Melissa – herbaceous plant, perennial, a close relative of peppermint. Grows mainly in the Crimea and the Caucasus. Many Russians and Ukrainians produce Melissa own gardens because it is absolutely not whimsical. In form the plant resembles a small shrub, leaves have a lemon odor resistant. People lemon balm called lemon balm.
Interesting! Usage of lemon balm as a medicine was mentioned in the writings of the earliest doctors and healers. Records date back to I century BC. In the XI century it was mentioned by Avicenna, he was also impressed by the healing properties of plants.
Today, the use of lemon balm folk medicine has not lost its relevance. Moreover, it is the most popular medicinal plant and has very few contraindications.
Chemical composition
The leaves of this miraculous herb contains many essential oils and organic acids.
Also, the balm includes:
- tanning substances;
- stearine;
- flavonoids;
- saponins;
- macroelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron;
- trace elements: manganese, copper, selenium, zinc, chrome
- beta-carotene;
- vitamins B1 and B2;
- ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
Useful properties
There is probably no such person who would not know that tea with lemon balm is a great calming agent. Drink it when one-time and recurring nervous disorders (psychosis, neurosis, nervous exhaustion), and sleeplessness.
Important! Children’s pediatricians recommend giving a decoction of lemon balm for children with giperaktivnosti. Essential oils are part of plants, improve memory, concentration, perseverance.
A calming effect is not the only useful property of lemon balm. The plant is capable of producing analgesic effect, possesses anti-emetic, antispasmodic and diuretic.
Infusions of this herb are shown to eat under the following health problems:
Melissa helps to cope with skin diseases:
- dermatitis;
- eczema;
- blisters of different origin;
- fungal infections;
- atopic dermatitis;
- insect bites (the improvement comes at the expense of upcause action);
- acne (the skin is cleansed due to the ability of lemon balm to refresh the composition of blood and lymph).
Important! Decoction of lemon balm is very useful for women’s health. The plant facilitates as in case of hormonal abnormalities, dysfunction of the ovaries and other “female” inflammatory processes. During the critical days tea with lemon balm soothes the pain and spasms. And in toxicosis in pregnant women – relieves nausea.
Nutritionists recommend the use of lemon balm during weight loss. Regular use helps to activate metabolic processes, cleanses the body from harmful substances, resulting in extra pounds gradually fading.
Harm and protivopokazaniya
Contra-indications of lemon balm is not enough. Do not abuse of the fragrant weed to males. This plant, like mint, weakens sexual activity.
Before an important exam or job interview is also better to be from the decoction of lemon balm, as it has too many soothing effect, resulting in the observed slow reaction or retardation. If you need a little rest, you can add a couple of leaves into tea leaves – that is enough.
Categorically lemon balm to people with persistent low blood pressure, and also, if you have individual intolerance (which is extremely rare).
Melissa in folk medicine and cooking
The infusion of the plant prepared as follows:
- in an enamel bowl pour 1 liter of water;
- add 2 tablespoons fresh or dried chopped lemon balm;
- boil for 15-20 minutes on low heat;
- to insist 30-40 minutes.
All! Useful broth is ready for use.
This medicine can be taken:
- toothache and inflammation of the gums (rinsing the mouth);
- when asthma attacks;
- during colds (relieves fever and headache);
- while reducing appetite
- to support the immune system.
In the kitchen at Thrifty Housewives lemon balm will always be one of the first places. It is used as a seasoning for fish, meat and mushroom dishes. Added to salads and pickles for cucumbers and cabbage. Homemade compotes and juices Melissa will lend a unique, incomparable taste.