
How to relieve hiccups in a fetus

When you have completed all the necessary examinations, you will make sure that your baby is fine and you have absolutely no reason to panic, you should put up with his hiccups. Well, if it gives you, nevertheless, a strong discomfort, you can try to appease the “raging baby” with your own efforts.

Unfortunately, there are no specific universal methods for this. One women can help leisurely walk in the fresh air. Another is a change in posture or warming of the body, such as a warm blanket or tea. Some, when the child hiccups in the stomach, stand on all fours or, stroking the stomach, communicate with him.

Probably, one of the proposed methods will suit you, but if not, you will surely be able to come up with your own way to “pacify the kid”.

In any case, you do not need to worry prematurely, because this state will surely be transferred to your future baby. Better try to get joy from your condition and enjoy the peace, because after the birth of a child, you definitely will not have it.

With the onset of pregnancy, every woman experiences many sensations unfamiliar to her before. Some of them are very pleasant and give a lot of joy, while others, on the contrary, can be frightening and cause a feeling of panic. Starting from the second trimester, future moms feel the first movements of their crumbs.

However, sometimes they can be replaced by strange pushes completely different from the movements of the fetus and more reminiscent of rhythmic shudders. You should not be afraid of such manifestations – most likely, the future baby just hiccups. He can do this for a very short time, and maybe even for half an hour in a row. Some babies hiccup only a couple of times a week, while others hiccup several times a day.

Causes of hiccups in the fetus

Most future moms are alarmed by the fact that the baby hiccups in the womb. They have concerns that this may be a sign of any pathology or that when hiccupping the baby may assume the wrong position. However, such fears, as a rule, are completely unfounded.

Hiccup is a common  contraction of the diaphragm, which can occur as a result of swallowing too much amniotic fluid in a future baby. According to doctors, this reaction of the body of the baby suggests that it is sufficiently developed, and its nervous system is already so formed that it can control this process. Therefore, the hiccups in the fetus is a certain sign of health.

Moreover, it does not give the baby any discomfort, and according to some studies, on the contrary, reduces pressure on his organs and even calms him down. There is also a version among scientists that fetal hiccups are his attempts to inhale. At the same time, he uses the diaphragm, which, rhythmically contracting, creates a sound that strongly resembles the hiccups.

You can often hear the version that if a pussy often has hiccups in the stomach – this is a  sign of hypoxia  (lack of oxygen). However, to confirm this diagnosis, the presence of hiccups alone is not enough. This condition is usually accompanied by a distinct increase in the activity of the child, compared with the previous two weeks. A diagnosis is made only after research. Usually they include: Doppler ultrasound, heart rate measurement of the baby and its uterine activity.

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