucepan, stir and move in the oven.
  3. Simmer on very low heat for about two hours to understand that baked milk is ready, the characteristic brown skin on the surface and scent that cannot be confused with it.
  4. The saucepan with the milk, remove and allow to cool to 35-40 degrees.
  5. Add 3 heaping tablespoons of thick cream (2 litres of milk), stir, cover and heat wrap.

After 6-8 hours the yogurt is ready. You can drink it just like that, add fruits and berries, to eat with the cereal. Stored this product in the refrigerator for three days. But he’s so good, it will end much sooner.

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