
How to prevent breast cancer

They claim that two to three alcoholic beverages increase the risk of developing breast cancer by 20%. However, there are other statistics. Harvard School of Public Health has been researching for 30 yearsand found that even one alcoholic drink a day increases the risk of cancer by 13%. Hence recommendations to minimize the amount of alcohol.

Cut down on alcohol

Experts believe that alcohol can increase estrogen levels to critical, and this, in turn, provokes the occurrence of cancerous tumors. Alcohol can also have a negative effect on the cells of the mammary glands, causing their abnormal changes.

American doctors advise drinking no more than one alcoholic drink per day – 150 milliliters of wine, 350 milliliters of beer or 50 milliliters of strong liquor.

Stop smoking (please)

Smoking is generally associated with lung cancer, but some doctors suggest that carcinogens in cigarettes may increase the risk of developing other cancers, including breast cancer. A 2017 study showed that the risk is especially high in people who started smoking at an early age. This is due to the fact that cigarettes affect hormones during puberty.

Eat a lot of fiber

Doctors from Boston conducted a study in which they asked 90 thousand women about their diet. As a result, it turned out that women who ate three servings of fruits and vegetables daily had a 25% lower risk of developing breast cancer than respondents who admitted that they ate little rich in fiber. Do not forget to add broccoli to the diet – it contains flavonoids that help to avoid the appearance of metastases.

Go in for sports

Many studies suggest that physical activity is beneficial for the prevention of breast cancer. The American Cancer Society advises doing at least 150 minutes a week – it is better to alternate intense training with moderate activity. Doctors advise not to do everything at once, but to distribute the load within a week. You must monitor your weight. According to a study in the United States, overweight or obesity can trigger breast cancer – the risk reaches 40%.

Think carefully before agreeing to hormone replacement therapy.

Hormone replacement therapy is often offered to women to relieve symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, excessive sweating, and fatigue. However, doctors believe that the combination of estrogen and progesterone that a postmenopausal woman takes can increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

The decision, of course, should be taken with the doctor – perhaps he will offer short-term hormone therapy (with minimal doses) or talk about other options.

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