
When milk appears after childbirth

Expectant mothers on the eve of an important event have many reasons for excitement. Starting with the dowry of the baby in the hospital and ending with the upcoming birth. A special place in this chain is breastfeeding.

Every woman carrying a baby under her heart has repeatedly wondered: “What if there is no milk after childbirth? What if the baby will be hungry and I can’t feed him? ”

Before panic and running headlong for baby food, let’s look at the physiology of this process together. After all, nature has long foreseen everything.

During pregnancy

The process of preparing the female body for the upcoming feeding begins even before the birth of the baby. At about the seventh (eighth) month, colostrum appears dropwise from the chest. This means that the body has rebuilt and will soon be ready for the production of breast milk.

What is colostrum? This is a special secret that the mammary glands produce. In appearance, it resembles a thick, pale yellow liquid. In its composition, it differs from breast milk, as it contains more protein and less fat.

It is colostrum that the young mother will feed the baby in the first days after birth. Why it happens?

Firstly, in order not to burden the digestive system of the newborn. Colostrum contributes to an easier discharge of meconium (primordial feces).

Secondly, it is more concentrated. A few drops of colostrum will provide the baby with nutrients and minerals for a couple of hours. Therefore, do not worry about the fact that the baby will remain hungry. In addition, the “first meal” contains such an important immunoglobulin “A” that protects the baby from the first days of life.

When milk appears

Breast milk comes on the second or fifth day, depending on what kind of birth the woman has, how they passed, how intensively and correctly the baby sucks. In order for the mother and the child to enjoy mutual pleasure from the feeding process, it is necessary to prepare in advance:

  • The correct and positive attitude. This is the case when you call a ship, it will sail. A young mother just needs to tune in advance that everything will be fine: milk will arrive on time, she will eat crumbs.
  • Joint stay of a newborn with mom. Now in many maternity hospitals there are wards in which the young mother lives with the baby, starting from his very birth. Doctors note the positive impact of such a stay on further breastfeeding. A child can eat as often and for as long as he needs. And milk comes much faster.
  • Early attachment of the baby to her mother’s breast and feeding on demand will help to easily start the lactation process and save from unpleasant problems.
Establishing lactation

In the first week of milk comes a lot. The chest literally doubles. Sometimes it is poured to such an extent that it is difficult for the baby to grab the nipple. In this case, it is better to slightly breasts. Massage your breasts in a circular gentle motion and express a little milk. It will become softer and the child will gladly pull on the milk himself.

It happens that milk comes, but because of the thin ducts of milk the baby quickly gets tired. Do not worry, over time, the child will get stronger and pull as much as he needs. In the meantime, try to decapitate the chest. If this does not work, then seek help from a breastfeeding consultant. He will show and help decipher elastic breasts.

Often from young mothers you can hear that they have little or no milk after childbirth. Why it happens? For normal lactation, it is important that the mother’s moral calm, her healthy sleep (an average of 7-8 hours), healthy nutrition. Therefore, if there is no urgent need, it is better to postpone all diets for later.

How can this situation be corrected? There are no special pills for this. Just drink more warm liquid (it’s better if it is dried fruit compote), more often put the baby to the chest, do not ignore nightly feeding. A warm (but not hot!) Shower aimed at the chest also helps.

Finish feeding

Ideally, breastfeeding should be maintained for up to two years. But we do not live in an ideal world. There are situations when lactation needs to be urgently stopped.

Today, there are special pills for this. They will help to dramatically reduce milk production. However, such pills are not at all harmless, so consult with your doctor before taking. It is he who will select the right drug and select the necessary dose.

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