
Temperature Allergy

However, the mechanism of Allergy does not completely rule out such a scenario. Indeed, the development of the allergic response involves the release into the blood of a large number of inflammatory mediators – histamines.

They perform in the body for many functions, and one of them is the expansion of peripheral vessels and increase their permeability. And this, in turn, entails hyperthermia of the tissues in which there is a concentration of histamine.

Allergy has many symptoms. Often it is accompanied by watery eyes, runny nose, skin redness, rash, dermatitis, asthma. Sometimes these symptoms can join in and high temperature. What if this happened? And can generally the temperature to accompany such disease as allergies?

There is a temperature for allergies?

Quite a widespread view, including among doctors, about what temperature and allergies – things to each other are not related. Although in most cases it is, in fact, to this rule there are certain exceptions.

The increase in body temperature usually caused by different factors. It can be caused by endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) causes. In some cases, the increase in temperature is a protective reaction of the body, stimulating all of its resources to fight the infection, and in others by the presence in blood of specific substances that cause fever pyrogen free. As a pyrogen can be, for example, the toxins produced by bacteria. Thus, the temperature rise is a process for which you need to use a variety of biological mechanisms. Allergy usually such a situation is not observed, this process affects only a part of the immune system.

However, the increase in temperature is a systemic response of the body. And in order that histamine contributed to temperature rise of the whole organism, and not its individual tissues, e.g., skin, histamine should stand out very much. And it already poses a threat to the whole organism. Therefore, the temperature rise in allergies – it is a dangerous symptom that may be accompanied by other severe manifestations, e.g., anaphylactic shock.

However, most often allergies can be the temperature due to reasons, with the most allergies not related. For example, the temperature may be caused by concurrent fungal, bacterial or viral infection. It is no secret that many Allergy symptoms, such as edema, dermatitis, rhinitis may be accompanied by infectious diseases of viral or bacterial origin. And in this case elevated temperature is an obvious symptom – a symptom of the body’s fight against infection.

In addition, the temperature rise may be caused by another cause – namely, intoxication. After all, many toxins are also strong allergens. Thus, in such cases, the temperature increase and allergies can go hand in hand, although they are not directly connected

Thus, allergies can sometimes be accompanied by fever, although it is a rare symptom. Such cases are called atypical allergies. However, the temperature values of the atypical allergies usually remain low – not exceeding 37,5°C, with the exception, of course, in those cases where the Allergy associated bacterial or viral infection.

The types of allergies, the most frequently observed fever

However, allergies can give temperature in some varieties of this disease, and in these cases increased temperature is the norm rather than the exception.

Such types of allergies are:

  • allergic to insect bites and animals
  • drug Allergy,
  • Allergy to vaccine (serum sickness).
Allergic to the bites

The poison injected by the bite of insects (bees, wasps, ants, etc.), not to mention snake bites, it has a toxic effect on the body. If it penetrates into the bloodstream, affected person along with allergic reaction may occur and a sharp increase in temperature. It is a kind of protective reaction of the organism, which thus responds to the penetration of poisons. The values of temperatures can be quite high and as high as +39°C. this reaction is Especially characteristic of children. In addition to this symptom, allergic to the stings often accompanied by swelling and rashes. This type of Allergy is usually severe and requires immediate treatment to the doctor.

Drug Allergy

Many drugs can cause, in addition to allergic reactions, and fever. No matter whether they are entered with injections or go to the gastrointestinal tract. Especially often there is an Allergy in the administration or ingestion of the antibiotic penicillin. Somewhat less temperature rises when using tetracyclines, sulfonamides, metronidazole. This reaction is most common in children.

The introduction of the vaccine (whey Allergy)

In fact, severe allergies with the introduction of the vaccine occurs infrequently. However, if there are signs of Allergy, they usually are accompanied by this symptom, as fever. In some cases, this phenomenon is not a pathology, as evidenced by the fact that the immune system recognizes the antigen of the causative agent and learns to deal with it. Most often, this symptom is fever, when administration of vaccines is by itself. However, in severe cases, fever in serum sickness may be accompanied by pain in joints and muscles, hives, lesion of the internal organs.

Temperature in children with allergies

In children fever Allergy is more common than in adults. However, not always it can be the result of allergic reactions, not allergies, concomitant infectious disease. Of course, the child’s cold is usually accompanied by respiratory symptoms – cough, runny nose, sore throat. However, in some cases, symptoms can be blurred, for example, when enteroviral infection, or to occur immediately. Besides, allergies and infectious diseases can have similar symptoms, such as runny nose (rhinitis).

Of course, there are cases where there are substantial grounds for believing that the child is suffering from allergic reactions. For example, if it is shortly before that vaccination was done or he was bitten by an insect. Also for children is often characterized by an allergic reaction to pollen, in which there is an increase in temperature. This is quite a serious condition, which if untreated can result in complications such as asthma. Food Allergy in a child can also lead to an increase in body temperature.

But in any case, when the temperature of the child it is necessary to consult a doctor to accurate diagnosis – whether we are talking about atypical allergies or a cold. Also the doctor should differentiate Allergy from some viral diseases accompanied by itching, rash and high fever – chicken pox or rubella. An important role plays and analysis of history – so if the child has already met allergic reaction, then the probability that he’s having an atypical allergic, not easy SARS, increases.

Fever in adults

Atypical Allergy in adults is less common than in children. However, in some cases, for example, if you are allergic to medications or insect bites, the temperature may rise in adults. While atypical Allergy is usually accompanied by and the usual Allergy symptoms – rash, edema, etc.

Treatment of elevated temperature for allergies

Fever is just a symptom, indicating a pathological process, although quite unpleasant, and not the disease itself. Therefore, to bring the temperature down with allergies there is no particular need, except that it does not exceed the high values, for example +38°C. the Main attention should be focused on treating the causes of allergies – neutralize the allergen and prevent further exposure. For example, if the allergic reaction was caused by medication, it is necessary to stop them, and if the nature of food Allergy, then you should take drugs-chelators that help to neutralize the allergens that are in the digestive tract.

Also to reduce the level of impact on the body inflammatory mediators – histamines, should take antihistamines. It must be remembered that the usual antipyretic drugs such as paracetamol and aspirin, are not able to prevent the onset of severe complications of allergies, such as anaphylactic shock and angioedema.

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