
Polygynax and Pimafucin, the choice of drug

In this comparison, there is no obvious winner. But Pimafucin still has some advantage. Several forms of its release contribute to an increase in the number of recommendations for use. The medication does not adversely affect the development of the fetus, which allows women to use candles during the entire period of pregnancy.

Despite the fact that Candida fungi never succeed in providing a worthy resistance to Polygynax, as a result of which it is very effective in relapsing the disease, the medicine nevertheless has a greater negative effect. In many cases, repeated use of the drug is required, which leads to side effects and the replacement of the drug with another.

In the treatment of fungal diseases, various medicines are prescribed in the form of tablets, ointments or creams. Most often, the doctor recommends one form, but in severe cases, a combined version is used. Often, Polygynax and Pimafucin act as therapeutic agents for diseases of this kind.

Main characteristics of Polygynax

This is a quality drug aimed at combating the manifestation of dangerous bacteria and fungal diseases. It is widely used in gynecology. Its active component, nystatin, fights well with the fungi of the Candida family, therefore it copes with thrush very effectively. The medicine has a beneficial effect on the suppression of trophic processes that occur in the vagina.


Capsules of the drug are intended for the treatment of pathologies of an inflammatory and infectious nature, if they are caused by microorganisms sensitive to the agent. It can be used with the fungal form of vaginitis, for the prevention of infectious complications in the final period before childbirth and before surgical interventions of a gynecological nature.

The medication is injected into the vagina. It is optimal if the patient is lying on her back. After the administration of the capsule, it is necessary to lie down for about another quarter hour. The usual daily dose is two suppositories.


The drug is available in the form of candles (capsules), tablets and cream. Each option contains trace elements that can inhibit the effects on the body of yeast and dermatophytes.


Vaginal suppositories are intended to treat candidiasis. Tablets are indicated for use in various fungal manifestations and inflammatory processes in the genitals of men and women. The cream is prescribed for candidiasis of nails and inflammation of the external female genital organs. Capsules are recommended if fungal genital infections occur.

Most often, patients have to use Pimafucin cream and tablets. The cream is applied externally with a thin layer to the lesion site. The skin is treated 1 or 2 times a day, with candidiasis of the nails, this procedure is performed 4 times. Pills are taken 4 times a day, one at a time, the dosage frequency of tablets for a child is halved.

What is common between drugs

When comparing two drugs between them, the following general functions and characteristics can be distinguished:

  • Both drugs, Polygynax and Pimafucin, are designed to provide antifungal effects.
  • The use of drugs is most common with the occurrence of gynecological diseases, especially with various forms of vaginitis.
  • Among the general contraindications, individual sensitivity to the substances that make up the preparations is noted .
  • Both drugs can have the same side effect : topical application may cause itching or burning. When these signs appear, you must inform your doctor.
  • The duration of standard treatment with each medicine is approximately the same and is 7-12 days.
  • There were no cases of overdose when using any of the medications. Theoretically, an overdose can only lead to side effects.
  • The storage conditions for the drugs are identical – at the maximum possible temperature of 25 ° C. Shelf life is also the same and is 24 months from the date of manufacture.
  • Sexual contacts in the treatment of the vagina are not prohibited for women in each case of use.
  • There is a common analogue: an inexpensive domestic drug Nystatin.
What is the difference between medicines

Despite the large number of common points, each medicine has certain features that allow you to form a group of differences between them:

  1. Release form. Polygynax is available only in the form of vaginal suppositories, while Pimafucin is also produced in the form of cream and tablets.
  2. The first medicine is indicated for use only in gynecological diseases, while the second, in addition to treating diseases of the genital organs, can affect the manifestations of fungal infections in the oral cavity, on the nails, skin integument, and in the external auditory canals.
  3. Among the contraindications, Poliginax has an individual feature: it is not recommended for women in the first 3 months of pregnancy and young mothers during breastfeeding.
  4. Medicines have various side effects. Pimafucin tablets in the initial period of therapy can cause nausea or diarrhea (in the future, these manifestations disappear on their own). Polygynax suppositories can provoke allergic reactions and irritations in the vagina, including allergic eczema.
  5. A woman who is treated with Pimafucin suppositories should suspend therapy when menstruation occurs; there is no need to take a break when treating the second drug under consideration with suppositories .
  6. During the course of treatment with Polygynax during sexual contact, the use of barrier contraceptives is not recommended. treatment with the second remedy involves the use of means to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  7. Pimafucin is allowed to be used by newborns.

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