
Diet constipation

Diet constipation. Description diet No. 3 and sample menu. Diet No. 3 we recommend that patients with chronic bowel disease in remission with the prevalence of the syndrome of violations of motor activity of the intestine, and also suffering from nutritional and other constipation.

Diet No. 3 contains a normal amount of protein (100-120 g), fats (100-120 g), carbohydrates (400-450 g), salt (15 g) and free liquid (1.5 l). Weight daily diet of 3 kg. Energy value of the diet is 3000-3500 calories a day. Eat 4-6 times a day.

In the diet include foods and dishes that enhance motor function of the intestine. Excluded – causing the decay and fermentation, stimulating the secretory function of the stomach, pancreas, has a negative impact on the function of the liver and biliary tract.

Food is unground. Cook it for a couple. Consumed in boiled or baked form. Vegetables and fruits provide the raw. Temperature of cold food is not below 15, hot – not above 62°C.

While diet No. 3 resolved:
  • bread from wheat flour, in a limited number of nesdobnoe test pies (meat, apples, jam);
  • soups on weak meat and fish broths, vegetable broths, borsches, beetroot soup, fruit soups;
  • lean meats (beef, veal), poultry (chicken, Turkey) and fish (perch, bream, cod, pike, hake, carp) a piece or in a chopped look, boiled, baked. Doctoral sausage, lean ham;
  • beets, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, boiled, in salads, side dishes, casseroles. With good portability – cabbage, green peas, green beans boiled;
  • friable porridge made of buckwheat and millet groats, boiled in water with milk;
  • the soft-boiled egg, steam omelets, protein omelets, in dishes;
  • acidophilus, yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt, fresh cheese (in puddings, cheesecakes), mild cheese, milk (in dishes), sour cream, sour (dishes);
  • ripe fruits and berries in large quantities (raw, in dishes and juices). Dried fruits and berries (prunes, apricots, dried apricots, raisins) in various species. Jam, jam, jam, sugar, honey. Parsley, dill, celery, cloves, a small amount of Bay leaf. White sauce, fruit sauce;
  • tea, broth hips;
  • butter (in dish). If well tolerated, permitted vegetable fats;
  • salads of raw vegetables and vinaigrettes from vegetable oil, vegetable caviar, fruit salads, mild cheese, ham, herring, meat and fish aspic;
  • tea, coffee substitutes. Broth hips and wheat bran, fruit and vegetable juices (plums, apricots, carrots, tomatoes, etc.).
While diet No. 3 are excluded:
  • bread and flour products from flour varieties, pastry, pureed porridge, jelly, cocoa, chocolate, strong tea and coffee, mushroom, onion, garlic, radish, radish, turnips, cooking fats, lamb, beef, and pork fat;
  • oily and spicy food, smoked products;
  • honey, jam, jelly, candy, milk caramel;
  • spicy and fatty sauces, horseradish, mustard, pepper.
Diet No. 3. The approximate seven-day menu

1-y Breakfast. The soft-boiled egg, steamed vegetables with butter, tea with lemon.

Potatoes in milk

200 g potatoes, 75 ml of milk, 5 g butter, 4 g of dill.

Peeled potatoes cut into large cubes and put in boiling salted water for 5 minutes Then drain the water and potatoes pour the hot milk and cook until ready on low heat, being careful it doesn’t burn. In the finished dish to put the butter and sprinkle with chopped greens.

2-nd Breakfast. Fruit jelly.

Jelly of currants

30 g currants, 15 g sugar, 3 g gelatin, 100 ml of water.

Berries to sort, wash and mash with a wooden pestle in a nonoxidizing pan. Then pour a little boiling water and squeeze the juice. To put it in the cold. Pulp pour hot water, boil for 5-7 minutes and drain. Broth bring to a boil. Add sugar, remove the foam and enter prepared gelatin (pour it with cold boiled water, leave to swell for 30-40 minutes, then drain the water). Give the gelatin to melt while stirring (do not boil), pour the extracted juice, stir, pour into molds and allow to harden (1-2 hours).

Lunch. Green soup, steam meat loaf with crumbly buckwheat porridge and butter, tea.

Green soup

300 ml vegetable stock, 60 g beets 20 g carrots 20 g, white roots 10 g tomato paste, 20 g onion, 10 g butter, 40 g potatoes, 40 g, sorrel 40 g spinach 5 g wheat flour 5 g sugar, 1/2 eggs, 15 g sour cream.

Beets, carrots and white roots chop it into strips and stew with the addition of a small amount of broth. Then enter the browned vegetables to the onion and tomato paste. In the boiling bull he omitted the sliced potatoes through, about 15 minutes, steamed vegetables, shredded sorrel and spinach (other leafy greens: leafy tops of young beet, vegetable quinoa). To bring everything to a boil, season warmed up with butter and diluted with broth, flour, salt and sugar. When serving in a bowl place the hard-boiled egg, sour cream and greens.

Roll meat steam

60 g lean beef mince 10 ml of milk, 3 egg whites, 25 g carrots, 5 g butter, salt.

In minced meat add the milk, egg whites, salt and knead well. The resulting mass is put a thin layer on the moistened cloth. On the middle put the chopped carrots and roll the sausage meat into a roll. To shift with tissue or cloth on a baking sheet and cook for a couple. When serving, pour oil or sauce.

Tea from leaves and flowers of Linden

1 teaspoon leaves and flowers of lime, 1 teaspoon of black tea.

To the kettle add the leaves and flowers of Linden tea and pour boiling water. Let stand 15 min.

Dinner. Fish boiled, mashed potatoes, tea.

For the night. A Cup of yogurt.


1-y Breakfast. Green salad with sour cream, scrambled eggs with cheese, tea with milk.

2-nd Breakfast. Fresh fruit.

Lunch. Vegetarian soup with sour cream, boiled chicken with mashed potatoes and squash caviar, tomato juice.

Soup vegetarian

100 g white cabbage, 50 g potato 50 g carrot, 30 g tomatoes, 20 g onion, 25 g of sour cream.

Cabbage finely chop. The rest of the vegetables cleaned and chopped, but large cubes. In boiling water put vegetables and cook until tender. Before serving in the soup add sour cream.

Dinner. Souffle beetroot with curd steam, cranberry jelly with milk (cream).

Souffle beetroot with curd steam

150 g of beet, 30 g cheese, 15 g of semolina, 10 ml of milk, 10 g butter, 1/4 eggs, 1/2 protein.

Baked (or boiled) beets, peel and grate on a fine grater. Then pour the milk, put some of the oil, and heat all together on low heat and pour the semolina; stir, boil it until soft. Mixture to cool, mix with ricotta, egg yolk, and then enter whipped in a solid foam protein. Gently knead the mass from the bottom up and put in a greased form. Cook for a couple. Serve with fruit sauce or sour cream.

Cranberry jelly with milk (cream)

100 g of cranberry, 120 g sugar, 60 g starch, 500 ml of milk (or 350 ml cream), 800 ml of water, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Berries to sort and rinse well. Then crush them, squeeze the juice, pour it in a non-oxidizing dish and cover with a lid, refrigerate. The pulp is put in a pot, pour hot water and boil for 4-6 minutes, then strain through a fine sieve. In the prepared broth, add sugar, heat again to boiling and to remove from the surface of the foam. Starch pour into a separate dish, dissolve a small quantity of cold potable water and drain. Then pour it into the hot berry syrup, stirring constantly after which the jelly bring to the boil and add cranberry juice. Cool, mix with milk (or cream). Thick cranberry jelly cook as well, increasing the rate of starch and cooking time (3-4 min). Jelly pour into molds, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cool. To thick Kisel milk (or cream) to file separately. Whipped cream can be spread on the pudding slide.

For the night. A glass of buttermilk.


1-y Breakfast. Boiled sausages with vegetable salad, tea with sage.

Salad with carrots and coriander

4 large carrots, 2 stalks of celery, 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro.

For the filling: 1 tbsp sesame oil, 1 1/2 teaspoons rice vinegar, 1 teaspoon sugar and salt.

Carrots cut in the shape of flowers to make the entire length a few grooves, then cut into thin rings using grater-slicer. Chop the celery cubes. Stir carrots, celery and cilantro. Of the listed components make a dressing. Pour it over the vegetables, put them in a bowl and serve.

The sage tea

1/4 teaspoon dried sage leaves, 1 tbsp black loose tea, 1 liter of water.

Tea, covered in a pre-warmed teapot, pour hot water, removed from heat for a moment until boiling. Obtained welding to withstand 1 min. in a closed cover the kettle, and then add the remaining water. After 3-4 min the tea pour into a porcelain Cup.

2-nd Breakfast. Broth hips.

Lunch. Fish soup, roasted rabbit with crumbly buckwheat compote from fresh apples.

Soup of pike (or walleye)

1 1/2 kg fish, 3 potatoes, 2 onions, 1 carrot, 1/2 Cup flour, 1 stick of celery, parsnip, parsley, 1 leek, 1 bunch of parsley and dill, 2 Bay leaves, 5 peppercorns, 1 tbsp vegetable oil.

Cook the broth of the roots, salt, pepper, Bay leaf and bouquet greenery. Strain it and cool. Pike (or walleye) to clean, put a whole in cooled broth, put it over high heat, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 15-20 min. Fine chopped onion fry in vegetable oil. Then add the flour, stir and fry it. Pour 400 ml of strained fish broth, stir, boil and strain. Boil potatoes, pour into soup bowl, add the dill.

Rabbit baked

200 g rabbit 25 g of sour cream (or 25 ml thick cream), 20 g onions, 15 g carrots.

Have prepared and cleaned the carcass of the rabbit to cut off the rear legs and backrest. Rabbit little salt, densely to grease with sour cream (or cream). Give it rest 10-15 minutes, then put on a greased baking sheet. To impose the carcass chopped into large pieces carrots and onions and bake in a hot oven until soft. The meat periodically pour released juice. Prepared rabbit cut into pieces and serve.

Dinner. Fish with boiled potatoes and butter, tea with jam.

Fish stew

150 g fillet of fresh fish, 5 g wheat flour, 20 g onion, 15 g butter ate, 15 g tomato paste, 10 g white roots, 10 g of carrots.

Clean the fish, wash and cut into portions. Put the pieces in a pan, pour a little water under the lid and bring to readiness. Roots, onions and carrots cut into sticks, fry them with oil, put tomato paste, dried flour and heat it, adding the liquid in which cooked fish. Sauce to cover the fish and boil for another 3-5 minutes.

For the night. A glass of yogurt.

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