
Hospitalization Levels Show There’s ‘Still Virus Circulation’ As Fourth Wave Continues

Colorado recently just had one of the highest COVID averages over a week period as the fourth wave continues, bringing into question whether the state should continue with scaling back restrictions.

“You know actually the severity of the cases seems to have dropped off, people are still coming in with positive tests,” Dr. Noah Kaufman with Kaufman Medical Group said.

Kaufman works in the emergency room in northern Colorado and parts of Wyoming.

“It’s not the same severity of COVID that we’re seeing especially with that second spike,” he told CBS4.

Recent data by the state showed the 7-day case average was around 1,200 cases which led other states.

“The number I track most closely is the number of people admitted into the hospital. I think that is a strong indicator of how severe the cases we’re having,” Elizabeth Carlton, Colorado School of Public Health Assistant Professor.

Carlton has been tracking and researching the data since the outbreak started.

“Let’s put it in perspective. On average in December when things were at their worst in Colorado, we were admitting about 290 people per day, the last few weeks it’s been as high as 100 per day on average, now we’re dropping down to 70 people,” she said.

However, she pointed out, last summer, at the low, it was less than 20 people a day.

“There’s still a lot of virus circulation right now one of the best ways apart from vaccination is for people to wear a mask,” she added.

That’s why she believes people need more time, but Dr. Kaufman thinks, time is running out for the need for people to follow tighter COVID restrictions.

“We’re not as worried because you can go get a vaccine, and the chances of being very very sick, and the chances of dying are much lower,” he said.

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