
Flush the wound with water

Serious wounds that cover most of the body should remain moist and clean – this is necessary to reduce the likelihood of scarring and speed up recovery. Antibacterial ointments and creams will help prevent infection, but most minor cuts and scratches will heal without them.

To stop bleeding, apply a clean bandage to the wound – a napkin or a piece of gauze. If blood seeps through the dressing, do not remove it, just lay on top of even more gauze and napkins. Keep the dressing for 20-30 minutes.

Iodine strongly irritates the skin, because of it the healing process lasts longer. Abroad, instead of iodine solutions, agents with iodine-containing compounds, iodophores, are used. For example, povidone-iodine (costs about 420 rubles per bottle). In addition, with minor cuts and scratches, in principle, you can do without antiseptics. Rinse the wound with cool water (you can from the tap), if necessary, use tweezers treated with alcohol to remove dirt from it. Bleeding caused by small cuts or scratches usually stops pretty quickly. In this case, wounds on the face, head or mouth bleed more often.

Ideally, the wound does not need to be sealed with anything – so the damaged area will remain dry and heal faster. But if the cut is in a place that comes in contact with clothes and where dirt can get (for example, you injured your hand), it is better to seal the wound. To do this, use sterile gauze and adhesive tape. Change your dressing every day.

If all of the above measures do not help and the bleeding does not stop, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Scientists have discovered a genetic mutation in a woman who does not feel pain, is never afraid or nervous

A former teacher from Inverness (Scotland) told The Guardian in an interview that she never needed painkillers, despite the fact that in her life there were fractures of the extremities, cuts, burns, childbirth and numerous surgeries. “I can accidentally put my hand on a hot stove and realize that something is wrong, only by smell. I am a vegetarian, so the “flavor” is pretty obvious. There’s just no more fried meat in the house. ”

Joe never panics – even in dangerous situations is always calm. Not so long ago, a woman had a serious accident. After Cameron got out of the crumpled car, she rushed to reassure another driver, whose fault caused an accident. Bruises noticed only a few days later.

At the age of 65, Cameron, after several operations, during which she practically did not feel pain, was sent for examination to specialists at the University of California in London. Scientists conducted a genetic analysis and found two noticeable mutations. An article on the study of Cameron DNA was published in the British Journal of Anaesthesia.

Together, these two mutations suppress pain and anxiety, increase happiness and stimulate wound healing. The first mutation is associated with the activity of the FAAH gene – it is responsible for the enzyme that breaks down anandamide. This substance affects the sensation of pain, mood and memory. The more it remains in the body, the less pain a person feels. The second mutation was the previously unknown FAAH-OUT gene, which regulates the FAAH gene.

“A few years ago, I did not know that in the absence of pain there is something unusual. I thought it was normal. The knowledge of mutations fascinates me just like any other person. I will be happy if the study helps other people who are suffering. ” Scientists adhere to the same opinion. “If we understand how the whole mechanism works, then we may be able to create new painkillers,” says one of the authors of the study.

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