
Nephrosten and Kanefron, the choice of drug

If there is a problem of choice, then you need to understand why a phytopreparation is purchased: for prevention or for treatment.

“Nephrosten”, given its mild effect, it is better to choose for the prevention of urethritis, cystitis. It is suitable for people who want to maintain the proper functioning of the urinary tract in proper order.

“Kanefron” is stronger in terms of impact, therefore it is more suitable for systematic therapy and prevention of pathologies of a urological nature.

Another important criterion is the severity of the symptoms of the disease. With severe discomfort and intense symptoms, a German herbal remedy is preferable.

In case of minor manifestations, it is preferable to use a domestic product. But, it is better if the doctor chooses the drug .

After all, only a specialist can objectively assess the totality of symptoms, clinical manifestations, individual characteristics of the patient’s body. The presence of concomitant diseases, contraindications for taking a particular medicine – all these criteria must be considered before prescribing.

The independent use of seemingly harmless herbal preparations, in the best case, can be useless, and in the worst – lead to serious consequences.

Various pathologies of the genitourinary system are found in a huge number of people.

They arise for a variety of reasons, from hypothermia to an unfavorable environmental background.

For conservative treatment of urological diseases, there is a large arsenal of drugs.

Moreover, the effectiveness is shown not only by medicines consisting of chemical compounds, but also drugs, which include components of a plant form.

Representatives of such drugs are Nefrosten and Kanefron.

“Nephrosten”: characteristics of the drug

“Nefrosten” is a domestic drug intended for therapeutic courses of treatment of urological diseases. It is also used as a means of preventing diseases of the urinary system.


Strictly speaking, the drug, in the usual sense of the term, the drug is not. This is a biological supplement (BAA) to food based on plant components.

However, inaccurate wording does not reduce the benefits of its use.

Available in tablets of 250 mg, brown, in a film coating.

In tablets, the main active ingredients are:

  • Centaury grass.
  • Rosemary leaf.
  • Lover’s root.
  • “Fitoarbutin” (herbal collection of leaves of lingonberry, wintergreen, bearberry).

Auxiliary ingredients: silicon dioxide, calcium salts, MCC.

Due to the complex action of the active natural components, Nefrosten has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and diuretic effects.
In the process of application, inflammatory processes in the urinary organs are reduced, discomfort is eliminated, and blood supply to the renal tissues and the bladder improves. Excess fluid is removed from the body, swelling is reduced.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is used in medical treatment:

  • Urethritis
  • Cystitis.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Glomerulonephritis.

As a means of monotherapy “Nefrosten” can not be used. It is prescribed only in conjunction with synthetic antibacterial drugs and antibiotics.

Despite the fact that the considered phytochemical is positioned as a dietary supplement, there are certain contraindications to its intake . These include: children under 14 years of age, pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding, allergies to constituent components, gastrointestinal diseases (acute stage).

Possible side effects are nausea, urticaria, angioedema.

“Kanefron”: characteristics of the drug

Kanefron is a German herbal preparation intended for the treatment of diseases of a urological and nephrological nature.


The form of release of two types – dragee in the shell and oral drops.

Dragee is composed of powdered herbs as active substances:

  • Lovage officinalis.
  • Rosemary leaves.
  • Centaury.

Additional components are also present: corn starch, dextrose, silica, calcium carbonate, etc.

The Kanefron solution is an aqueous-alcoholic extract made using the plants listed above. In addition, it includes water and 16-19% ethanol.

Due to the perfectly composed combination of medicinal plants that make up the active substance of the drug, it exhibits high activity as a diuretic, antispasmodic, antiseptic.
The phytopreparation affects smooth muscle, causing it to relax. Due to this, pain and cramps are relieved. It inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Expands the renal vessels, as a result of which the water-salt balance is stabilized. In the urine, the amount of protein decreases.

In addition, the drug helps to eliminate harmful products of nitrogen metabolism (uric acid, creatinine) from the body.

Indications and contraindications

In urology and nephrology, Kanefron is actively used to treat the following diseases:

  • Inflammation of the kidneys of non-infectious origin (tubulointerstitial nephritis, glomerulonephritis):
  • Infectious inflammation of the kidneys and bladder (pyelonephritis, cystitis)

As a means of prevention, a phytopreparation is prescribed to prevent the formation of stones. It is also prescribed to patients after surgical removal of stones in the bladder or kidneys.

The medication can be used both for basic therapy, and in combination with other medicines.

Contraindications to the appointment are: exacerbation of a stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer. intolerance to fructose or lactose (for dragees). allergic to components.

During pregnancy or at the stage of breastfeeding, the drug is prescribed only if the benefit of taking it exceeds the risk of possible negative consequences.

Children under 6 years of age are not assigned “Kanefron” in the form of dragees. In the form of a solution, the medicine is not given to babies under 1 year old.

The solution is also contraindicated for people suffering from alcoholism, due to the presence of ethanol in it.

Side effects are manifested in a very small percentage of cases. Herbal medicine is well tolerated by patients.

Sometimes diarrhea, nausea, or allergic reactions are possible.

What are the drugs like?

A common feature of these herbal remedies is that both are based on herbal ingredients. They have a similar healing effect. Intended for the prevention and treatment of similar diseases of the urinary system. They have a similar series of contraindications and “side effects”. In pharmacies are dispensed without a prescription.

What is the difference

The funds under consideration differ in the following parameters:

  1. Manufacturing countries. Nefrosten is produced in Russia, by the domestic pharmaceutical company Evalar. Kanefron is produced in Germany by Bionorica.
  2. Different format of release. The Russian remedy is only in tablets, the German one is in dragees and drops.
  3. Domestic herbal remedy is a dietary supplement. German – an independent drug.
  4. Nefrosten tablets contain additional components, due to which a slight antioxidant effect is manifested.
  5. Alcohol is present in the Kanefron solution. This imposes restrictions on the administration of this form in some categories of patients.

Finally, the price difference is very significant. For “Kanefron” in tablets will have to pay 450-600 rubles., In drops – 400-500 rubles. “Nefrosten” in the form of a dragee will cost 234-245 rubles.

But here it is worth considering that the imported product has been present on the pharmaceutical market for more than 40 years. During this time, it has proven to be an effective and safe medicine used in many countries. The Russian dietary supplement is only 7 years old.

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