A person who has high blood pressure should be sure to reduce the amount of salt consumed, include fresh vegetables and fruits in his diet, and burden his body with physical activity – even people who are far from medicine know about this.
Hypertension Diet
High blood pressure leads to deadly diseases, so patients at risk always take medication. According to American scientists, the number of tablets can be reduced if you change the diet
Milk and natural yogurts. According to scientists, a person with high blood pressure should receive from 1000 to 1300 milligrams of calcium. The menu for calcium should include dairy products and cheeses. In 100 ml of milk of 3.5% fat, 120 mg of calcium, in goat – 134 mg. In 100 g of ice cream – 159 mg of calcium, in the Dutch, Poshekhonsky and Cheddar cheeses in a 100 gram piece of calcium. In 100 g of cottage cheese of 5 and 9 percent fat content – 164 mg. In yogurts without additives of various fat content – about 124 mg of calcium. Most calcium is found in sesame seeds, in 100 g – 1474 mg.
Flax seed. In second place, American scientists put products containing omega-3 fatty acids. They especially highlighted flax seeds, which should be added two tablespoons (3.9 g) to yogurt or cottage cheese every day. It is believed that the largest amount of omega-3 fatty acids is found in fish and seafood: sardines (1.35 g), salmon (1.5 g), halibut (0.62 g), shrimp (0.37 g), etc.
Be sure to include walnuts in your diet, which are in second place after flax seeds in terms of omega-3 fatty acids. 100 g contains 2.27 g of the necessary acids. A large amount of omega-3 fatty acids is found in beef (per 100 g 1.1 g), beans (1.3 g), spinach (0.17 g) and other dark greens.
Garlic. It is believed that hypertensive patients need to eat a clove of garlic every day for three months. Studies have shown that, on average, it is possible to lower the tonometer by about 10 mmHg. Art. Garlic has a relaxing effect on blood vessels, stimulates the synthesis of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide. They expand arteries and arterioles, which lowers blood pressure.
Tea. The fourth product among researchers was tea. The most useful is puer. The drink makes vessels elastic and normalizes blood pressure. It is often recommended by doctors to the core, and especially hypertension. Oolong tea reduces the risk of hypertension by 45 percent. Green tea is also recommended to drink to lower blood pressure, it reduces headaches, reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.