
Symbiolact Plus and Compositum, the choice of drug

The drugs have an almost identical composition. Supplements activate the normal functioning of the digestive tract, restore metabolism, have a beneficial effect on the work of all organs. The list of indications is also almost identical.

Active supplements are sold without a prescription, are used not only in complex therapy and in symptomatic treatment, but also as an element of prevention, restoration of normal functioning of the body. They have no side effects, contraindications. Can be used from the first birthdays of a child.

Symbiolact plus in its composition contains biotin, which activates cell division, provokes the restoration of damaged cells, has a beneficial effect on the intestinal mucosa. An additional effect of a kind of gastrointestinal rejuvenation is provoked. Eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of dysbiosis, etc.

The compositum in its composition contains the necessary microorganisms, is convenient to use, has no contraindications. Recommended for use in any type of dysbiosis, including those caused by taking antibiotics. It can be used for chronic colitis, after acute intestinal infections, flatulence, constipation.

In pediatrics, Compositum is most often used, it is also prescribed if the patient has complex diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since the effectiveness of the drug is significant, and after the first receptions the result is felt.

Symbiolact Plus is in no way inferior to Compositum, in addition to everything it contains biotin. It is often prescribed if necessary to obtain the result of restoring normal balance and a kind of rejuvenation of the digestive tract. Taking this drug not only improves the general condition of the body, but also restores the immune system after drinking it, and allows normal smokers to restore the normal balance of the body. It is considered an excellent means of an immunostimulating format.

Probiotics are a necessary element in the normalization of the digestive tract, and they also form an improvement in the body’s immune response. Today, a very significant number of drugs are presented that contain probiotic and lactic acid microorganisms in their composition. Symbiolact Plus and Compositum are highly effective, easy to use, no side effects, the possibility of use in complex therapy and affordable price. Which option is best for the patient, the doctor determines based on a study of the general condition, as well as the desired effect. Means have an almost identical composition, based on a mixture of microorganisms that have identical mechanics of exposure to the body. But, there is a significant difference in additional components.

Symbiolact Plus

Release form – powder, active components: a mixture of lactic acid and probiotic microorganisms. A dietary supplement that provokes a natural restoration of the balance of the intestinal flora, provides support for this balance, is a source of lactic acid microorganisms, as well as probiotic. It has a high microbiological activity, affects the digestive tract. They do not have antibiotic resistance, which provokes a complete lack of danger of the emergence of resistant strains in the body.

Symbiolact Plus

By taking this supplement, active protection of the intestinal mucosa is provoked, and microflora stabilization is also provoked. Restores the normal balance in the work of the digestive tract.

It is effective in various disorders of the immune system, which are caused precisely by the imbalance of the intestines.


  • When taking antibiotics, laxatives and corticosteroids.
  • When eating, which is unbalanced.
  • Recommended for use in stressful situations.
  • As a source of lactic and probiotic microorganisms.
  • As a source of biotin.
  • When smoking and alcohol abuse.

As contraindications, solely intolerance of an individual nature to the components of the active additive is indicated. It is also recommended not to exceed the daily dose.

Symbiolact compositum

Available in bags, contains a mixture of cultures of lactic acid, probiotic microorganisms. It is a probiotic that provokes support for healthy microflora. The therapeutic effect is ensured by the presence of live bacteria, which act as a kind of antagonist in relation to a fairly wide range of opportunistic as well as pathogenic microorganisms. It can be used in the treatment of children and adults. It is used as an active type supplement, can act as an element of complex therapy in the treatment of dysbiosis and other gastrointestinal pathologies.

Symbiolact compositum


  • As an element of the normalization of the digestive tract.
  • When dysbiosis occurs.
  • With an unbalanced diet.
  • In complex therapy to restore microflora.

The drug has no contraindications, overdose cases have not been recorded. It can be used even during pregnancy, during breastfeeding.

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