
Everything is not where it should be

Colds on the lips – a thing very unpleasant, painful, and exacerbated regardless of the seasons. In the heat, cold, and most importantly – a dank slush, which is rich in our autumn, spring, and now also summer. Immunity has a hard time.

But herpes, which is on our face, there is a relative – herpes, which manifests itself in intimate places.Specialists-gynecologists and dermatovenerologists say: they are forced to treat genital herpes more often, it actively spreads. The correspondent of SE learned details about the disease.

Genital herpes is an infection that causes the herpes simplex virus (Herpes simplex). The difference is in the type of the virus. Traditionally it is stated that the first type of virus is responsible for the bubbles on the lips, while the second one causes the disease on the genitals.

So it was before, today the situation has changed a little: as Irina Sergheeva, dermatovenereologist of Zdravitsa dermatovenerologist Irina Sergeyeva, told earlier, the first type of the virus was clearly associated with the labial localization, that is, on the face, the infection with the first type occurred usually in childhood.

The second, genital, appeared no earlier than the onset of sexual activity, respectively, manifested itself on the genitals. “Now do not make a difference in the type of virus. First, herpes can appear not only on mucous membranes. Secondly, the virus stopped transmitting only by localization: on the face there can be a virus of the second type, and on the genitals – the first type. At the same time, there is apparently no difference between these types. ” The disease below the belt manifests itself in the same way as the fellow above: itching, puffiness, painful rashes, inflammation of the regional lymph nodes, total splitting or even fever.

The doctor recalls: the overall prevalence is that 90 percent of the adult population is the bearer of one or another (or both) types. Therefore caution needs to be shown not only to people living in promiscuous sexual life.

You can get infected with a virus first of all through sexual contact, including oral sex (it is with the latter that doctors associate the increasingly widespread virus of the second type). Or through personal care items – a loofah, a towel or linen. “To infect a partner, you need manifestations of the disease, if there is an exacerbation, a rash with blisters,” says Irina Sergeeva.

She also notes that today the disease is becoming more and more frequent in subclinical form: a cracks appeared, the skin scratched a little, and the patient did not even notice. In this form, you can infect a partner without even knowing it. Natalya Melnichenko, a dermatovenereologist at the clinic of professor Pasman, assesses the situation even more seriously: “Infection is possible even with asymptomatic carriage of the virus.”

Sadly, once settled, the herpes virus no longer leaves the host’s body. Doctors say: if a healthy person, even if he knows that he is infected, there are no manifestations, so the immune response is residual, the body manages himself, and one should not worry. If the virus begins to “rage”, it greatly weakens the immune system, and in addition to the terrible suffering that causes sores in the tender places, the virus gives the go-ahead for penetration into the body of other sexual infections. And against the weakened immunity in general, any other inflammation can develop: first of all, in the sexual sphere. But the greatest danger of the genital herpes virus is for expectant mothers: as Natalia Melnichenko warned, it is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman.

Even if the disease is asymptomatic, the genital herpes virus causes miscarriages in late pregnancy, complications in childbirth or congenital anomalies in the child. 

Therefore, any woman planning a pregnancy should be examined for the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus, this should be prescribed by a gynecologist.

By the way: if a woman has blisters and sores on the genitals, the gynecologist can legally send her to the dermatovenerologist: gynecologists can treat infections that are sexually transmitted. But if there are unclear etiologies of sores and eruptions, they must be cautious: after all, the disease may turn out to be one that is considered to be a true venereal disease, and their dermatovenerologists treat them.

Diagnosis of genital herpes includes a blood test for the presence of antibodies: it allows the doctor to determine if a person is infected. The second type of analysis is the study of materials that are taken directly from rashes similar to genital herpes. By the way, today many medical institutions recommend treating herpes exclusively with an immunologist. The truth is there, but dermatovenerologists urge: it is necessary to begin with the doctor on the “lower part”.

Because many studies and preparations from the arsenal of immunologists are so expensive that they discourage the patient from any desire to treat herpes at all. Such a patient relies on perhaps: after the symptoms are removed, the illness forgets. And if the herpes is shown traditionally, on the lips, and does not bother at all.

As Natalia Melnichenko has told, at frequent exacerbations even notorious labial herpes it is necessary to show to itself attention: the virus can unexpectedly creep down more low. Therefore, if the herpes makes itself felt several times a year, the course of treatment, including antiviral drugs, is extremely desirable.

Indeed, if you can not get rid of the herpes that you have once, it does not mean that an illegal resident has the right to poison your life: modern medicine is quite capable of improving the quality of life, and one can not forget about the prohibitions on kissing.

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