
Is it possible to prevent the development of allergies in children?

Today, scientists have come to the conclusion that allergic diseases occur as a result of interaction of genetic factors and environmental factors. And if at first we don’t know how to influence, in relation to the second we can do.

What you can do during pregnancy?

Numerous studies have shown that active and passive Smoking of the expectant mother increases the risk of development of the child’s allergies. Avoid secondhand smoke – reduce the risk.

That does not affect the development of allergies?

For a long time the assumption was that the avoidance of the mother’s diet products, most commonly cause allergies (milk, eggs, wheat, nuts) reduces the risk of Allergy development in the child. Currently on a special diet during pregnancy is not recommended, as numerous studies have shown that this diet reduces the risk of Allergy development in the child.

What can I do after birth?

There are a few recommendations the world’s largest Allergy community, doing that you can greatly reduce the risk of allergies.

Experts advise:

  • Avoid passive Smoking (this applies primarily to children)
  • To keep exclusively breastfeeding for at least the first 4-6 months of a child’s life
  • Children at risk of Allergy development (when one or both parents suffer from allergic diseases) in case of impossibility of breastfeeding apply hypoallergenic mixture in the first 4 months of life. At an older age, you can apply the usual mixture, if the child has no allergies to them.
  • Start to introduce solid foods at 4-6 months, not postponing until a year or more older products introduction, most commonly cause allergies (milk, eggs, wheat, nuts, fish). Delayed introduction of complementary foods, restrictive diet breastfeeding mom and baby not only reduces the risk of Allergy development, but also enhances it.

Important: if the child has already formed a food Allergy, it is necessary to exclude only those products that cause it. Preventive exclusion of other products is not required.

  • House dust mites are a common cause of the formation of respiratory allergies (allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma). In this regard, children in high-risk groups should limit the potential contact with dust mites:
    • use protective covers for mattresses and upholstered furniture,
    • wash bedding at temperatures above 60C,
    • change it every week
    • to maintain a humidity of 40-50%,
    • to remove from a child’s bedroom carpets and upholstered furniture.
  • Animals for a long time been considered a factor increasing the risk of allergies. To date, studies show that early exposure to animals reduce the risk of developing allergic diseases, therefore no need to artificially restrict such contacts.

Important: if the child has already formed an Allergy to wool of any kind of animal, you need to avoid contact with them.

All these measures will help to reduce the risk of Allergy development. Allergy is a rapidly developing branch of medicine. Every day we learn more about what happens to the body during allergic disease, what we can do to control this process, what are the causes of allergies and how we can affect them. New studies help us make it even better – will be watching!

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