Violations of blood flow in spasm or pinched blood vessels, and surrounding nerves – natural pathological process in diseases of the neck. Drugs that improve cerebral blood flow in cervical osteochondrosis are required in all cases of diagnosis. The sooner a patient starts treatment, the less impact will have the disease.
It should be remembered that in the absence of treatment process will progress. Blood stasis, malnutrition, and other problems borne by poor brain blood circulation, will lead to the destruction of cells, deterioration in the power of the brain and other dangerous consequences.
The symptoms of impaired circulation
Low back pain is accompanied by problems with blood flow at all stages.
And to suspect them from the very beginning of the disease is possible according to certain criteria:
- the patient regularly experiences headaches, located in one part of the skull, over time, they intensify, develop into severe migraine headaches;
- almost all patients experience dizziness. As the progression of the disease, it can cause nausea;
- the neck appears swelling, feeling of heaviness in the head, over time, the symptoms are worse and can cause vomiting;
- because of irregularities in the vessels there is noise in the head;
- the patient experiences breathing difficulties;
- in severe cases, poor cerebral circulation, loss of consciousness, greatly increases the pressure in the arteries;
- some people lose the sensitivity of your extremities, temporary numbness occurs.
To prevent the development of symptoms severe stage of osteoarthritis, it is necessary to improve blood circulation in the brain.
Principles of treatment of poor circulation
To completely get rid of degenerative disc disease, as it causes irreversible destruction in the tissues. However, the combination therapy can slow the course of the disease for decades.
Course the medication helps to eliminate most of the pathological factors contributing to low back pain:
- drugs restore the functionality of the brain, improves oxygen supply and nutrients by improving blood circulation;
- medicines eliminate the inflammatory processes trigger the regeneration of damaged tissue;
- some groups of medicines normalize the composition of blood, diluting it, which affects the quality and speed of the blood flow;
- medications enhance the openings of blood vessels and increase the thickness of damaged areas;
- also used drugs, to prevent pressure surges.
Uncontrolled medications can lead to worsening of symptoms and emergence of new diseases, including drug dependent headaches. Often the abuse of drugs does not improve, but impairs cerebral blood flow.
Not steroid anti-inflammatory drugs
This group of drugs is used in cervical osteochondrosis to relieve pain syndromes. Usually medication is prescribed for advanced stages as in initial stages the disease does not cause such a noticeable discomfort. Drugs of this group cropped the activity of cyclooxygenase, which is responsible for the formation of painful symptoms.
Important! The most effective medicines of the NSAID group: “Ibuprofen”, “Indometacin”, “Diclofenac”.
The active substances used in these medicines for pain relief in cervical osteochondrosis, found in the medicines under different names. If you violate the instruction of the reception, it is possible to deal with the effect of habituation and the development of dependence from the medication.
From NSAIDs in each case there is a substantial list of contraindications and side effects that must be considered. If the pain is low, doctors recommend to replace these powerful medications popular recipes.
Tool combination
Combined with the means to improve cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis are used to address the task group. They regulate blood clotting, platelets stick together, expand blood vessels and stimulate the mind, removing lethargy, depression.
The use of combined drugs to improve cerebral circulation stimulates the elimination of free radicals and improves glucose uptake. Against this background, increases concentration, normalized memory function.
Important! Combination medications are not the medication, and the combination of different groups of drugs that do not contradict each other, and only strengthen the effectiveness of each tool.
Very often in the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease is used “Piracetam” and “Cinnarizine” in combination. Together they expand the blood vessels, accelerate blood flow in the periphery and are responsible for the synthesis of new cells in the damaged nervous tissues. Course reception means improves health and mood of patients with antidepressant properties. At the same time, there are no side effects of classical antidepressants.
Also as part of combination therapy use natural products that contain extracts and extracts of plants. Very often the amounts you can find a hood barvinky – grass contains alkaloids, reducing pain and improving blood circulation in the brain Department.
Ginkgo biloba is another useful herb that has virtually no side effects, it has powerful nootropic properties.
Antiplatelet agents
Drugs in this group directly affect the quality of blood circulation in cervical osteochondrosis, improves the patency of the vessels. They improve the condition of red blood cells and platelets, not allowing them to stick to the walls of blood vessels.
The most common antiplatelet agents are drugs on the basis of “Aspirin” and “Dipyridamole”. Diluting the blood means contribute to its easy access to the brain. However, the means, blood thinners, there are many contraindications and side effects.
Drugs with poor brain blood circulation are prescribed in the acute stage of cervical degenerative disc disease. They prevent congestion and swelling. Most often when the disease is “Mannitol” or “Furosemide”. “Mannitol” is most often used when swelling of the brain. A “Proceed” suitable for elimination of edema of any nature.
These drugs are used in cases when cervical osteochondrosis it is necessary to cause diuresis. Prescribed mostly in acute brain edema: “Britomar”, “Hydrochlorothiazide”, “Verospiron”.
Medicines of this group are shown to improve the condition of the nerves, as well as to eliminate harmful substances and mutating cells: vitamin E, “Mexidol”, “Neurox”.
A large group of drugs used to improve blood circulation in the brain in cervical osteochondrosis. They have a number of useful properties: help from strong psychological stress, prolonged pain, improve the condition of the nerve roots.
Antipsychotics inhibit the transmission of nerve signals, eliminating soreness for a long period of time. Most often used: “Glycine 3D” and “Novo-Passit”.
Other groups of drugs
When duration of current degenerative disc disease of the cervical used additional groups of medicines:
- The tranquilizers. Drugs do not directly affect the cerebral circulation, but they support the patient in a normal state, reducing stress and depression. Most often prescribed: “Afobazol”, “Fenozepam”.
- Medications from hypertension. Prescribe medication when the compressed artery, which stops the normal blood supply. With long-term preservation high pressure may cause edema. To cope with the problem will help: “Agents”, “Respryn”.
- Low molecular weight dextrans. These drugs are used to thin the blood. Most often prescribed: “Reopoliglyukin”, “Reoglumann”.
- Blockers of channels of calcium. Drugs are prescribed to relieve spasm of blood vessels. They also improve the condition of the neurons and prevent ischemic response. Assign: “Fezam”, “Cinnarizine”, “Stugeron”.
Venotonic. These funds are used to restore blood circulation, in particular the outflow of blood from the brain. Assign”, Phlebodia, Detralex”.
- Nootropics. Prescribed for cervical degenerative disc disease, if the patient has problems with speech, memory and cognition. Most often used: “Piracetam”, “Ceraxon”.
- Vitamins. Vitamin complexes normalize the condition of the entire body, improves nutrition and regeneration of nerve cells in osteochondrosis of the cervical. They prevent hypoxia. Often administered “Cytoflavin”, or “Milgamma”.
- Chondroprotectors. These drugs are needed to restore cartilage: “teraflex”, “Chondroitin”.
- Gistaminolitiki synthetic drugs. Assigned to eliminate vertigo and improve the condition of the vestibular system in patients. Usually with cervical osteochondrosis are used: “Betaserc”, “Vestib”, “Betahistine”.
- Vasoactive substance. Funds are used to improve circulation of the brain, osteochondrosis, as they have excellent vasodilating effect. This may be a “Tanakan”, or “Vazobral”, sometimes designated “reverse”.
The relevance of the use of other drugs is determined by a doctor. So, you can assign anti-inflammatory or antimicrobial agents, if parallel flows inflammation of ENT-organs. To eliminate diseases of the nerves located in your lower spine, are used other medicines.
Before you can improve cerebral blood flow in cervical osteochondrosis any drugs, you need to get expert advice. The following list of drugs is just an example of what medicines, doctors operate while improving the condition of the patient.
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