
Big ears: otoplasty as a way of correcting

Big ears is a fairly common cosmetic flaw. People with droopy ears, big ears are often the object of ridicule (especially in childhood and adolescence), have problems in their personal lives, suffer from inferiority complex.

Fortunately, thanks to modern medicine, this deficiency can be corrected by making the ears are neat and attractive.

Big ears is not only a feature of the anatomical structure.

On the causes of prominent ears

According to doctors, to provoke this problem by the following factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • vascular pathology;
  • hypertrophy of tissue structures;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • pathology of fetal development;
  • neurofibromatosis;
  • the accelerated growth of the ear.

Note: the problem of big ears is already apparent in childhood. But sometimes the child’s one ear can be significantly more than common. Some experts attribute this to the habit of the baby is constantly sleeping on one side!

Methods of correction of the ears, otoplasty

Correction of big ears is carried out exclusively by surgery. This surgery is called otoplasty. The procedure has no medical indications, it is held at the request of the patient who seeks to get rid of external fault and the accompanying psychological discomfort.

Important! Experts recommend doing otoplasty in childhood, until the child reaches 14 years. It is believed that during this period, the recovery is much faster and postoperative complications are much rarer!

To do otoplasty for large ears, starting from the age of four, because by this time it finally completed the process of formation of the ear.

Properly conducted otoplasty allows to achieve the following results:

  • reducing the size of the ears;
  • eliminating possible asymmetry;
  • correction of the ears;
  • eliminating prominent ears and octopyranoside ears.

Thus, after surgery and completion of the rehabilitation period, people completely get rid of the problem big ears will improve your appearance, become more attractive and confident, which is essential for a future successful life!

Please note that otoplasty is not considered a complex surgical intervention, and in compliance with the basic rules of preparation for surgery and rehabilitation, does not cause any harm to the patient!

When otoplasty is contraindicated?

Like any other surgery, otoplasty has a number of contraindications and limitations.

Experts do not recommend resort to this operation aimed at correction of big ears in the following cases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases associated with a decrease in the indicators of blood coagulation (hemophilia, thrombocytopenia);
  • inflammatory diseases of the hearing aid occur in the acute or chronic form;
  • cancer tumor growths;
  • infectious diseases in acute phase;
  • chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation;
  • of menstruation in women;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the internal organs, occurring in severe form;
  • the presence of keloids in the area of the ear;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • a strong weakening of the immune system.

Important! Despite the fact that child age is appropriate for otoplasty, kids under the age of four years, such operation do not, in connection with the aborted cartilage and ears. At an early age otoplasty is simply not effective!

Contraindicated plastic surgery (including otoplasty) women who are expecting a baby and nursing mums!

Preparing for surgery

Prior to the otoplasty specialist photographs of the auricle of the patient, makes the appropriate measurements. The patient is assigned to the following obligatory diagnostic tests:

Important! Definitely need to visit such specialist, like an otolaryngologist.

The process of preparation to surgical intervention aimed at correcting big ears, starts 2 weeks before surgery.

During this period, patients should:

  1. To abandon the reception of medicines not agreed with the experts.
  2. Refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages, Smoking.
  3. Take prescribed vitamin and mineral complexes.
  4. Eat right, preferring protein-rich foods, fresh vegetables and fruits.

The day before the operation, special attention must be paid to hygiene, wash hair, clean ear. Dinner on the eve of otoplasty should be easy and the actual day of surgery from the food and drink must not refrain (the last meal should be no later than 4 hours prior to surgery)!

Note: otoplasty can be performed under local anesthesia and under anesthesia. The decision taken by the surgeon, depending on the type of otoplasty, age and individual characteristics of the particular patient.

The types of ear plastic surgery

In modern surgery, for the correction of large ears used several methods of otoplasty:

  1. The Method Of Atner. During surgery, the specialists excised, ear cartilage of the patient, and then impose the connecting seams. The duration of the operation on both ears is about an hour. The method is pretty effective, but not recommended for patients with increased tendency to form keloids.
  2. Method Of Gersuny. The main difference between this type of surgery is that the ear cartilage is dissected under the ear curl, and then overlap the connecting seams. After such an operation it is possible to achieve maximum aesthetic results, with an absolutely invisible scars. The duration of such otoplastics of the procedure is about 1.5 hours.
  3. Laser ear surgery is a modern minimally invasive procedure. Under the influence of laser radiation of the ear cartilage tissue evaporate. This procedure is bloodless, painless, minimal risk of postoperative infectious complications and accelerated recovery period.

At the completion of the operation on the ears of the patient are superimposed antiseptic, pressing, fixing the bandage.

Note: the procedure for otoplasty surgeon picks individually!

A few hours after surgery, the patient is in the clinic, under the supervision of experts, after which, if his condition is not serious, can go home!


The process of full recovery after undergoing otoplasty takes several months. 2 weeks the patient must wear a compression bandage, and another 2 weeks to wear it only in the evening, before bedtime.

Note: swelling and bruising after otoplasty can be stored for about 2 weeks, it is considered quite normal! If the patient suffers from strong pain and other discomfort, the doctor may prescribe him painkillers and antibiotic drugs!

Also after the surgery, the ear passages are introduced cotton swabs soaked in antiseptic. To change such tampons should be every 3 days. The stitches are usually removed after 1.5-2 weeks after surgery. However, removal of stitches does not mean the end of the rehabilitation period!

So, the patient should be protected from cold and draughts, to protect their hearing from exposure to sunlight. To wash my hair only a week after the stitches are removed! In addition, over one and a half months after undergoing otoplasty patients should avoid heavy physical exertion, sports, visits to a Solarium, swimming pool, bath or sauna!

Important! With increasing temperature, severe pain, the divergence of seams, you should immediately seek medical help!

Possible complications

Failure to comply with medical recommendations during the recovery and rehabilitation period may cause the development of the next are extremely undesirable complications:

  • bruising;
  • infectious processes;
  • keloid scars;
  • cellulitis;
  • inflammatory lesions of soft tissues;
  • perichondrium;
  • necrosis of cartilage.

The risk of infectious complications is that they can cause the development of purulent necrosis and deformation of the cartilage. In such cases, the patient needs prompt treatment, which will help avoid further progression of infectious processes. Patients undergo drainage of the wound, prescribe a course antibioticbuy therapy.

In that case, if the deformation still occurred, you must re-otoplasty. When necronom lesions of the cartilage the operation is performed urgently, and in other clinical cases to carry out otoplasty is recommended after six months after the first surgery!

Additional recommendations

To prevent the development of most of the typical complications and avoid unnecessary re-otoplasty, observing the following advice:

  1. A few months after the surgery to fall asleep with the locking compression bandage.
  2. Avoid sleeping on the side, it is best to sleep on your back or stomach.
  3. Take vitamin-mineral complexes.
  4. Eat light, vitamin food.
  5. Strengthen your immune system, take immunomodulatory drugs.
  6. Refrain from tanning.
  7. Refrain from Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
  8. Do not take Aspirin – it can cause bleeding and slow down the recovery process. In General, taking any medicines coordinate with your doctor.
  9. Use the cleanser and wash only warm (in any case not hot) water!

If large ears spoil your life and appearance, consult a plastic surgeon and he will tell you how to solve this problem quickly and safely!

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