
Why cold hands and feet?

Most people periodically encounter a situation when your arms and legs. This usually occurs in the cold season, especially if the person is not dressed according to the season. But a lot of people complain about the literally icy limbs, while in the normal room temperature or even at the beach in the heat.

Cold hands and feet to a violation of local circulation, i.e. the delay of blood flow. The problem may be associated with pathological changes in the peripheral and Central vessels (sclerosis or varices). Another cause is often a transient spasm. Narrowing of small arterioles and capillaries often caused by disorders of the nervous system (including stress).

Cold upper and lower extremities is quite common for hypotensive – people with low blood pressure.

Note: in persons with asthenic, thin physique figures HELL often below a certain average “norm”. They often complain that they are cold in warm weather.

Cold hands and feet: the cause of the problem

Important: hundreds of hands and feet is not always a sign of some pathology. Maybe it’s the General hypothermia during prolonged stay at low temperature. Warm shoes and quality gloves will solve this problem.

Possible reasons that the limbs are often cold:

In some diseases of the endocrine glands (diabetes, hypothyroidism), the process of the pulse at the sensitive and vegetative fibres is disturbed. Definitely need to take a blood test for glucose, when in the hands and feet appear numbness, burning, itching or there sweating for no apparent reason.

If you along with a sensation of cold in the hands and feet you notice brittle nails and hair, pain in the legs, decreased sensitivity of skin or disruptions of the heart – it is strongly recommended not to postpone the visit to the doctor. Only a comprehensive examination will help to identify the true cause of the disturbances.

Nicotine and other compounds present in tobacco, causes a spasm of the blood vessels. In people with nicotine dependence over time develop pathological changes in the vascular walls.

A symptom of varicose veins of the lower extremities are swelling of the feet, local pain in the projection of the joints and so-called “vascular stars”.

VSD and heart disease appear as rapid fatigue on the background of a slight physical exertion and shortness of breath. The skin acquires a pale shade with a kind of “marble” pattern.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia may be a direct consequence of the inactivity in childhood and adolescence, low stress or infections. Harmful to blood periodically ejected a significant amount of adrenaline causing the hypertonicity and spasms of smooth muscles of vascular walls.

The Raynaud’s syndrome, which, in particular, is characteristic of patients with cold Allergy, are characterized by such symptoms as painful spasms in the hands and feet. It is considered as a separate disease or as a manifestation of pathologies of the spine, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.

Important: the fact that the fingers, hands and feet freeze in the first place, can be considered a normal phenomenon due to anatomical and physiological characteristics of the structure of the human body. In these areas of the body, relatively little is richly vascularized muscular tissue, but a lot of tendons. The area of the skin, actively radiating heat to the external environment is relatively large, and a layer of fiber, which is able to prevent it very low.

What if cold hands and feet?

The diet you need to make some adjustments. It is recommended that smaller meals – small portions 5-7 times a day.

Useful and harmful products

It is advisable to include in the menu more products with high iron content. This, in particular, can prevent anemia.

Note: iron is an essential part of hemoglobin, responsible for oxygen transport in the body.

Foods that contain a lot of iron:

  • green leafy vegetables;
  • raisins;
  • prunes;
  • lean meats (preferably poultry);
  • fish of any sorts;
  • egg yolk;
  • lentils.

The most complete digestion of this macronutrient helps orange juice (especially freshly squeezed).

The expansion of the arterioles and capillaries is promoted by vitamin E, and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) strengthens the walls of the main and peripheral vessels.

Products to strengthen the capillary walls:

It is recommended to reduce or eliminate the consumption of strong coffee and tea – the caffeine and tannins provoke vasospasm.

About alcohol you need to forget once and for all. In any case, do not try to warm up in the cold with alcohol. It only gives a subjective feeling of warmth. Due to the expansion of peripheral vessels blood briefly flows to the face and limbs, but the body as a whole only further supercooled.

General guidelines

Important: for heavy smokers, the only way to avoid blood circulation problems is a complete rejection of bad habits.

Blood flow to the arms and legs is significantly improved with regular exercise. Jumping, running and swimming can prevent stagnation of blood. This is especially important for people engaged in sedentary work. Noted that they often get cold feet even in a warm room. During the working day appropriate every 20-30 minutes to stand, stretch, and perform rotation and Mahi hands and feet in 2-3 minutes. Thanks to the exercises will improve not only physical, but also mental performance, because blood flow in the brain will also increase.

If occasionally cold fingers, measures must be taken for a kind of hardening of the blood vessels. Being in the room with a comfortable temperature (usually it ranges from 19°C to 22°C), prepare a warm bath for the hands, and dip the brush in a container for 3-4 minutes. Then you need to go to the room with lower temperature, which will trigger a cold spasm of peripheral vessels. There need to dip your fingers in warm water, causing the capillaries to expand. Regular performance of such exercises for vessels (at least three times a day for months) will help them to counteract the vasospasm. After each procedure it is necessary to actively move the hands to intensively disperse the blood through the limbs.

In the summer outdoors often try to swim in open water (well if the water is a little cool), and walk through the grass and soil in bare feet, massaging, thus, the biologically active points on the soles.

If there are General contraindications associated with chronic diseases, try weekly to visit a Russian bath or sauna.

Feet useful to float at night in hot water. If you are unable to cope with the cold feet, apply to feet before bed and a warm heating pad.

For local and General hardening useful contrast perfusion of the limbs. They can be done in the shower, alternating hot and cold water. The duration of such tempering procedures should be gradually increased.

To normalize the condition of the vessels very useful massage. Try to frequently stretch your hands, toes and lower leg (to knee), use for rubbing essential oil of ginger or cinnamon.

The advice of traditional medicine

Drink extracts of berries of blueberry, strawberry, mulberry and elderberry, brewing 1 tablespoon of berries Cup of boiling water.

Effective folk remedy to improve the tone of blood vessels is alcohol or vodka tincture a flower of horse chestnut. 1 part vegetable raw materials take 2 parts of a solution of ethanol and leave for 1 week in a dark place. Means, take 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.

Very useful warm baths with a decoction of spruce or pine needles.

The rule 4-5 times a day dissolve 1 teaspoon of natural honey (if not allergic to bee products). A positive effect can be achieved already after 1.5-2 months of such treatment.

Patients who suffer from coldness of the extremities, folk medicine also recommends taking a tonic based on extracts of ginseng and Eleutherococcus. Before treatment you need to consult a doctor for contraindications.

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