
Grippferon and Anaferon, the choice of drug

Which medicine can be preferred by a doctor based on the patient’s condition. The only thing that can serve as a priority in choosing one of the drugs is the form of release.

It will be convenient for someone to use drops, spray, others will prefer tablets. The big plus is that drops can be used anytime. As for the tablets, if you do not take them within 24 hours, then their further use will not be effective.

Today, cases of acute respiratory viral infections have become common . They can get sick even in summer, just eat cold ice cream. And the period of cold weather is more dangerous, it is worth being extremely careful, not to be in the cold for a long time, and also not to be among infected patients.

Do not forget about the prevention of viral diseases, take drugs that will prevent infection or alleviate the symptoms of the disease, with immediate use of the drug for 24 hours.

“Grippferon”: description, method of use and contraindications

Grippferon is a clear solution that comes in the form of a nasal spray, drops and ointments. Contains human recombinant interferon alfa-2b, which is the main substance in the composition of the drug, which has an immunomodulating effect.


Grippferon has an antiviral property, due to which a mechanical defense is formed in uninfected cells that prevents the spread of the virus. Infected cells are removed from the body by special cells produced by interferon.

Antiviral protection is enhanced by increased phagocytosis, the expression of histocompatibility antigens, and bone marrow cell separation.

Grippferon has no analogues. It is highly effective and prevents the spread of viral diseases. Safe to use, not addictive. Thanks to the universal form of release, pregnant and lactating women, as well as newborn children, are allowed to use.

Indication for use is the treatment of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections in children and adults, as well as prevention.

There are no contraindications to the use of the drug, however, individual intolerance to the component that is part of the drug may occur, as well as a severe degree of allergic disease.

The drug has no side effects, but it should not be used in conjunction with other intranasal drugs, as this can cause dryness of the nasal mucosa.

The method of application and the number of injections is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the age of the child. Adults are recommended to spray 5 times a day in three doses.

As for prevention, one injection 2 times a day is enough .

It is released without a doctor’s prescription. It should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 8 degrees. Shelf life 2 years, after opening, store no longer than 30 days.

“Anaferon”: description, method of use and contraindications

Anaferon is an immunomodulator that contains antibodies to human affinity gamma interferon purified. It is in the form of lozenges, labeled “anaferon” and drops.


It has an antiviral effect against infections such as rotavirus, enterovirus, tick-borne encephalitis virus, adenovirus, etc. It stimulates the immune system at the humoral and cellular levels.

It enhances the activity of phagocytes, increases the production of antibodies, and has antimutagenic properties.

Anaferon is classified as a homeopathic remedy because of the content in it of substances that the manufacturer does not indicate in the annotation. It also contains lactose, which is contraindicated in people with lactase deficiency.

Indication for the use of the drug is prevention, as well as the treatment of viral and bacterial infections, influenza, chronic viral diseases. In addition, Anaferon is used in conjunction with other drugs in the complex treatment of infections caused by herpes viruses, such as chicken pox, mononucleosis, genital herpes.

A contraindication to the use of Anaferon is the individual intolerance to the substance that is part of the drug.

There were no cases of side effects or overdose.

Dosage and administration is calculated according to a special scheme. On the first day of the disease, 8 tablets are used, the next days – 2 tablets three times a day. When combined with complex therapy, the drug should be taken 1 tablet once a day.

It is released without a doctor’s prescription, stored at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. Shelf life 3 years.

What are the similarities between Grippferon and Anaferon?

Both drugs are immunomodulators and are used for the prevention, treatment of acute respiratory viral diseases and flu.

Suppress the spread of the virus to healthy cells, prevent infection, relieve symptoms such as cough, runny nose, fever. They can interact with other drugs as well as with each other.

Reduce the risk of complications – pneumonia, bronchitis.

What are the differences between Grippferon and Anaferon?

The differences between these drugs are insignificant. Grippferon contains interferon, and Anaferon contains antibodies to interferon.

Interferon inhibits the spread of the virus to healthy cells, stimulates the immune system, contributing to a speedy recovery.

And with the use of Anaferon, an increase in the phagocytic activity of macrophages is noted.

Grippferon is used only for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, and Anaferon is involved in the treatment of diseases such as cytomegalovirus, herpes of various genesis, tick-borne encephalitis, rotavirus.

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