
What is harmful figs?

Fig tree is unlikely to survive in our harsh climate, but it feels great in the Caucasus and the Black Sea. And thanks to the wonders of import, we know and can enjoy this delicious treat. Let’s see why exotic figs are so useful and harmful.

Each healthy food has its own contraindications. Fortunately, figs do not have many.

You should exercise caution when consuming figs in large quantities, as it can cause allergic reactions, ranging from vomiting to diarrhea and even itchy skin.

People with sensitive skin or an allergic history should avoid not only eating figs, but also applying it to the skin.

Never consume unripe figs. It contains white milky juice (latex), which contains compounds such as furocoumarins and 5-methoxypsoralen (5-MOP), which can cause severe allergies around the mouth and lips, which can quickly spread to other parts of the body.

It is believed that figs are the oldest cultivated tree that is known to man. Figs, perhaps the same age as avocados (which, incidentally, has existed on our planet since the time of the dinosaurs). It should be loved only for age and stamina.

The benefits of figs

One fig contains a huge amount of useful vitamins and elements. So, in it you can find a lot of fiber, fructose, beta-carotene. Vitamins such as the entire vitamin B group, vitamin H, vitamin C and vitamin PP. Also in figs are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium. Interestingly, in terms of potassium content, figs are second only to nuts. It also has beneficial tannins and organic acids.

Let’s talk in more detail about some of the beneficial properties of figs.

Improves digestion

Figs relieve constipation and improve digestion. Soak 2-3 figs in water overnight and eat them with honey the next morning, and you can say goodbye to constipation.

Improves heart health

Figs reduce triglycerides in the blood. Triglycerides are the fatty particles in the blood that are the main cause of heart disease. In addition, the antioxidants in figs eliminate free radicals in the body that block the coronary arteries and cause coronary heart disease.

Figs also contain phenols, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which reduce the risk of heart disease.

Prevents Colon Cancer

Regular use of figs can reduce the risk of colon cancer. It’s all about fiber, which helps to quickly remove toxins from the body, which is good for the prevention of colon cancer.

Numerous seeds in figs also contain high levels of mucin, which collects waste and mucus in the colon and leaches them.

Lowers Diabetes Sugar

Not only fruits, but also fig leaves benefit your health. Leaves have amazing properties that help regulate blood glucose levels. According to one study, the inclusion of fig leaves in the diet helped control blood sugar after eating in insulin-dependent diabetics.

You can consume leaves in the form of tea or dry and grind them into powder.

Rich in antioxidants

Figs are a source of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in your body and fight disease. In addition, it is a source of phenolic antioxidants that enrich plasma lipoproteins and protect them from further oxidation.

Good source of energy

Adding figs to your diet is a sure way to increase energy levels. Carbohydrates and sugar present in the fetus increase the percentage of energy in your body.

Helps fight insomnia

A balanced diet is an important condition for a good sleep. Including figs in your diet improves sleep quality. It contains the amino acid tryptophan, which helps the body produce melatonin, which makes you want to sleep.

In addition, figs are a rich source of magnesium. A lack of magnesium in the body causes stress and irritability, which leads to insomnia.

Treats boils and warts

You can apply fig paste directly to your skin to reduce various forms of inflammation, such as boils and acne. It was also discovered that figs help fight warts.

Makes the skin soft and supple

Figs contain large amounts of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps lighten and even out skin tone. Make a paste of five fig fruits. Add a teaspoon of oatmeal powder and milk and half a teaspoon of dry ginger powder. Mix well until smooth. Use this face mask twice a week to make your skin softer and smoother.

Improves hair condition

Figs are very popular in the hair care industry because its extracts are used to create amazing hair conditioners. These extracts provide moisture to the scalp and help untangle the hair by moisturizing it without making it heavier.

Promotes hair growth

Hair loss usually occurs due to a lack of proper nutrition. Figs contain nutrients that are good for hair, such as magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin E. The main nutrients present in this fruit stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, accelerating hair growth.

Calorie Figs

Figs are not a dietary product or the main character of a mono-diet, but can be an excellent healthy snack without harm to the figure. So, 100 grams of fresh figs contain only 74 calories, and 100 grams of dried figs contain 257.

How to include figs in your diet?

Figs are incredibly juicy and sweet, have chewing flesh and crispy seeds. It is consumed both raw and dried. Fresh figs are more nutritious than their dry counterparts, so try to use it. Sweet and juicy figs can be enjoyed without any additives.

Dried figs are convenient for traveling. With it you can make sandwiches, add to salads and serve with cheese.

Another option is salad dressing. Grind the figs in a blender, mix it with balsamic vinegar and olive oil to prepare a healthy and fragrant homemade salad dressing.

Dried figs have a much higher sugar content than fresh ones, so you can grind it and add it to desserts and other sweet dishes.

Fresh figs are a great addition to salads, cakes and ice cream.

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