
Manifestations and therapy of the syndrome of “trench foot”

For the first time about this syndrome, the world learned during the First world war. The term “trench foot” has a connection with a long presence of soldiers in the conditions of the trenches.

Due to the very high humidity and the constant cold of the lower extremity soldiers could not dry out. In the end, they have developed the so-called “trench-foot”. Pathology is included in the group of seasonal diseases. Partprocess often diagnosed in spring and autumn.

Today the disease is typical not only for soldiers, but also representatives of other professions.

Such parties include:

  • anglers in winter conditions;
  • hikers;
  • climbers.

The syndrome of “trench foot” refers to frostbite of the feet, which are characterized by damage to the skin due to the prolonged stay in damp and cold conditions. The disease can occur at sub-zero temperature and at low positive. Another name for the disease “trench foot”.

Etiological information

The main cause of the disease is the effect of moisture on the skin of the feet. In cold and wet conditions there is formed microcirculation. As a result, himosareena stop is greatly reduced, which leads to the formation of the inflammatory response in the arterial vessels and nerve fibers feet.

The symptom of the disease manifests gradually. Signs of damage of the distal parts of lower extremities develop only through prolonged and systematic influence of cold and damp.

Are the stages of postprocess:

  1. Initial. Formed due to the impact on the feet for 10-15 days cold combined with high humidity. In certain embodiments (when the disorder remonabent feet) this period is reduced to seven days or less. Initial signs of development is characterized by pain and impaired sensitivity (paresthesia).
  2. Second. Characterized by the accession of the inflammatory process. Marked redness and swelling of the feet.
  3. Third. Inherent delamination of the surface layers of the skin and the formation of bubbles.
  4. Fourth. This stage is considered to be a heavy defeat of the foot. It is a deep necrotic processes. In certain cases, joins a secondary infection of the affected tissues, which contributes to the development of gangrene.

Often victims seek medical help at the initial stages of development of the pathological process. Only promptly initiated and appropriate treatment may lead to complete recovery.

The symptomatic manifestation

Described the syndrome at this stage there is rarely enough. But the cases are still recorded. With frostbite, the stop can face anyone, because everyone needs to know the pathology and methods of treatment with her.

In accordance with the stage of damage are the following clinical degrees:

  1. Easy. Characterized by the appearance of paresthesias. The victims, lowering of sensitivity in the foot, the sensation of “pins and needles” and burning. Paresthesias occur, accompanied by increasing discomfort. Due to pain is sleep disturbance and gait. The discomfort is especially pronounced in the phalangeal area, because the victim is trying to move weight to the heel region. This helps to cope with the pain sensation while you walk.
  2. Average. Corresponds to the second and third stages of postprocess. First of all, is the development of the inflammatory process. The skin of the feet become hyperemic and edematous. Pain oscsine during movement intensifitsiruetsa. At the points of contact of the foot with the inner surface of the Shoe formed bubbles. They are filled with a transparent serous or mixed with blood fluid. If you ignore this response and the victim continues to move, the opening blisters. As a consequence, the outcrop of the affected plane. This is extremely dangerous because at any time can join the wound surface infectious origin.
  3. Heavy. Characterized by complete cessation of himosareena that causes the development of necrotic process in the soft tissues of the foot. He is accompanied by a complete loss of sensitivity and the blackening of the feet. This phase is considered irreversible and requires urgent surgical intervention.

The syndrome of “trench foot” refers to severe pathological processes, the outcome of which may be ampulirovannye feet. To prevent such complications it is necessary to contact the surgeon immediately if initial symptoms of the disease.


Diagnosing diseases involves the collection of anamnestic information and complaints, and physical examination of the foot. Trauma pay attention to the color of the feet, sensitivity and pulsation of the vascular network. At the initial stage of the disease the foot is pale. Later develops redness of the limb, which is replaced by cyanations color. Arterial pulsation in the foot gradually disappears. In the third and fourth stages of postprocess it ceases completely to be determined.

Therapeutic tactics

Treatment and preventive actions are carried out by the patient. Medical help is needed in medium-severe degree of the disease. At the initial stage of therapy, therapeutic measures are the following: to warm and dry the lower limb and shoes.

It should be noted that massage the affected part may hurt, it is also desirable to attach the feet to the hot surfaces. It is permitted to use warm baths for the feet with the addition of a decoction of oak bark.

Medical aid in stationary conditions

In the case of pronounced pain and frustration of microcirculatory you need hospital treatment. With the aim of improving the condition shown procaine blockade. Additionally apply patrascioiu and anticoagulation medications (heparin, phentolamine, etc.). In severe lesions required surgical treatment of the wound surface. Deep tissue necrosis is an indication for amputirovannyy.

One thought on “Manifestations and therapy of the syndrome of “trench foot”

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