
What if baby grits his teeth

First, do not panic, but pay attention to the frequency of signs of bruxism. If a child gnashes his teeth during the day only periodically and this process lasts no more than 10 seconds, then there is nothing to worry about: gradually this phenomenon will pass by itself. Secondly, you must consider the age of the baby.

As already mentioned, in the period of infancy, there are a great many factors that can provoke gnashing of teeth, and perhaps some of them have a place to be.

If a child is gritting his teeth when he sleeps, and this process continues for half an hour or more, parents should seriously think about it and seek advice from a specialist. This especially should be alerted if the night squeak is complemented by the same long day squeak.

Treatment of children’s teeth squeak

Why children at night gnash their teeth will help figure out a dentist and a neurologist. And even if the unstable emotional state of the baby is the main factor, the dentist will not be superfluous to consult: he will make individual mouthguards for the child, which will reduce the risk of injury to the teeth and erasing the bone tissue due to excessive friction. An alternative to the cap may be special protective lining.

If the baby is gritting his teeth in a dream, the doctor may prescribe him a vitamin-mineral complex. Calcium, magnesium and vitamins of group B can be of particular benefit, because it is precisely because of the lack of these microelements that the pathological jerkiness of the jaw muscles occurs during sleep.

In turn, parents should do everything so that the baby feels safe and less nervous and worried about any reason. It is especially important to create psychological comfort in the evening. View cartoons replaced by reading books. You can turn on quiet classical music and just chat.

Children with a mobile nervous system need to respect the daily regimen. Parents should make sure that meals and daytime sleep occur at the same time. If the baby does not tolerate places with large crowds of people, then such communication and walks should be stopped. Sleep lay down the child early and stay close until he falls asleep. All these measures should bear fruit and after a short time the baby will no longer grit its teeth.

Causes of children’s teeth squeaking

One of the reasons for the rattle may be teething of milk teeth. This process is so painful that it causes anxiety and crying baby: he tries in any way to get rid of unpleasant sensations and scratch the gums.

During this period, he drags into his mouth everything that falls under his arm, and he can still firmly close his jaw and scratch one gum against another. If a child gnashes his teeth in a dream, the reasons may be associated with a lack of muscle load during the day. Pediatricians recommend offering solid food to the baby to stimulate the muscles – bagels, carrots, apples, etc.

The kid grows, his character develops and it happens that he can express dissatisfaction with some actions with his teeth gnashing. Such a phenomenon is often the result of over-stimulation of the nervous system: the psyche of a small child is still too weak and easily amenable to stress. It can be provoked by excessive daytime impressions, for example, a visit, a holiday involving a large number of people, etc. Active games just before sleep can also cause such unpleasant consequences.

Why does a baby gnash his teeth? A stressful situation can also be created by weaning from the breast or nipples, a transition to the usual for all people food. The restless situation in the house where parents constantly swear, and the mother leaves the baby with her grandmother or nanny for a long time, may not in the best way affect his emotional state, and the pussy will begin to grit its teeth. Bruxism often occurs on the background of another disease, most often associated with respiratory failure. Enlarged adenoids, overgrown polyps and all sorts of sinusitis often go hand in hand with bruxism.

There may be a hereditary predisposition. To provoke a similar phenomenon may lack of calcium in the body, and even parasites – helminths. In the body of a child up to a year, they are unlikely to settle, of course, provided that all the rules of hygiene and safety measures are followed, but in the body of an older child completely. It is also worth mentioning the wrong bite as one of the main causes of squeak.

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