
Valz and Valz N, drug choice

Both of the described drugs have proven to be good remedies for high blood pressure. However, Valz N also has a pronounced diuretic effect. In addition, its scope is wider.

But at the same time, the price of this tool is slightly higher. Which specific drug to choose should be decided only by the attending physician taking into account the individual physiological parameters of the patient. There are no significant differences between these drugs, so it is difficult to recommend one thing.

Moreover, situations are not uncommon when Valz helped someone excellently, and for another patient positive dynamics did not create this remedy. In this case, the attending physician may recommend Valz N.

Despite the fact that the names of the drugs Valz and Valz N are almost identical, they have a number of differences. That is why the indications for use, the dosage regimen and some contraindications are different.


This product is marketed exclusively in tablet form. It is prescribed for people with various ailments of the cardiovascular system.


The list of indications includes:

  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Chronic heart failure.
  • Therapy to increase survival after myocardial infarction.

The central place in the composition of the drug is valsartan (320 mg). Also, each tablet contains a number of additional components that serve to facilitate the absorption of the drug by the body.

You can not take Valz in the presence of renal failure, in childhood, with impaired liver function, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation. The list of contraindications includes such diseases as:

  • Cholestasis.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Type II diabetes mellitus.
  • Biliary cirrhosis.
  • Impaired renal function on a Child-Pugh scale of 9.

You can not start treatment with this tool if there is intolerance to lactose, lactase, since lactose monohydrate is part of the tablets.

With arterial hypertension, the patient should take ¼ tablet daily. With myocardial infarction, the dose should be increased to 1 whole tablet per day. At the same time, the reception time does not matter. It also does not matter when was the last meal.

The duration of the course should be determined by the attending physician.

Valz N

Valz N is a drug of the same group as its “colleague” described above. However, the composition of this medicine is different. Also the main active ingredient here is valsartan (160 mg). However, a second strong component is still present – hydrochlorothiazide. This substance enhances the effect of valsartan on the body.

Valz N

The drug well reduces pressure, and the peak of its effect usually occurs at 4 weeks of admission.

Indication for use is arterial hypertension. You need to take Valz N 1 tablet 1 time per day with a large amount of water. Eating before this, or not, doesn’t matter. The duration of treatment with this agent should be determined by the doctor.

Valz H cannot be used if there are the following diseases:

  • Violations of the liver and bile ducts.
  • Lupus erythematosus.
  • Hypokalemia and hyponatremia.
  • Anuria
  • Renal failure.

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Drug similarities

Both tools described above have the same direction of action. The doctor prescribes Valz and Valz N for the treatment of high blood pressure.

These drugs are sold in tablet form, having the same dosage regimen.

Valz and Valz N can not be used to treat persons under the age of 18 years, as well as women during lactation and gestation.

These drugs are quite heavy, so they can not be purchased over-the-counter. During the period of taking these medicines, you need to refrain from engaging in activities that require an increased concentration of attention.

During treatment with both drugs, control of lithium ions in the body should be performed.

The duration of the course of taking Valz and Valz N should not exceed 4 weeks. The average duration of such treatment is 14 days. A repeat of the course should also be prescribed by the doctor.

Comparison and differences

Despite many similar parameters, Valz N has, in addition to valsartan, hydrochlorothiazide. Although Valz is a strong drug, he still has a slightly narrower direction of exposure.
Due to the presence of hydrochlorothiazide, Valz H has a wider spectrum of effects. For example, it is also an excellent diuretic. By the way, in some cases, it can be used for damage to the renal system of moderate degree. Valz should not be used for any kidney disease.

Pills differ externally. Valz H has an engraving B and N along the edge of the tablet. Valz has only special “risks” on the edge.

The cost of these medicines is also different. The price of Valz starts at 307 rubles, and Valz N starts at 390 and higher.

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