
Our son is afraid to donate blood from a finger!

Our daughter (3 years 7 months) is very afraid to donate blood from her finger: no persuasion helps, we barely pull it into the office, hold it together. Please tell me, is it possible to somehow customize the child?

Many children are afraid of medical procedures. The reasons can be very different: memories of the previous unpleasant experience of receiving medical care; parental anxiety transmitted to the child; the baby’s unpreparedness for what awaits him at the doctor’s appointment, etc.

There are various ways to overcome the fear associated with medical procedures. An important role is played by informing the child. It is important that the daughter knows in advance that she will have a visit to the doctor. Explain in an accessible language, why she will take blood from her finger, why it is important and how it will happen. Do not promise that the procedure will be painless – this way you will undermine the child’s trust in you.

Think together what can help cope with fear: you can offer to take your favorite toy with you, hold your hand in the doctor’s office. Be sure to support your daughter during and after the procedure. Remember that your own peace of mind and confidence are very important to her. After visiting the clinic, if the daughter feels good, you can plan some pleasant pastime that will help relieve stress.

Many children find it easier to prepare for an unpleasant event if they lose it in advance. Organize a game in the clinic with your daughter. Let her first act as a doctor or nurse, and you as a patient. You can “treat” toys by playing the usual technique in the clinic in the game and performing the necessary manipulations: examination, prescribing medications, vaccinations, etc. If the daughter is ready, you can switch roles so that you or one of the toys is a doctor, and she is a patient.

Question to the psychologist: Our son is afraid to wash!

My 2-year-old son is panicky afraid to wash (whether it’s a bathtub, a basin). Screaming, can’t hear me. Tried soaps grandmother, dad, – screams; toys and foam are not interested, to wash with mom – clings to the neck and does not let go. Such a story from birth. Inga, Perm

Many children experience bathing fears. Most often this is due to some unfortunate episode during water procedures, but sometimes the reason is really not so easy to restore. In two years you have tried many means of dealing with fear. From your story, it is not completely clear how far the influence of this problem has spread. Does the son bathe in open-air reservoirs, refuses to play with water, dip his hands?

One possible way to help your child cope with fear is through play. Play a bathing situation with your son on the dolls (this game should be timed with the bathing of your son and you need to play not in the bathroom). Perhaps you will learn much more about what exactly scares him. One doll can represent an adult, and the second – a child who is bathing. The son can first play for the “child”, then – change roles with you (or vice versa). Ask him what the doll is afraid of, what can help her to fear less. What favorite toy, for example, could a doll take with it so that it is not so scary or not at all scary?

Another opportunity is provided by fairy tales. Invent and tell your child a fairy tale about a boy of his age with a similar (but slightly changed) name, who was very afraid to wash (in the bathroom, in the basin, and in the trough). Tell how difficult it was for this boy with his fear, how once he decided to catch his fear (reduce, drive away, outwit or something else) and what happened then. Such a tale can be told several times (unless, of course, the son will like it) with some variations or unchanged.

Create a ritual during which the son will have the opportunity to prepare for a bath with you. You can offer him to choose the clean clothes that he will put on after bathing, arrange to read a fairy tale out loud, or watch a cartoon after returning from the bathroom.

What you need to know about pineapple?

Thinking about how to usefully diversify your baby’s menu? When it comes to the smallest, the choice is not so great. But here’s a possible option – tropical pineapple.

What is the use?

Pineapple is known for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties. Its fragrant flesh helps improve the baby’s intestines and cope with constipation due to the abundance of dietary fiber and organic acids (although the latter can irritate the sensitive gastric mucosa, so it’s better to eat a little pineapple). Due to the high content of manganese, which strengthens the cartilage, this tidbit promotes the growth of the child, and due to potassium, improves the functioning of the heart and prevents excess fluid from accumulating in the tissues. Vitamin B, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene and the unique enzyme bromelain, which can break down proteins and reduce inflammation, are also hidden under the thick pineapple peel.

How to choose?

Choose firm elastic fruits with a dense peel and dense leaves, without external damage and dents – softness when pressed and brown spots on the skin mean that the pineapple spoils. Moody southerners do not like either excessive cold or warmth and are well stored at temperatures from +7 to +10 ° С. But it is best to eat pineapples immediately, and fresh – after cooking, they become less beneficial substances.

How much to give?

Pineapple can be offered to children from 6 months, but very carefully, because it often causes allergies. Up to 1 year, it is best to combine pineapple juice or puree with fruits already familiar to the child, starting with ½ teaspoon: for example, mix 1 part pineapple, apple and pear puree. So are the manufacturers of baby food, using them as part of assorted fruit desserts.

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