
Manifestations and treatment of neuritis of the radial nerve hand

Neuritis of the radial nerve of the hand is an inflammatory disease of a neurological nature. Is one of the most common pathologies of the upper limbs.

The reasons may be different. Often it is an uncomfortable hand position during sleep – it is under the head or under body. This happens in the dream after drinking heavily, or after a long work.

The second reason is the compression of the crutch. This condition even has a name – spike paralysis. This happens if the crutches were picked up incorrectly or they have no padding in the armpits.

The third reason – injuries, mostly fractures or hand injuries. This can be attributed to prolonged compression of the hands with a harness or a sudden contraction of the nerve itself.

Other causes of neuritis of the radial nerve should be attributed to chronic injury of the nerve trunk. This happens when the nerve rubs against the sharp edge of the tendon. Also disruption of the upper extremity may develop as a result of the appearance of scar tissue in the intercondylar space.

In very rare cases this condition may occur after influenza, pneumonia, typhus.

As manifest

The first symptoms of this neuritis will depend on which area of the bone suffered a defeat. But for this condition there are common signs:

  1. Numbness, tingling, and other disorders of sensitivity.
  2. Muscle paralysis or partial reduction in the development of atrophy.
  3. Swelling.
  4. Redness at the site of inflammation.
  5. Dryness and thinning of the skin.
  6. At the final stages the sores, which is the result of a violation of the trophic tissue.

There are other symptoms that will completely blow from the lesion of the nerve. In this case, the symptoms of neuritis of the radial nerve will be a little different and the treatment will depend on severity.

If the affected axilla or upper half of the shoulder, then the main symptoms should be considered as an almost complete loss of sensation, inability to straighten the arm at the wrist and wiggle your index and middle fingers. Also there is the violation of flexor and extensor function.

If you hit the upper third of the shoulder, then the symptoms will be practically the same, except that the sensitivity persists and does not disappear the ability to straighten or bend the arm.

Another important symptom to be considered “falling brush”, which allows you to rather quickly put the correct diagnosis.

How to get rid of

Treatment of neuritis of the radial nerve depends entirely on what caused the pathology. If it’s an infection, be sure to antibiotics or antiviral, cardiovascular drugs. If this injury, then it is immobilization of the limb using plaster splints and are prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Is also appointed vitamins and drugs that help restore blood circulation.

Treatment of neuritis of the radial nerve of the hand is performed not only through medication but also using additional methods, including well-proven to electrophoresis, phonophoresis, UHF. They help to return the sensitivity and increase muscle tone. Appointed by such procedures most often after the first week of treatment, when the acute period of the disease can be completely removed.

Exercise therapy in neuritis is carried out to gradually increase the articular mobility. Massage cannot be conducted independently, since the probability of injury – it is better to entrust it to real professionals. It’s helpful for rehabilitation exercises in the water that you recommended 3 or 4 times a week, and only under the supervision of an instructor.

There are also a number of popular methods, before using which it is necessary to consult with a socialist. It may be the use of propolis, which, after the infusion is used in form of compresses. It can be red clay that should be mixed with vinegar, then make the cake and apply to the affected area. Repeat for three days.

In the most severe cases, when the disease cannot be cured by conservative methods, surgical treatment. It is necessary when long-lasting pain syndrome, as well as the initial signs of atrophy.

The prognosis is generally favorable. Only in the absence of adequate treatment, as well as the development of atrophy of the muscle may develop complete lack of movement in the limbs.

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