
Angiovit or Femibion, the choice of drug

At first glance, it seems that Angiovit and Femibion ​​are extremely similar – of course, because their compositions, among other things, include a complex of vitamin B and folic acid. In fact, this is far from the case, because Angiovit is a drug oriented also to the vascular system, while Femibion ​​has nothing to do with them at all.

It also happens that both drugs are prescribed by a specialist. This happens if there were cases of a heart attack, stroke in the mother or some genetic abnormalities such as heart disease and so on were observed.

Each mother takes care of her child’s health, because it is children who are the most important part of a person’s life, its continuation. But when do you need to do this? And how to do it right? In an ideal perspective, every caring mother should take care of her baby’s health during pregnancy, and even better before conception. For this, vitamins and various medicinal complexes are prescribed. Sometimes it is their lack that leads to deviations in the development of the fetus.

Special vitamins should be prescribed by a specialist who examines you. Do not self-medicate and drink everything in a row – this can lead to unpleasant consequences. However, it happens that vitamins are not enough and then an additional drug complex is prescribed. Most often prescribed Angiovit and Femibion. But which one is better?


Angiovit is a drug that has many useful properties, including vitamins of the B-6, B-9, and B-12 groups. Angiovitis affects metabolism, protects blood vessels and restores the nervous system, strengthening it. Restoring the vitamin complex, this drug has a beneficial effect on the health of mother and child.


Taking the drug reduces the risk of abortion by 80 percent. The composition of the medicine contains such important components as folic acid and cyanocobalomin, which prevent the development of anemia and improve the development of blood cells. Each pack contains 60 tablets in blisters.

Most often, doctors recommend drinking one tablet a day, after breakfast, drinking it with water. Reception of tablets should be alternated as follows: month of administration, month of rest, and then repetition of the course. During pregnancy, you should definitely consult a specialist and he will select you an individual regimen for taking the medicine.

The drug has a few contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug complex.
  • The use of the drug along with other drugs that provoke high blood coagulation.

Angiovit is prescribed in such cases as:

  1. Previously, there was a premature termination of pregnancy.
  2. The presence of neural tube defects.
  3. Genetic predisposition to phytoplacental insufficiency.
  4. Prevention or treatment of cardiac pathologies resulting from a lack of homocysteine.

The average price of Angiovit is from 200 to 240 rubles. In addition, the medicine has several analogues: Vetaron, Hexavit and Bentofipen.


Femibion ​​is a drug that contains folic acid and metapholine. Its creators know that pregnancy is divided into trimesters, so they created two forms of the drug: Femibion-1 and Femibion-2. Each of them contains a complex of vitamin B. Its total amount does not exceed the norm for pregnant women 400 mcg. In addition to the similarities in the drugs, there are differences, but there are very few of them.


Femibion-1 is intended for pregnancy during the first twelve weeks, as well as at the planning stage. Also, when planning pregnancy, it is recommended for men, since the drug stimulates an increase in sperm viability. It contains such useful trace elements as: iodine, vitamin C, E and folic acid in an easily digestible form.

Femibion-2 is recommended to be taken from the beginning of the twelfth week until the termination of breastfeeding. It contains Vitamin E, DHA and Omega-3. They reduce the risk of premature birth, the formation of blood clots in the placenta and reduces the risk of deviations to a minimum.

There is a difference between the two drugs. It consists in the amount of nutrients and in some different elements. That is why the first and second parts must follow each other.

What’s better? And for whom?

As already described above – Angiovit is mainly responsible for the vessels and heart, and therefore, if there have never been problems with them, and you do not enter the risk zone, it is worth drinking Femibion. Why? Because Femibion ​​has a huge advantage over other vitamin complexes – there is iodine. Accordingly, it is not necessary to use it additionally.

In addition to iodine, Femibion ​​contains vitamins:

  • B1: Improves carbohydrate metabolism.
  • B2: Synthesis of other vitamins and the breakdown of amino acids.
  • B5: Accelerates the metabolism.
  • B6: Positive effect on protein metabolism.
  • Q12: Your nerves will be fine precisely because of him. It also contributes to the process of hematopoiesis.
  • Vitamins C and E: Protection against infections and aging. Improved absorption of iron.
  • N: Protects from stretch marks.
  • PP: Activates the protective mechanisms of the skin.

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