
Tavegil and Tsetrin, the choice of drug

Children are preferably given Tavegil syrup. A solution of Tavegil in ampoules will quickly act in life-threatening conditions – anaphylactic shock, laryngeal edema. Injections are also prescribed for people who, for whatever reason, cannot swallow tablets.

Tsetrin is convenient to use for adults when you need a long-term intake of an antiallergic agent. It has no inhibitory effect on the nervous system; it is recommended for drivers and operators of cars that require concentration.

The warm season is replete not only with bright colors and pleasant impressions, but also with a wide range of clinical manifestations of allergies. The spring-summer season increases the demand for anti-allergic drugs in pharmacies. New tools are developed annually, by now there are already three generations of this group. Consider the representatives of the first and second generation: Tavegil and Tsetrin.

Indications for use are similar in both drugs:

  • Seasonal allergies, hay fever, accompanied by discharge from the nose, swelling of the nasal mucosa, conjunctiva, sneezing, lacrimation.
  • An allergic reaction to insect bites.
  • Hives.
  • Allergic dermatitis.
Tavegil – an experienced assistant

Doctors anywhere in the world know this medicine under the international name Clemastine. Tavegil is a brand of the Swiss company Novartis, European origin obliges to comply with strict quality standards. It requires taking twice a day, regardless of the form of release, of which there are only three: tablets, syrup and ampoules with a solution.


The action of tablets and syrup reaches a maximum after 2-3 hours after use, the effect of the injection form develops 15–20 minutes after intravenous or intramuscular administration. Passing through the liver, clemastine is exposed to enzymes, inactive, excreted in the urine.

Tsetrin – an exotic guest

Delivered by rapidly gaining momentum in Indian pharmaceutical manufacturing, Dr. Reddy’s. The international name is cetirizine. Presents tablets with an active substance content of 10 mg. The action of the drug begins 20-60 minutes after administration, lasts for a day, so no more than one tablet is drunk daily.


Cetirizine in the body does not accumulate, practically does not change, with the exception of a small percentage processed by the liver. It is excreted by the kidneys, therefore, the therapeutic dose for renal failure needs correction.

Tavegil and Tsetrin – what unites them

The main similarity is belonging to the group of antihistamines. Histamine is an important mediator of a number of physiological processes of the body, but at the same time, the culprit of most of the symptoms that appear with allergies. Nasal congestion, sneezing, skin itching are caused by a powerful release of histamine into the blood when an allergen enters. Tavegil and Cetrin in their chemical structure resemble histamine. After entering the body, they are distributed by receptors (sections of the cell membrane) intended for histamine, preventing it from triggering a cascade of an allergic reaction.

Both drugs are able to cross the placenta, so pregnant women should avoid the use of these drugs. Nursing mothers can relieve allergy symptoms by using clemastine and cetirizine, but with caution.

You can not prescribe these medicines to babies up to a year. From year to 6 years – only as a last resort, if there is no alternative. Reception is allowed to older children, strictly following the instructions, without exceeding the daily dose.

The main differences

Tavegil was synthesized for a long time, belongs to the first generation, Cetrin belongs to the next generation of the antihistamine group, hence the differences:

  1. First-generation drugs are known for their ability to dissolve in fats, so they easily overcome the barrier between blood and the brain. This property causes a depressing effect on the nervous system with the appearance of drowsiness, weakening of attention and concentration. In cetirizine, this effect is less pronounced.
  2. Tavegil molecules can bind not only to histamine receptors, but also to some others. Blocking receptors leads to the occurrence of effects such as delayed stool, dry mouth and nose, impaired vision, heart rate. Anesthetists skillfully use these effects, using clemastine in preparing the patient for anesthesia. Cetirizine is more easily tolerated.
  3. Cetirizine penetrates very well into the skin, so with allergic reactions with a predominance of itching it will help better.
  4. The injection form of release of Tavegil is indispensable in acute conditions – anaphylaxis, angioedema. Syrup is more convenient to give to children under 12 years old. Cetrin tablets are more suitable for adolescents, adults with chronic allergies.
  5. Tavegil tablets cost an order of magnitude more than a package of Cetrin with the same number of tablets.
  6. The treatment regimen provides for a single dose of cetirizine daily, clemastine should be drunk (or injected) twice a day.

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