
Venoruton and Detralex, drug choice

Both drugs successfully cope with the elimination of symptoms of a disease associated with insufficiency of deep vein valves. They help with varicose veins, swelling, trophic ulcers, convulsions and pain. May be prescribed in the treatment of hemorrhoids. They are used during the recovery period after surgery.

According to doctors, Venoruton is one of the most effective means for violating the microcirculation of blood and pathological changes in the capillaries. There is also a high effect from taking Detralex. It has a unique production technology, as well as a dosage form. The most positive result is achieved with several repeated courses.

The choice of one of the drugs is primarily affected by the characteristics of the patient’s body. Individual intolerance and reaction to active substances can cause the replacement of one drug with another analogue.

The price of the drug is also important. With a long course of treatment, it is more economical to use Detralex’s analogues, which are more cost-effective, to which Venoruton belongs.

In the pharmaceutical market, there are many medicines with almost the same characteristics. Greater competition is pushing manufacturers to produce more effective products. Detralex with its analogues is similar in chemical formula and effects on the body. What should you start with when choosing the right remedies?

The drug Venoruton

Venoruton is prescribed for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The drug has phlebotonizing and angioprotective effects. The active substance of the drug is hydroxyethylrutoside (refers to vitamins of group P). Rutoside penetrates the walls of blood vessels by 20% of their total thickness.


The composition of Venoruton has a profound effect on the veins and capillaries. It makes the walls of blood vessels stronger, increasing their tone. After a course of treatment, blood circulation is significantly improved, trophic disorders are eliminated and inflammation goes away.

The active component narrows the pores of the vascular walls, improving the penetration of lipids and water into them. It is an excellent antioxidant and has a different pharmacological effect. Prevents platelet adhesion. In chronic vein diseases, it eliminates cramps, swelling and pain.

The digestibility of the drug is easy. Its wide range of actions is noted. Possible simultaneous administration with other medicines.


Detralex has angioprotective and venotonic properties. Effective venotonic, eliminating the symptoms of venous-lymphatic insufficiency. The medicine is also available as a prophylactic of lower limb vein diseases. Long-term drug treatment does not provoke the appearance of adverse reactions in the body.


The active substance is the micronized flavonoid fraction. Consists of hesperidin and diosmin.

Diosmin Properties:

  • Eliminates the formation of free radicals in the blood.
  • Normalizes blood and lymph circulation.
  • Removes stagnation in tissues.
  • Does not allow the adhesion of leukocytes to the walls of blood vessels.
  • Helps to improve the penetration of oxygen into tissues.

Properties of hesperidin:

  1. Improves blood circulation.
  2. Antioxidant.
  3. Relieves inflammation and cramping.
  4. Relaxes the muscles of blood vessels.
  5. It has a light antibacterial effect.
  6. Eliminates septic reactions.
  7. Suppresses the production of histamine in the tissues.

The interaction of two active substances provides a venotonic and angioprotective property. The drug promotes the outflow of fluid, restores blood flow, eliminates the extensibility of veins, eliminates stagnation.

Drug similarities

Both drugs are used in medical practice to treat diseases associated with difficulty in venous outflow. Have a similar effect on the body. Drugs protect blood vessels, increasing their tone, eliminate venostasis.

Comparison and differences

Key similarities:

  • The active substances of both drugs are of natural origin.
  • Indications for use.
  • A similar therapeutic effect. They have an angioprotective effect.
  • Improve blood circulation.
  • Increase the degree of tension of the vascular walls.
  • Stimulate the outflow of lymph.
  • Similar side effects (allergies, digestive disorders, dizziness).
  • Reception during pregnancy is possible (with the permission of the attending physician).
  • The tablet form of the drugs is available in a similar dosage (500 mg).
  • Acceptance with other drugs is allowed.
  • Release form. Options for the release of Venoruton: capsules, tablets, ointments. Detralex has a similar release form.
  • Over-the-counter leave from drugstores.
  • Similar storage conditions.
  • Easily absorbed by the body.

The main differences:

  1. Different active ingredient.
  2. Impact. Detralex comprehensively affects the whole body. Venoruton mainly affects only the condition of the veins and capillaries.
  3. Price. The cost of Venoruton is lower than that of Detralex. The average price of the first drug – 900 rubles., The second means – 1200 rubles. The price depends on the dosage.
  4. Detralex does not thin the blood. Venoruton has a moderate diluting effect.

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