
Tantum Verde and Miramistin, the choice of drug

Both medicines are allowed for use in children under three years of age. If the child is younger, then it is necessary to apply under the strict supervision of a doctor with an individual dosage calculation. The use of aerosol in this case is undesirable, so it is better to choose other forms of drugs.

The drugs in question are not interchangeable, since they have a different therapeutic effect, but can be taken at the same time as recommended by a doctor. Doing this yourself is unacceptable, otherwise you can provoke the appearance of unpleasant side reactions due to the double effect on one infection.

Diseases of the oral cavity, nasopharynx – a common phenomenon in the practice of many doctors. They can occur due to airborne infections, colds, hypothermia, and other causes. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antiseptic agents are used in the treatment of such phenomena. The drugs considered below have a complex effect.

Characteristic of the drug Tantum Verde

This tool has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic effect. The active component is benzidamine, which penetrates the cell membrane and damages important microbial structures, affecting the rate of their development.

Tantum Verde

Anesthetic effect occurs for about an hour and a half.

It is prescribed in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • Infectious lesions of the oral cavity.
  • Candidiasis stomatitis.
  • ENT diseases.
  • Deep damage to the posterior tissue.
  • Inflammation of the hyoid salivary gland.
  • Injuries to the jaw and face.

Available in the form of a solution for rinsing the mouth, spray, absorbable tablets. After application, you may experience a feeling of dryness, tingling, numbness. If a rash appears, then the drug should be discontinued, as this indicates an allergic reaction.

The characteristics of the drug Miramistin

It contains the same active component that affects the outer shell of pathogenic microorganisms, microbes, which leads to their complete destruction. In addition to antibacterial effects, tissue regeneration is stimulated, existing injuries in the affected area are healed, immunity reactions are activated, and the inflammatory process is removed.


This tool adversely affects the following microorganisms:

  • Staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci.
  • Klebsiella.
  • E. coli.
  • Pathogenic fungi.
  • The causative agents of sexually transmitted infections – chlamydia, ureaplasma, syphilis.

Indications for use of this drug are:

  1. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract – inflammation of the ear, mucous membrane of the larynx, pharynx, palatine tonsils.
  2. Inflammatory processes of the gums and mouth – stomatitis, periodontitis.
  3. Prevention of complications after operations and dental operations.
  4. Treatment of wounds, burns, pressure sores, diaper rash and other parts of the skin.
  5. Purulent inflammatory processes in the musculoskeletal system and mucous membranes.
  6. Prevention of sexually transmitted infections through unprotected sex.
  7. Pathologies of the female reproductive system, genital injury.
  8. Urethra inflammation.
  9. Hygienic manipulations of the oral cavity, dental implants.

Available in the form of a solution and ointment. After application, a slight burning sensation may occur, which disappears after a few seconds.

It is not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance, as well as for children under three years of age. Pregnant and lactating women should be used with caution.

What are the similar means

In addition to general indications for use, the agents are similar to the specifics of the action : the presence of an antiseptic property, side effects – the occurrence of a burning sensation, safety in use during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under three years of age.

Comparison, differences, what and for whom is better

The difference between the two drugs is expressed in the current mechanism, manufactured form, spectrum of application in different medical fields. Both remedies have their own advantages, which determine the preferred choice in favor of this or that remedy for different symptoms.

Tantum Verde is less active in antiseptic effect, but has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic property, reduces fever, swelling. It is prescribed for severe pain in an inflamed cavity, viral infections. All three types of drug release are convenient in treating the oral cavity and throat diseases. The active component is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the inflamed area of ​​the mucosa.

Miramistin has the most extensive area of ​​activity and increased activity against microbes. It is used in various directions of medical practice, therefore, it acts as a universal means of a first-aid kit. In addition, this medication enhances the activity of other drugs against fungus and bacteria. Miramistin is recommended to treat the surface with bacterial and microbacterial infections, including sexually transmitted infections. It acts on the cause of the lesion superficially, without absorption into the skin, inhibiting the vital activity of infections in the applied area.

The use of aerosols, solutions, tablets is a method of local action on the affected focus. For the best effect of eliminating the pathology, both adults and children, complex therapy is required, an individual scheme of which a medical professional is engaged in.

Miramistin and Tantum Verde are only part of the treatment. If after their independent use the symptoms do not recede for more than a week, or become even stronger, then you must immediately go to the hospital.

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