
Herbs for diabetes to reduce sugar

High blood sugar is often the result of insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas. This state is called hyperglycemia, and is characteristic of chronic endocrinopathy – diabetes.

Diabetes type 1 is complete absence of insulin in the body. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by impaired susceptibility sensitivity to the hormone at the cellular and tissue level.

In the treatment of diabetes of any type you should always use an integrated approach. The perfect complement to classic therapies are herbs. The most important goals of therapy are to maintain stable blood glucose levels and prevention of severe complications hyperglycemic crises.

Before to start phytotherapy of diabetes, you should consult with your doctor. He will advise you which medicinal plants have the best sugar-lowering properties, does not accumulate in tissues and have toxic effects on the body. In addition, you should find out in advance if there are allergies to certain plant substrates.

Treatment of diabetes of any type is always complex. An excellent complement to drug therapy can be medicinal herbs and plants, many of which are effectively reduce blood sugar, it does not cause side effects and are well tolerated. Most of the medicinal plants that have sugar-lowering effect, does not have toxic effects on the body and do not accumulate in tissues.

Before you know what herb lowers blood sugar, you need to consult a specialist as there may be individual contraindications.

How to apply herbs for diabetes?

Herbs, sugar reduction, have a positive effect on General metabolism, which diabetes mellitus is broken. They help to increase the rate of metabolism and purify the blood of various toxic products.

Course application of herbal remedies, which include oregano, clover and St. John’s wort normalizes the glucose metabolism in the liver and improves the process of biosynthesis of glycogen – product the breakdown of glucose.

Other beneficial actions of medicinal herbs are:

  • the formation of alkaline radicals, enhance glucose uptake;
  • stimulation of immune cells, contributing to the General strengthening of the body;
  • stabilization of the functional activity of the kidneys;
  • purification of lymph and blood;
  • the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

Herbal medicine can not replace the main treatment, but it perfectly complements.

General information

All herbs that reduce blood sugar, can be divided into three main groups.

These plants are available for self-cultivation on the plot. Apart from antidiabetic activity, they significantly increase the body’s resistance to various infections, i.e. enhance the overall and local immunity. The high content of vitamin and mineral components helps in diabetes 1 and type 2, in combination with the main treatment.

Herbs, fruits and leaves which can be consumed without pre-treatment or to prepare infusions and decoctions on the basis of their:

  • dandelion;
  • blueberry leaves;
  • nettle;
  • cranberry leaves;
  • peppermint;
  • mulberry (mulberry);
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • St. John’s wort;
  • hawthorn;
  • knotweed;
  • Galega (goat’s Rue).

These plants are most effective in non-insulin dependent diabetes. In the pathology of type 1 they contribute to strengthening the overall immunity. To use them better in the form of mixtures and fees.

The third group includes General tonic plants, herbs to improve functional activity of the excretory system, and a variety of medicinal teas:

  • rose hips;
  • Rowan (red and Aronia);
  • black currant berries;
  • dandelion root;
  • corn silk;
  • chamomile;
  • horsetail.
Plants recommended for type 1 diabetes

Bracken is a plant rich in vitamins and contains almost all needed weakened body mineral components. Thanks to the drugs based on it normal fluid and electrolyte balance.

To improve blood flow and prevent venous stasis contributes to goldenrod. Marked by its positive effect on the prevention of dangerous late complications of the disease – diabetic foot.

Amaranth seeds stimulate liver function, stabilize the synthesis of the polysaccharide glycogen, improve blood counts and reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood.

Plants recommended for type 2 diabetes

In the second type of diabetes is no urgent need for a constant intake of herbal remedies, however, entirely to renounce the use of decoctions and infusions should not be. To achieve a stable therapeutic effect, it is sufficient to repeat the course therapy folk remedies 3-4 times a year, but the negative dynamics on prescription can be shown and 5-6 courses within 12 months.

The most effective herbs for the treatment of non-insulin dependent diabetes are blueberries and nettle.

Blueberry speeds up the metabolism of glucose, and a positive impact on all metabolic processes in the body. A decoction of the leaves of the blueberry has the most pronounced therapeutic properties, but a large number of biologically active substances present in the berries (they can be used for the preparation of fruit drinks or eat it as is). To prepare a decoction of fresh blueberry leaves need to take 2 tbsp vegetable component, chop, pour 3 cups of boiling water, and then keep on low heat for about 5 minutes. In decoction it is useful to add a few sprigs of mint or a pinch of cinnamon. To drink it is recommended daily 100 g 2-3 R/day for 2-3 months.

Experts believe that bilberry helps with diabetes 1 and 2 type.

Nettle helps to enhance overall body tone and provides it a sufficient amount of vitamin and mineral compounds.

Galega officinalis (goat’s Rue) is recommended in patients with dysfunction of the kidneys and urinary system. Its active ingredients contribute to relief of swelling due to removal of excess fluid from the subcutaneous fat, thereby improving the condition of the vascular walls and myocardium.

In diabetes of both types, it is advisable daily to consume chicory. The extract of this plant is rich in polysaccharide compound inulin. Systemic administration of chicory allows to maintain a stable level of glucose, avoiding abrupt changes in its concentration in the blood, which in turn threatens Hypo – or hyperglycemic coma, threatening the patient’s life.

To prepare the drink (consumption should not exceed 1-2 cups a day), you can use ready-made powder sold in retail chains.

Other people’s recipes

Effective natural antidiabetic remedy is the infusion of mulberry. For its preparation you need to take 6 tablespoons of dried and powdered leaf or bark, pour three cups of boiling water, tightly wrap container and put in a warm place for a few hours. Ready infusion should be cooled, strain and take ½ Cup for 1 month. The plant very rarely cause allergies and other side effects, therefore at the discretion of the attending physician the treatment course may be extended to 2-3 months.

Folk healers recommend to reduce the sugar level of jam made from green walnuts. If it is prepared, for example, fructose, can indeed stabilize blood sugar.

Persons suffering from overweight, it is important to note that this product is very high in calories!

The daily dose is small – it is 1-2 coffee spoons. To achieve a more pronounced therapeutic effect jam it is advisable to drink tea from mint, oregano, chamomile or thyme.

In addition to jam an effective folk remedy is considered decoction on the basis of internal partitions nuts. 100 g dried plant substrate pour a liter of boiling water and put on low heat not less than half an hour. Ready broth cool, strain and take 1-2 months for 200 ml of 2 R/day.

The concentration of glucose in the blood can quickly be reduced through the usual decoction of dried root of burdock.

It is desirable to use a pharmaceutical preparation as growing along roadsides, the plant has the ability to accumulate a lot of harmful substances. Plants you can harvest your own, only possessing a solid background or herbal medicine will do more harm than good.

40 g of dried root pour 2 cups of boiling water, and cook on low heat for 15-20 minutes, then cooled and filtered. The finished product should drink on an empty stomach (15 minutes before eating) 2 tbsp Multiplicity of reception 2 times per day (preferably in the morning and evening). A decoction of burdock are assigned short courses – 1.5 to 2 weeks. In the absence of the expected effect of the treatment is extended at the discretion of the attending physician.

Very effective for with diabetes is the infusion of pre-cleaned and taller in cold water dandelion root. 1 tablespoon pour 200 ml of boiled water at least 3 hours, and filtered. The volume is divided into 3 equal shares and take throughout the day. The duration of a course of treatment – not less than 2-4 weeks.

According to herbalists, one of the most effective medicinal plants for diabetes is Polygonatum. For the preparation of herbal remedies, which reduces the level of glucose, 20 g of root pour 1 liter of milk and put on a slow fire, not forgetting to stir. Once the milk is boiling, remove the pan from the heat, and the liquid is cooled and filtered. A milk decoction of Solomon’s seal you need to drink ½ Cup 3 R/day for 3 weeks.

Contraindications to the use of this phytomedicine is a congenital intolerance to lactose (milk sugar).

To strengthen the blood vessels in people suffering from diabetes are strongly recommended to take tincture of Sophora japonica (100 g dried fruit – 0.5 l of vodka). The drug is insist in a dark place for at least 3-4 weeks, shaking occasionally. Infusion drink 1 tsp 3 times a day, diluting 300 ml of boiling water. The biologically active agent can be added to a variety of herbal teas.

Experts in the field of traditional medicine has over three hundred plants that are able to help with diabetes (particularly type 2). The detection of insulin-dependent diabetes course the use of herbal remedies shown only in the absence of adverse reactions and the obvious positive dynamics, because this pathology belongs to the category of autoimmune disorders in which Allergy can be a dangerous extra load on the body and worsen the General condition of the patient.

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