
Dangerous products, with a sick gastrointestinal tract

Try to eat natural foods that are easily broken down by gastric juice and drink more water. here it will tell about useful, but prohibited products for the period of exacerbation of the disease.

If you often feel stitching pains, observe bloating and bad breath – these are all true symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Do not close your eyes to malaise, it is better to consult a specialist and change your usual diet.

The simplest tips are to exclude dishes cooked in oil with the addition of salt and spices.

Pain in the stomach and intestines is not an accident, but a direct pattern of a diet violation

Rye bran

Husk from cores is useful for people who want to lose weight or suffer from constipation. The rest should not use bran: the shell of the grain is too stiff and causes irritation of the walls of the stomach and intestines. There are millions of neurons in the walls that quickly respond to irritation with a sense of pain.

Also, during treatment it is better to abandon cereals soaked in water – buckwheat and oats – along with pasta from durum wheat. Replace them with potatoes – the starch contained in it reduces acidity and soothes irritation, enveloping the walls of organs.

Solid fruits and berries

As long as your stomach suffers from high acidity, you should not risk it and eat apples with sour berries like cranberries or blackberries. Natural fruit acids contained in them stimulate the production of gastric juice – this is a biological reaction of the body to an acidic taste. The list also includes apricots, plums, nectarines, peaches, grapes and all citrus fruits – from oranges to lemons. Unfortunately, melon and watermelon should not be eaten either, especially with some bread, otherwise rapid intestinal fermentation is provided.

Fresh vegetables

Tomatoes contain organic acid, the shell of sweet pepper is quite hard and slowly breaks down in the stomach, and radish does cause heartburn. Fresh vegetables at the time of exacerbation should be replaced with steamed ones: broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower, potatoes, carrots – an ideal choice for a side dish. It is also better to abandon beets, Brussels sprouts and celery – they can also cause irritation.

Fat meat

A steak with a layer of fat is best left until better times. The fact is that the body spends 6-8 hours to digest food rich in micro and macro elements. All this time, your already damaged stomach and intestines will transform “heavy” food using chemical reactions. Replace meat with low-fat varieties of white fish or poultry – chicken or turkey is suitable. Drink protein foods with plenty of water so you do not eat dry food – this is also a risk factor for exacerbation.

As soon as the doctor diagnoses and cures you of the acute stage of the disease, add the above products to the diet in small portions. Pay attention to how you feel and exclude “objectionable” foods from the diet.

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