Healthy human heart rate is 60-80 beats per minute. It changes with age from 130-140 infants to 55-65 in the elderly. Pulse below 55 is low for all age categories.
Some people have low pulse at normal pressure is the norm. But more often he points to the emergence of abnormalities in the body.
In medicine decrease heart rate 30-50 beats per minute are called bradycardia.
What does it mean?
In Greek language “Bradi” means slow and “kardia” – heart. Low heart rate is associated with cardiac arrhythmias. The pacemaker is the sinus node, or node of Keith-FLAC. It is a fragment of the heart muscle located in the mouth of the upper and lower hollow veins. In the node causes a wave of excitation that causes contraction of the muscles of the heart. At the same time it stimulates the birth of the next wave.
The heart has more staying in a self-oscillating mode, is located below the sinus node. Their rhythm pulsations slower. So the atrioventricular node pulses is 40-50 beats per minute. Fiber bundle branch block are reduced to the rhythm of 30-40 beats per minute, and the Purkinje fibers have a low ripple – 20 beats per minute. Normal sinoatrial node suppresses the other more frequent rhythm of pulsation. Violation of norms explains why under normal pressure is low pulse. The sinus node is called the pacemaker of the 1st order.
There are rare why the heart beats?
If for one reason or another, disrupted fibers of the node of Keith-FLAC (syndrome sick sinus) pacemaker 2-th order becomes the next node (atrioventricular).
Then reduced heart rate at normal pressure will be 40-50 beats per minute. If it gets corrupted, drivers will be the fiber bundle branch block. They will ask a weak pulse at normal pressure (30-40 beats per minute). The bundle branch block is a pacemaker, the 3-th order.
Disrupt sinus node can changes of sclerotic character in the myocardium (the middle portion of the heart muscle).
Indirect causes low heart rate under normal pressure can be the following factors:
- hypothermia;
- the influence of drugs, poisoning with harmful substances (nicotine, lead);
- starvation;
- infectious diseases (hepatitis, typhoid, meningitis, etc.);
- jump intracranial pressure;
- disruption of the endocrine or parasympathetic nervous systems.
People accustomed to high physical loads on a regular basis, the cardiac muscle adapted. So, professional athletes often have a normal heart rate during a long workout. At rest, the heart muscle relaxes and gives a low pulse at normal pressure. It is not a pathology and is not accompanied by uncomfortable sensations.
A sedentary lifestyle and sleep disorders cause fatigue, they can cause why is a low pulse at normal pressure.
The reasons for a low heartbeat with high blood pressure
Causes of high blood pressure and bradycardia is often not linked. Combining these characteristics clinical picture is observed in the coincidence factors causing an increase in pressure and decrease heart rate. The cause may be a sharp change in external conditions (temperature changes, immersion in cold water, atmospheric pressure, takeoff and landing). In the period of adaptation the body is a heartbeat failure and pressure surges. Nervous stress associated with change or other reasons, can also provoke crashes.
Usually increase in blood pressure is accompanied by palpitations. Only 10-15% of cases of hypertension accompanied by heart rate deceleration. If the low pulse is at normal pressure is an alarming sign, then slowing it in combination with elevated blood pressure is even more dangerous. The greater the pressure is higher than normal and the weaker the pulse, the more likely it is that the body has been a serious pathological disorder and the failure of regulation of cardiac rhythm. This requires a thorough medical examination. A sustainable combination of high pressure and low heart rate without any external causes leads to poor supply of blood to all organs of the body, can lead to coma and death. Patients noted that taking certain antihypertensive drugs leads to a low pulse.
How to raise?
Before you decide what to do with a rare pulse at normal pressure, you need to identify the cause of the symptom. With a slight decrease of the rhythm there is no danger. Low pulse rate (40 or fewer beats per minute) at normal pressure accompanied by cold sweat, dizziness and fainting, which means the onset of brain hypoxia. Fainting is particularly dangerous because of the risk of cardiac arrest.
If the pulse at normal pressure is very low and cannot be treated with drugs, you have to put a pacemaker. The indication for its installation is the rhythm of 38-40 beats per minute. From a sleeping man in the morning, the pulse may fall to a critical state, in this case, the pacemaker aktiviziruyutsya and increase the rhythm of heart muscle contraction.
According to the results of the examination the doctor will tell you how to raise low heart rate at normal pressure and will prescribe the necessary medication.
It can be such drugs:
- alupent, astmopent or orciprenaline (increase atrioventricular conduction and myocardial contractility);
- atropine (increases heart rate, improves low conduction in bundle branch block);
- aminophylline (oxygenates the blood, increases strength and heart rate);
- izadrin (improves low cardiac conduction and contractile activity of the myocardium).
Independently engage in medical treatment should not, because all drugs have an extensive list of contraindications and adverse reactions. If you select the wrong dose possible attacks of tachycardia.
How to improve at home?
Patients suffering from bradycardia, you should know how to raise low heart rate at normal pressure at home. For this you may use physical exercise and recipes of traditional medicine. All activities aimed at the stimulation of cardiac activity should be conducted after diagnosis and consultation with a cardiologist or physician.
In common parlance it has long been known how to improve a low pulse at normal pressure in an easily accessible way. For this you need to stick a mustard plaster on his chest. Their warming effect will cause the blood flow in the heart area and strengthen the heartbeat.
Another way is to pour in a hot bath of approximately 150 g of dry mustard powder, stir, and soak in the solution for 10-15 min. will Raise a low heart rate also bath with turpentine.
Recipes of traditional medicine tell you what to do if under normal pressure and low pulse occurs. Here are some of them:
- Napar 3 tbsp hips in 400 ml of water in a water bath for 15 minutes, add 3 tablespoons of honey. The decoction to drink 2 times a day half a Cup.
- Mix a pound of shelled walnuts, 1 Cup sesame oil and sugar. The mixture is consumed 3 times a day for 2 tablespoons. Alternatively, you can add the billet 4 sliced lemons, poured a liter of boiling water. Take 30 minutes before a meal.
- Squeezed from 5 lemons juice, blend with crushed cloves 5 cloves of garlic 400 g of honey. This mixture should be taken on an empty stomach in the amount of 2 tablespoons during the month;
- Half a radish cut to make a hole and put into it 1 teaspoon of honey. The next day, the resulting syrup can be drunk. One radish is obtained, the daily dose should be divided into 3 times.
- Pour the alcohol (300 ml) young shoots of pine and insist 1-1,5 weeks in the dark. Make in the form of drops (up to 20 for reception) not less than 3 times a day.
- Pour a glass of water 15 g of dry yarrow, napar 15 minutes in a water bath, to insist 1 hour. Take tincture 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
Consultation with a doctor of physical therapy also will tell you how to raise low heart rate at normal pressure. Recommended exercises:
- Alternate raising and lowering of straight legs.
- Intense compression and relaxation of the brushes.
- Turns and head tilts right and left.
- Exercise “scissors” (legs) to standing (lying).
It is advisable to perform exercises at a moderate pace several approaches till 10-15 movements.
Hiking, Jogging and swimming also increase a low heart rate and strengthen serdechny muscle.
What to do with reduced AD?
Causes of low heart rate with hypotension are often the same as at normal pressure what to do in this case should be decided by the doctor. If both measures are low, the danger to health increases, so the examination is necessary.
If you experience attack of weakness, dizziness, low heart rate, patients should measure blood pressure. If it is low, and the pills prescribed by the doctor is not at hand, it is necessary to drink a strong Cup of organic coffee or black tea. Also help extracts of ginseng, Eleutherococcus, massage the ear lobe, the compression-relaxation of the brushes. If the pulse is approaching 40 beats per minute, and the pressure below 90/60 mm Hg.St., then you should call emergency. In these figures disturbed blood supply to all organs of the body, fainting and possible coma.
Do I need treatment?
Rare causes of heart rate under normal pressure can be different, and the need of treatment depends on the diagnosis. Low heart rate in athletes at rest, in people in conditions of hypothermia and stress curing is not necessary. Sometimes it is enough to remove the causes of a low pulse.
If the cases of deceleration in heart rate occur regularly for no apparent reason, you should look for the source of the symptom and treat the disease is detected. High and low pressure with a weak pulse indicative of the disorder, requires the examination and subsequent treatment.
- Speaking about the reasons of low pulse at normal pressure and about what to do if it occurs, should first be noted that this symptom appears in the background of diseases of heart and vessels, endocrine and nervous systems. He is associated with the regime of exercises and physical activities, changing external conditions.
- If the low heart rate observed regularly without apparent external cause, especially if it is accompanied by irregular HELL, it is necessary to identify existing pathology and to treat it under medical supervision.
- The use of recipes of traditional medicine to enhance low pulse at home it is advisable to coordinate with the cardiologist or physician.
- With the aim of increased frequency of low pulse is applied moderate exercise, drinks and vitamin mixture drugs. In severe cases, a pacemaker.
- The drop in heart rate below 40 beats per minute can lead to death, so do not ignore the occurrence of a low pulse and to postpone the medical examination.