
Pyrantel and Nemozole, the choice of drug

To say accurately and objectively which drug is better is impossible. Each of them has its own characteristics. However, since Nemozol is effective against most types of parasitic worms and kills both larvae and adults, we can say that it is more effective.

For the treatment of nematodoses, both drugs are suitable. But if the patient is diagnosed with a different type of helminthic invasion, then it is better to take a second drug. Nemozole is also different in that it can be taken with mixed helminthic invasions.

In the case when the treatment is selected for a pregnant woman, a more gentle and safe medication is prescribed – Pirantel. It does not have such a strong toxic effect on the body. It was experimentally proved that the substance of pyrantel does not have a negative effect on the fetus. It can also be used to treat infants and young children, only you need to choose the form of the suspension, since it is easier for children to swallow it, and it tastes better. Children with diabetes should not take the suspension forms of both drugs, since they contain sucrose.

It is also worth noting that for the prevention of helminthic infestations (with frequent contact with the soil, work with wild and domestic animals, etc.), it is worth taking Pirantel. Nemozole is prescribed only if infection has already occurred, and analyzes have shown that parasitic worms are present in the body.

Pyrantel is able to slow down psychomotor reactions and affect the level of attention of a person. Therefore, it is better for patients whose activity requires increased reaction and attention, as well as those who drive a car, to choose another drug.

In no case should you carry out treatment yourself, this is fraught with the occurrence of side effects and complications. Only a doctor should prescribe the drug, especially with regard to the treatment of infants and young children.

With helminthic infestations, it is necessary to take special anthelmintic medicines that can kill the worms and remove them from the body. Effective drugs are Pirantel and Nemozol, each of them has its own characteristics and contraindications. In the article you can find out what differences they have and which one is better.


It is an anthelmintic, it has a destructive effect on parasites that affect the human body. The drug blocks neuromuscular transmission in helminth organisms, which leads to their death.


The active substance is pyrantel. Method of release – tablets and suspension for oral administration.

Indications for use:

  • Enterobiosis.
  • Ascaridosis.
  • Hookworm.
  • Necatorosis

The drug can not be used for individual intolerance to the components. It can be used during pregnancy, but only for strict indications.

With enterobiosis, treatment is necessary for all persons living with the infected.

It is made in Russia, India and Poland. Released by prescription.


Anthelmintic drug. It has a negative effect on the work of the intestinal tract of parasites, changes the course of biochemical processes in their organisms – disrupts the utilization of glucose by tissues, blocks the movement of organelles in muscle cells, which leads to the death of parasites.


The active substance is albendazole. Release form – suspension for oral administration, tablets, chewable tablets.

Indications for use:

  • Enterobiosis.
  • Ascaridosis.
  • Hookworm.
  • Necatorosis
  • Trichocephalosis.
  • Strongyloidosis.
  • Neurocysticercosis.
  • Echinococcosis.
  • Giardiasis
  • Toxocariasis.
  • Mixed helminthic infestations.

The tool can not be used for individual intolerance to the components, lesions of the retina, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Use with caution in diseases of the liver, impaired blood formation.

It is made in India. Released by prescription.


Both drugs have a similar healing effect – they have a negative effect on parasitic worms and contribute to their death. The release forms of the funds are also similar – a suspension for oral administration and tablets (Nemozole is available in the form of regular and chewable tablets).

Medicines are dispensed from pharmacies only according to a prescription, therefore, they won’t be able to just buy them. But still, you need to know about their differences, so as not to harm the body.

Preparations have various active ingredients. Pyrantel contains the same active substance, and Nemozol contains albendazole.

The effect of drugs on worms also varies. The first medication blocks neuromuscular transmission in helminth bodies, which leads to their complete paralysis and death, as they become unable to move, eat and multiply. The active substance Nemozole has a negative effect on the cells of the intestinal tract of parasites and changes the course of biochemical reactions in their organisms.

Despite a similar therapeutic effect, the indications for use of the funds are very different. Pyrantel kills only nematode worms, and Nemozol has a wider spectrum of action and is used to destroy many types of parasitic worms. In addition, the first remedy kills only mature individuals and is neutral with respect to the larvae, so the patient will have to undergo treatment with Pirantel 2 times to bring the worms to the end. And Nemozol is effective both against larvae and against mature worms, so a single course is enough for the patient.

If we compare the contraindications, then the first remedy has fewer. Pyrantel can not be used only if the patient has hypersensitivity to the active substance. Nemozole cannot be taken not only with hypersensitivity to albendazole, but also to benzimidazole derivatives, diseases of the ocular retina, during pregnancy.

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