
Why hurt the testes in men?

Testicular pain more often concerned about adult men or boys, at least – of young children. Testes – a highly sensitive organ. Therefore, their involvement in the pathological process or mechanical damage causes severe pain attack, sometimes unbearable.

This condition may be accompanied by a reflex reaction, which is manifested by nausea, vomiting, increased sweating.

Any man can face the problem of when “whining” or sore testicle (left or right). The reason for this often lies in sexual frustration. If the excitation does not complete a full ejaculation, the testicles, swollen from the secret and the rush of blood begin to subjectively disturbed.

Causes of pain

This pain resolves on its own without treatment, especially after ejaculation.

The most common causes of pain in the testes is:

  • trauma to the perineum or external genitalia;
  • infectious inflammatory processes (prostatitis, orchitis, epididymitis, especially due to the sluggish Mycoplasma, chlamydia, etc.);
  • kidney stones;
  • malignant tumors;
  • surgical pathology (torsion of the testicle, inguinal hernia, varicose veins or dropsy of the testicles, hydrocele).

The nature of pain

The specifics of how sore testicle in men, suggest the primary stage, the most likely diagnosis and to build future diagnostic search. Therefore, the doctor should definitely tell about the peculiarities of pain syndrome.

It can be the following:

  • acute pain in the testicle, which is observed in trauma, acute inflammation, torsion of the testis, the infringement of inguinal hernia repair and during the passage of urinary stones through the urethra;
  • drawing pain in the testicles, occurring in chronic inflammation of the testicle and adjacent organs, varicocele (varicose veins of the spermatic cord) or a hydrocele (hydrocele);
  • sharp pain in the testicle among the complete well-being, pointing to a sudden catastrophe (acute violation of blood circulation in the testicle).

However, the absence of pain in the testicle is not necessarily a sign of their normal state. So, for malignant urological diseases for a long time some symptoms are missing. And the appearance of pain is regarded as a sign of late diagnosis. Therefore, every man should make it a rule to visit the urologist 1 time per year and as necessary.

Uncomfortable feeling, on the basis of the localization of the disease, there are right-, left – or two-sided. In the latter case speech, as a rule, goes about a common process when it involves both testicles.

An important role in the drafting of future survey play and characteristics of pain radiation, i.e., the place where she gives:

  • if the pain in the testicle radiates to the lower back, then it could be a sign of inflammation in the epididymis or when a sore lower back, and testicles to feel the weight, it is most likely the defeat of the spine;
  • if the pain in the testicle gives to the side, then it often indicates the presence of strangulated inguinal hernia, or kidney stones;
  • if the pain in the testicle radiates to the leg, it indicates twisting of the spermatic cord, the testicular injury and hemorrhage in it;
  • if the pain in the testicle radiates to the abdomen, often it is a sign of epididymitis (inflammation of epididymis).

Trauma as a cause of pain in the testicles

Pain in the testicles can become the injury of the scrotum or perineum. Moderate bruises and bumps provoke a sharp, but short-term pain. A strong injury can lead to shock state and even to loss of consciousness (pain shock). At the same time the situation could get worse acceding bleeding (internal or external).

In the treatment of pain in the testicles, in certain cases, allowed conservative treatment.

The indications for its implementation are:

  • minor bruising of the scrotum without compromising the integrity of the skin;
  • the lack of internal hemorrhage;
  • no signs of a ruptured testicle.

In the first days after the injury the man is assigned to a complete rest. Analgesics (painkillers) anti-inflammatory action, for example, Nimesil, Ibuprofen. At home can be applied to the groin with ice bags every three hours for 15 – 20 minutes. They lead to spasm of blood vessels, i.e. their diameter decreases, and accordingly, reduces the severity of the developing inflammatory response. It is also recommended to wear a groin support bandage or elastic linen.

Surgical treatment is recommended if damage is accompanied by the rupture of the skin of the testicles, blood loss, severe bleeding under the skin. The goal of surgery is to stop the bleeding, remove blood clots, restoring the integrity of the living tissues and remove dead skin. Postoperative hospital stay lasts a week.

Inflammation as a cause of pain in the testicles

Causes pain quite frequently caused by inflammation of the testicles and their accessory structures.

One of such diseases is epididymitis – inflammation of the canaliculus located above and behind the testicles, which finally Mature sperm. This process occurs in the background falling into the testicular appendage pathogens (gonorrhea, chlamydia Mycoplasma, etc.). In addition to the pain the man complains of swelling of the scrotum and swelling. Often, the inflammatory process is affected and the urethra, the prostate, which is accompanied by associated symptoms (pain, impaired urination, sexual disorders).

Another reason for pain in the testicle, which is acute, there may be orchitis is inflammation of the glandular tissue, i.e. the tissue of the testicle. Sometimes orchitis is a complication of “pigs” (mumps). It is a viral disease that developed either in childhood (most often) or in the adult (much less likely) can cause infertility, especially if the lesion is bilateral (occurs in 10% of cases). If, for example, there is inflammation and pain in the left testicle, then the cause for concern is much less of function of the affected left testicle will take over the right. And Vice versa. Orchitis is characterized by swelling and tenderness of the testicles. But in addition to the local signs there are still system – high body temperature, thirst, weakness, etc..

In the case of inflammation of the testicles should immediately consult a urologist. May need and consult with the infectious disease. For the treatment prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics (ftorinol, macrolides), anti-inflammatory drugs. From folk methods as a complement to traditional medicine used cabbage or linen compress, herbal hops, ointments from propolis. If treatment is started in time, healing occurs within 7 to 14 days. A complication of the inflammatory process in the form of suppuration of the testicle requires emergency surgical intervention to create an outflow of pus and prevent further damage to the glandular tissue.

Twisting of the testis as a cause of pain in the testicle

Sharp, sudden pain in the testicle, which was not preceded by trauma or infection, may indicate torsion of the testis. Normally each egg recorded the seminal cord, inside of which there are blood vessels and the ducts leading out the sperm with seminal fluid out. But despite that, the testicles may be slightly rotated, which is regarded as a normal variant.

When this rotation is significant, then the egg is capable of obernutsya around its own axis. When this occurs, the twisting of the spermatic cord, cessation of local blood flow, compression of the duct, which becomes the cause of pain in the right or left testicle.

Predisposing factors for torsion of the testicle may be the following:

  • low ambient temperature;
  • spasm of smooth muscles of the scrotum due to physical exertion or sudden movements;
  • contusion of the scrotum;
  • hormonal changes in adolescence (10 – 16 years).

2 – 3 % of patients in the first hours after torsion the situation can be corrected by external repositioning of the testicle. But doing it yourself is not worth it – to help the doctor-the urologist or the surgeon. This happens in the following way. The patient lies on the back. The reduction is performed in the direction opposite to the twisting of the testicle, and slightly down. If these measures do not bring relief and the doctor can’t make a u-turn, the decision on surgical intervention.

Access is via a testicle or the scrotum through the groin. During the operation, the surgeon secures the testicle to the neighboring tissues or carries out the removal of testicles if saving it is no longer possible. The postoperative period lasts long. During this period, if necessary, can be assigned to painkillers. After 5 – 7 days patient discharged. After the operation the man for some time, you should avoid heavy physical exertion.

Inguinal hernia as a cause pain in the testes

The situation when there is inguinal hernia, pain in the testicle is not uncommon.

To diagnose this condition is possible by the following features:

  • the presence of unusual bulging in the groin;
  • its dynamism. It increases during the increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity (coughing, sneezing, performing physical activity), and decreases in the horizontal position of men;
  • dull pain that can radiate into the leg, stomach, side and even back.

In the case where there is infringement of hernial content, the unbearable pains are sharp in nature. They are felt in the testicle on the affected side. This situation is an indication for urgent surgery. In other cases, it shows also surgical treatment, but in a planned manner.

Sometimes can occur inguinal-scrotal hernia. It is characterized by an increase in the side of the scrotum, where there is a protrusion. In this case, before treatment to select the most appropriate technique, the doctor recommends you to undergo ULTRASOUND examination.

Malignant tumors as a cause of pain in the testicles

A tumor of the testicle in men is one of the dangerous causes of the pain of this body. The malignant process can affect the glandular tissue, and excretory ducts. The task of the doctor and the patient to detect the tumor at an early stage. To do this, to focus only on the symptoms and in particular pain in the testicles, is a mistake, because this characteristic appears in advanced stages.

Therefore, a large role of additional diagnostic methods that are assigned to a urologist if you regularly visit:

  • Ultrasound;
  • radiography;
  • laboratory tests;
  • magnetic resonance imaging etc.

It is important that the man was paid due attention and self-examination of the scrotum. First, it is inspected visually in front of the mirror, and then palpate (feel). Suspicious signs when should immediately contact the doctor are:

  • local seal;
  • discomfort or pain;
  • one testicle bigger than the other.
Causes of pain in testicles in children

Pain in the testicle in a child is often associated with wearing tight underwear or personal injury. Injury kids can get when you fall in a street fight during a bike ride, etc.

Other causes of pain in testicles and their symptoms are as follows:

  • torsion of the testicle, sharp pain, nausea, vomiting;
  • infection (mumps) – in addition to pain, also the body temperature rises, there is local swelling of tissues;
  • hydrocele – pain unexpressed, increasing the accumulation of fluid;
  • inguinal hernia – swelling and pain in the testicles, associated with infiltration of organs from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum through the defect.

How to help the child? Strategy first aid depends on the cause pain in the testicles. Immediately after an injury can put a cold compress to the groin for 20 minutes to reduce swelling developing. The child should be as quickly as possible to show the pediatrician and pediatric urologist.

If it’s not in the injury, and the boy complains of pain occurs in the scrotum, it is most likely the development of the infectious process. To help solve the problem of the urologist. It is enough to prescribe a course of antibiotics based on the results of laboratory studies defining pathogenic microflora and its sensitivity.

Penetrating trauma, torsion of the testicle, inguinal hernias are usually treated promptly. In the hospital the baby is 7 to 14 days.

What if the cause of the pain in the testes is unknown?

To prevent dangerous for men’s health complications, it is advisable to ignore the resulting pain in the testicles. You should consult a specialist if:

  • touching the testicles (one or two) causes pain;
  • egg increased, swollen or deviated from its usual form;
  • has worsened overall health;
  • pain after a minor trauma to the scrotum does not pass on their own within several days;
  • at a palpation of the testicles is determined not only pain, but also a suspicious seal tuberosity.

Physician (primary is a urologist and surgeon, and again may be involved in andrology, venereal diseases, etc.) will conduct a survey, the results of which will determine the adequate tactics of treatment. In case of acute surgical pathology (a deep trauma, torsion of the testicle, hernia, etc.) shown urgent surgical intervention. In other cases, allowed conservative treatment.

What to do if you have pain in the testicles

Many men are interested in the question what to do if you have pain in the testicles? the answer is simple – go to the doctor, be examined and treated (if necessary).

But in some cases required to provide first aid:

  • when the injury is to apply ice;
  • with fever on the background of acute inflammatory process – take antipyretic if the temperature is above 38°C (this can be Aspirin, Paracetamol);
  • for kidney stones when the pain experienced in the testicles – you need to take antispasmodic (no-Spa, Baralgin) and attach to the lower back or the area above the fold (the projection of the bladder) heat.

When the cause of pain in the testicles lies in sexual abstinence, it is sufficient to complete intercourse. After that, the soreness goes away. But if it remains the same or increases, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

How to prevent pain in the testicles?

Knowing the main causes of pain in the testicles, you can understand what should be the prevention of this condition. The main preventive measures are:

  • elimination of anomalies in children (surgical treatment of inguinal hernia, varicocele, etc.);
  • regular intimate life of an adult male (to prevent stagnation of the semen);
  • sex life with a condom, if there is no confidence in the absence of infection in the partner;
  • wearing underwear that does not compress and therefore does not violate the blood circulation in the scrotum;
  • the prevention of traumatic exposure in the scrotum;
  • regular examination by a urologist to detect early stage asymptomatic occurring pathologies;
  • normalization of nutrition and drinking regime to minimize the risk of urolithiasis.
A bit of anatomy and physiology

Testicles (testes) are called the male sex glands. They are located in the scrotum. Inside each of them there is the spermatic cord and duct. When feeling they are clearly defined, reminiscent of rounded cushions.

The main objectives of the testicles in the male body is:

  • production of testosterone;
  • the production of sperm.

Adventitious formation of testes (cords, ducts) take an active part in the maturation of sperm. They also transporterowych seminal fluid from the testicles to the outside.


The state of sexual health of men depends on the condition of the testes. If there is tenderness in these anatomical structures need to seek the advice of a specialist.

The earlier are the exact reasons for pain in the testicle, the higher the guarantee the achievement of positive therapeutic outcome in the shortest possible time.

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